League Rules

League Rules

First, AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE; We are all out for a good evening any form of abuse to players or staff of the venue will not be tolerated and may result in not only the abuser but the whole team being removed from the league (see rules 23 and 24).

1.       There is no restriction on the number of County Players. However, there are concerns that this may lead to the creation of “super teams”.  The league will monitor the situation and may take action against individuals or teams attempting to create such.

2.       If BOTH Teams (playing each other) have opted to play Black Ball Rules they will play Black Ball Rules.  ALL OTHER matches will be played using our League Rules Both sets of Rules are available on our website The Alternate Thursday Pool League under the “Information” tab. 

2. Games must start at 20.30, at least three players from each team must be at the venue before 20.30 to pick their teams to ensure matches start on time. Games may continue after closing but only at the Landlord/Managers discretion. Games that run out of time must be continued at the original venue on a date and time agreed by the captains on the night.

3. If the visiting team is late (arriving after 20.30) the home team can claim 1 frame from 20:30 then 1 frame at 15-minute intervals until 21.00. At 21.00 they can, if they wish, claim the game 7-0.

4. Teams unable to field a team for a league match must forfeit the match and will automatically lose 7-0. You cannot rearrange league matches but in the spirit of the game please make every attempt to attend even if you haven’t got a full team. If you turn up with just one player you don’t have to forfeit. Under extreme circumstances and with a minimum 4 weeks notice to the committee, a proposal for rearrangement will be considered.

5. Any team unable to field a team for any match (League or Cup) must give 48 hours’ notice of forfeit. If you cannot contact the captain of the opposing team then you must inform your Div Rep or one of the committee members.  This must happen at least 48 hours before the match is due to be played so we can make a record and attempt to contact the captain ourselves.  

Failure to give notice will result in the team losing two points (for a League Match) and being fined £20.00 (fines will be used to reimburse venues for food).  At the end of each season the Committee will calculate fines, collect payments and reimburse venues where necessary.

In the spirit of the game please make every attempt to attend even if you haven’t got a full team.

5a. Doubles & Singles matches must be played on or before the date published on the appropriate Draw.

Under extreme circumstances the Committee may allow matches to be played after the date published, but only if matches can be arranged within a week of the date published.

5b. Cup games must be played at the venue they have been drawn at.  In extreme circumstances captains can put in a request to the Committee to change the venue but the Committees decision will stand.  Captains are responsible for rearranging venues and must inform the original venue that the game will not be played there.  If teams change the venue without permission from the Committee, then both teams will be excluded from the competition.

6. League Matches should consist of 12 Single Frames; 3 points awarded for a Win, 1 Point awarded for a draw and No points for a Loss. Cup matches will initially consist of 12 Single Frames But, if at the end of the 12 Frames both Teams are on equal points a 13th deciding Frame will be played.

6a. If two teams are tied on points at the end of the season, then the following criteria will be used to determine the order for placement:

a)      Frame Difference

b)     Head-to-head frame difference

If the teams are still tied after reviewing these criteria a playoff will be required including a 13th frame decider.


7. All teams should use a standard 7’ x 4’ table with the space around it for all teams to use their own cues.  All games must be played using standard red & yellow pool balls and all venues must have a rest and, if possible, a spider for players to use.

8. All players with ‘captains rights’ are to ensure that the app is kept up to date and that all scores are submitted accurately.

11. All players can only be signed on to one team at a time even if the pub/club has 2 or more teams (one player one team).   If a player has transferred to another team he cannot be transferred back to any team previously played for in that season.

12. All pubs and clubs maintain the right to refuse entrance to players and/or teams at the Landlord/Manager's discretion.

13. Any player that is on pub watch cannot play at any venue that is in the pub watch scheme. Landlords/Managers for Pubs/Clubs not in the scheme will make the decision.

14. All disputes will be investigated by the Divisional Representatives (sub-committee) or Main Committee, impartiality will be maintained.

15. Any new team wishing to join the league will be subject to committee review and a decision for divisional placement will be made.

16. The minimum age for the league will be 16 years but some Pubs/Clubs may have set a 17/18-year-old limit.  Any young players wanting to play must carry photo ID showing their age.  No ID then they cannot play.  As a rule of thumb, prior to travelling, you should ask the Landlord/Manager of the venue you are visiting.

17. In the doubles knockout players from different teams may be paired but if either player is from a Div 1 – 3 Team they must play in the Div 1 -3 Competition.  A player may be substituted before any match has been played and only by a player who has not played in the earlier rounds.

18. The seasons will be played independently i.e. the results of the Winter Season will only have a bearing on the following Winter Season, the same with the Summer Seasons.

19. Any team that does not show up to play their match whether home or away on more than three occasions will not be allowed to sign on at their next attempt to join the league.  The team may reapply after what will be one season exclusion.

20. Any singles or doubles that fail to show up to play their matches without trying to rearrange their match will be excluded from competitions in the following Season. Extenuating circumstances will be considered.

22.Teams should make every effort to ensure their tables are level and have a presentable cloth (playing surface) for all matches.  If the league receives multiple complaints about table quality the venue involved will not be used as a neutral venue for any Cup, Singles or Doubles matches even if they have a team playing in any of the competitions.  

The Committee reserves the right to drop teams from the league if their venue fails to maintain their table to a good standard and the team fails to make alternate arrangements.  Complaints will be monitored and, if necessary, Divisional Representatives or Committee members will visit venues to check.

23. Misconduct

This is the list of penalties that will be imposed on teams by the league in the event of proven misconduct.

a. In the first case of proven misconduct the player/s involved will be excluded from playing for six weeks.

b. If a second case of proven misconduct occurs the player/s involved will be excluded for life. For clarification, players who are aggressive, abusive and who intimidate other players will have deemed to have caused a case of misconduct, also teams that flout the rules.  In the event of a case of proven violence then it may mean automatic and permanent expulsion from the league.  In extreme circumstances it could result in the whole team being excluded.  We all accept there will be light-hearted banter but please be respectful and tasteful with the banter.

24. In the case of proven internet abuse the Committee will now give out the following penalties.

a. In the first case of proven internet abuse the player/s involved will be excluded from playing for six weeks.

b. If a second case of proven internet abuse occurs the player/s involved will be excluded for life.

25. This is more of a request could all teams ensure that if their venue is used for a Cup, Singles or Doubles matches that the venue is aware that a game is taking place, the table is free, and if possible, food is available.  The team playing as the home team will organise a blackout and pay for the food.

26. The home team may if they wish fold, cut or tear the results sheet in half to ensure that the player playing order is picked randomly and neither team have an advantage.

27. Trophies

A number of trophies have been lost over the years at great expense to the League. 

Captains and Team collectively will take responsibility for Perpetual Trophies they have won (League Winners, Runners-Up, Cup Winners and Cup Runners-Up).  These Trophies must be returned when notified by the Committee to be engraved for the following Season. 

If any Trophy is lost the Captain and Team will pay for an appropriate replacement and all historical engraving.

Any team that returns any trophy not cleaned and polished may be fined £10.00 per trophy which will be added to their sign on fees. These fines will be donated to charity.

28. Any team who get fined for any reason will have the fine/s added to their sign-on fee the next time they sign-on to a league.  New teams entering the league are required to pay a £20.00 deposit to cover fines.  Obviously, if any team exceeds their deposit, they will have any additional fines added to their sign on fees the next season.   

29. Team Cup matches in the early rounds will be played at home venues (the first team pulled out of the draw will be the home team).  The Quarter and Semi Finals will be played at neutral venues and the Finals will be played at the chosen Finals and Presentation night venue.

30. Singles & Doubles matches.

Singles and Doubles matches for rounds 1-3 will be played at the home player/pairs (first player drawn) venue unless otherwise agreed, the Finals  will be played at the chosen Finals and Presentation night venue.

a. The Singles Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, and the Final will be best of 7 frames.

b. The Doubles will be best of 5 throughout.