The game shall be known as 8 Ball Pool and referred to in these rules as "the game" It is intended that players and teams should play 8 Ball Pool in the true spirit of the game and in a sporting manner. It should be clearly understood that the referee is the sole judge of what is fair and unfair play. The referee will take whatever action is necessary to ensure that the rules are observed. The home referee has the final decision  

However, in the event of a dispute during a match, teams must refer to the rules for clarification.  If the dispute is not covered by the rules Divisional Representatives (or Committee members if Divisional Representatives are not available) should be contacted


The game is to be played on a rectangular 6 pocket table with 15 balls plus the cue ball. Balls comprise of two different sets of colours (red & yellow) the 8 ball coloured black. Balls in the two groups are known as ‘object balls’. 


The player or team pocketing their entire group of object balls in any order, and then legally pocketing the 8 ball (Black) wins the game. 


a. The balls are racked with the 8 ball (black) on the 8 ball spot, which is at the intersection of the centre and corner pockets. 

b. Order of play is determined by the flip of the coin by the referee. The winner then has the option of breaking or requesting the opponent to do so. 

c. The opening player plays at the triangle of object balls by striking the cue ball from any position inside the “Line” area. 

d. An object ball must be pocketed or at least 2 object balls MUST hit any cushion, failure to do so results in a foul break and the balls are re-racked and the opposing player may break with having two visits. 

e. If the 8 ball (black) is pocketed from the break shot, the balls are to be re-racked and the game is to be restarted by the same player. No penalty will be incurred, this applies even if other balls are pocketed or leaving the table including the cue ball. 

f. On the first occasion a player legally pockets an object ball (including following on from a foul) then that ball denotes their group (colour), unless one or more of both groups (colours) are pocketed then the player must nominate a group (colour) before play continues, failing to do so will result in a foul (see section 5). 

g. If no object ball is pocketed from a legal break the players continue alternatively until such time a ball is pocketed which decides their group (colour). 

h. If a foul is committed and one or more object balls are pocketed before playing groups are decided, then these balls are to be ignored in determining the groups to be played. The oncoming player may play any ball on the table including the 8 ball black for the first shot only, the first legal pot is to determine their group (colour). 

i. If a ball, or balls, are legally pocketed this entitles the player to one additional shot and this continues until either:  

i) The Player fails to pocket one of their group’s allocated balls. 

ii) The player commits a foul at any time. 

j. Combination shots are allowed providing that the player hits one of their own groups balls first or any ball after a foul. 

5. FOULS (two visits) 

a. In off (cue ball pocketed). 

b. Hitting the opponents’ ball(s) with the cue ball on the first impact of the cue ball, except on the first shot following a foul. 

c. Failing to hit any ball with the cue ball. 

d. Jump shot... Defined as when the cue ball jumps over any part of any ball before making contact with any ball. 

e. Hitting the 8 ball (black) with the cue ball on first impact of cue ball before all their group (colours) are pocketed, except following on from a foul. 

f. Ball off the table. 

i) Any object ball or the 8 ball shall return to the 8-ball spot or as near possible spot without touching any other ball, in a direct line behind the 8-ball spot.

ii) A ball shall be deemed "off the table" if it comes to rest other than on the bed of the table. 

g. If a player’s body or clothing touches any ball (other than a ball in hand situation where the player can position the cue ball). 

h. Player not having at least one foot on the floor. 

i. Player touching with the cue, any ball other than the cue ball. 

j. Striking the cue ball with any part of the cue other than the "tip". 

k. Playing out of turn. 

l. Playing before all balls have come to rest on the table. 

m. Playing before any ball(s) that require re-spotting, are re-spotted. 

n. Striking the cue ball with the cue more than once. 

o. Failing to nominate when balls of both groups (colours) are potted with the first legal shot/break.

p. Foul break: 

i) Failing to drive at least 2 balls on to the cushion on the break. 

ii) Pocketing the cue ball, even if an object ball has been pocketed. 

q. Players touching or picking up the cue ball from the baize, without the referee's permission. 

r. The potting of an opponent’s ball(s) whether directly or by combination, except on the first shot following a foul. 


a. The offending player loses their next visit to the table, giving two consecutive visits to the table to their opponent. 

b. If the cue ball has come to rest on the playing surface, the player having two visits may proceed to play from where the cue ball lies or the cue ball may be played from within the "Line" area by asking the referee to place it there, moving the cue ball in this manner does not count as one visit. 

c. On the first shot only of the visit, the oncoming player may, without nomination play the cue ball onto any ball (including any opponents balls and black) without penalty, if any ball is pocketed, directly, or by combination, then the player is deemed to have pocketed a legal ball(s) and continues with their first visit, however the player must not pot the black which would mean loss of game unless they were on the black then they win the game. 

d. When the player fails to pot a ball on the first or subsequent shot of the first visit, play then continues with the second visit, the second visit is deemed to have started when the cue ball is struck on the first shot of the second visit. 

7. LOSS OF GAME Any of the following will result in loss of the game: 

a. If a player pockets the 8 ball (black) before all the balls (colour) in their own group, except on the break (see 4e). 

b. A player committing any foul whilst pocketing the 8 ball (black), except on the break. 

c.  A player pocketing the 8 ball and any other ball on the same shot except from off the break – see 4e. 

d.  Deliberate Foul, refer to Rule 11 below.


a. If the cue ball is touching another ball, the player MUST play away from that ball, to move that ball is a foul. 

b. A player playing away from an opponent’s ball or the black MUST make contact with their own group (colour).

c. A player playing away from their own group (colour) DOES NOT have to hit any other ball because they are deemed to have played a legal shot. 

d. When the player has the cue ball in hand, the ball is played within the “line” area in any direction.

e. A player is deemed to be in control of the table from the time their body, cue or clothing touches the table prior to their visit. 

f. Any ball(s) which fall into pockets during the visit, including the 8 ball, are said to have been pocketed, if one of your own group (colour) is pocketed then play continues, otherwise it is a foul shot. (see fouls) 

g. The game is completed when the 8 ball (black) is pocketed and all other balls have come to rest on the table, except on the break (see 4d) 


a. Should any situation arise whereby a legal shot is IMPOSSIBLE to play, whether this arrived by accident or design the balls will be re-racked and game shall be re-started by the player who broke off in the frame. 

b. The referee should not allow numerous visits where players are making no attempt to play the opening pot which decides the playing group (colours), unless progress is being made. 

c. If a player makes a foul break the balls are re-racked and the opposing player may break with having two visits, that player will break on any re-start such as in 9a. above.  


a. Singles - Once the frame has started players MAY NOT RECEIVE advice (coaching) from any team member, spectator or anyone else until the frame has finished. The referee only may give a warning on the first occasion and call a foul on any further occasion resulting in two visits to the opponent.

b. Doubles - Once the frame has started players MAY NOT RECEIVE advice (coaching) from any other team member, spectator or anyone else until the frame has finished.  A doubles pair may confer whilst they are NOT in play, once a player of the pair has touched the table they are deemed to be in play and may not confer with their doubles partner until their visit is over. The referee only may give a warning on the first occasion and call a foul on any further occasion resulting in two visits to the opponent.


Any player deemed by the referee ONLY,  

a. To have deliberately played an opponent’s ball(s) to gain an advantage, including the 8 Ball 

b. Failing to make a valid attempt to hit their own ball (except when in a snooker); if the referee deems that the Player has not made a valid attempt then the referee should warn the Player that if they fail to hit their ball on the next shot it will be deemed as a deliberate foul and will result in the loss of the game.

c. If the player is in a snooker and the Referee deems that the Player has not made valid attempts on two consecutive shots the Referee should warn the Player that if they fail to hit their ball on the next shot it will be deemed a deliberate foul and will result in the loss of the game.

d. If the referee deems any shot albeit a snooker or not, has made NO attempt to hit the ball, then it will be deemed a deliberate foul and will result in the loss of frame.

NB: - Please read the highlighted parts carefully it is important that you understand the first legal ball potted is your nominated colour even following a foul