Hello and welcome to the Premier Pool League covering the whole of Gosport and Fareham, we are The Alternate Thursday Pool League.
We are in our 13th year. We set up this league so teams in Gosport and Fareham could continue to play pool using the old pub rules as an alternative to the 'World 8 Ball Federation Rules'. However, Captains have recently voted to allow matches to be played to WPA Black Ball Rules if both teams agree.
We launched in the Summer of 2011 and from humble beginnings we have grown into the biggest league in the Gosport and Fareham area. We started our first season with twenty-four teams playing in three divisions and we included Team Cup and Plate competitions. We have just started the Winter Season with 56 teams playing in seven divisions and in excess of Six Hundred and Nighty pool players. This season we have two Cup, two Singles and two Doubles competitions and in addition; The Gosport Pool Arena is sponsoring two Plate Competitions.
Our league’s philosophy is and will always be that the players, through their Captains, make the decisions. All changes to the rules and how the league is run are voted on by the Captains, the Committee are there only to administer the League. Any questions or queries about this league should be put to any member of the Committee, see 'League Contacts'. For the latest news and information on what’s happening please visit the 'News' section and check out the league newsletter. Also on the site you will have access to up to date league tables and fixtures. The 'Documents' section has downloadable League Tables; Fixture Lists, Results Sheet and the Team Registration Form.
The 2025 Summer Season is now being drafted and will run until September. The league is using RackEmApp which has been voted in by the captains.We are always on the lookout for sponsorship and would welcome help for the league, a division or an individual team. If there are any companies out there who feel they may be of help in any way, please contact us.
Finally, I hope we have inspired you to get your mates together and form a team to play out of your local Pub or Club and come and join us for a cracking night out.
Thanks for showing an interest in our league and our website.
Thomas Brading (Chairman)