1.  All games are to be played to the current set of International 8 Ball Rules (version 2c - May 2023) (excluding the use of the shot clock) and within the Spirit of the Game (It is expected that players will always play the game in the true spirit and in a sporting manner).

2.  All teams to consist of a recommended minimum five players.

3.  All Divisions to play fifteen straight frames of singles per match. No player may play more than 3 frames per match. The away team captain must ensure that no player plays against the same person more than once during a match, should this happen, the frame shall be forfeited by the away side. Home captain chooses there players first, for games 1-10 fill in frames one at a time. Games 11-15 home captain fills in all 5 followed by away captain before the start of frame 11.

4.  If a team is short of players, then all players to play in turn, selecting ‘forfeit frame’ only on the offending team’s side of the card. (i.e.: if a team only has 4 players – in frames 5, 9 and 15 ‘forfeit frame’ should be selected only on the offending teams side, automatically forfeiting 3 frames, if a team only has 3 players – in frames 4, 5, 8, 9, 14 and 15 ‘forfeit frame’ should be selected only on the offending teams side, automatically forfeiting 6 frames) This only applies to whichever team is short of player/s. So even if you turn up with 3 players you can still win the match and as such must still fulfil the fixture.

5.  Teams may sign on a new player during any point in the season.

6.  Table costs shall be the responsibility of the home team.

7.  The home team is to make the table available to the away team from 6:45 pm for warm up, if required.

8.  Matches are to commence at 7:00pm prompt. Any team not available to play at 7:15pm will forfeit the first frame and will continue to forfeit one frame for every 15 minutes until 8:00pm when they will forfeit the match and the offended team will be awarded the match win. Frames will be awarded based on your winning average at the end of the season. 

9. All matches are subject to a LAG at the beginning of the FIRST frame only, with the winning player to break. The break will then alternate between teams for the remainder of the match.  

10. RULES FOR THE LAG: Each player should use balls of equal size and weight i.e., two coloured balls. With the balls in baulk (behind the line), one player to the left the other to the right of the table, the balls are struck simultaneously to the bottom cushion and back to the baulk end of the table. The player whose ball is the closest to the baulk cushion wins the lag. It is an automatic loss of LAG if:

·         The ball crosses into the opponent’s half of the table.

·         The ball fails to contact the bottom cushion.

·         The ball drops into a pocket.

·         The ball leaves the table.

·         The ball touches a side cushion or a knuckle.

·         The ball touches the bottom cushion more than once.

            If a decision can’t be made on who wins the LAG or if both players fail to complete a legal LAG then it shall be retaken until there is a clear winner.

      11. Each frame to be refereed by a player from the home team. All referees decisions are final.

12. If for any reason an emergency scorecard has been used then - Both captains must sign the scorecard at the end of the match to verify everything is correct and a picture sent immediately following the end of the match to the leagues Facebook page or to a member of the committee. When filling out the card FULL names for each player must be used at least once per match. Failure to do so can result in loss of points. Nicknames of players will not be accepted. 

13. Points are awarded as follows: - 2 points awarded for a home win and 3 points awarded for an away win. 

14. Should a venue need to close before a match is over, then the score line at the time of closure will stand as the final score. If both teams are level at this time, then a draw will be awarded with a single point being given to both teams. 

15. It is the responsibility of the home captain that all match tables used will be in a state of good repair and level. All venues must provide a rest and a smaller cue if needed for tight spots around the table. If the table is deemed unplayable, the concerned captain should contact the chairman immediately for advice. If the chairman is unavailable, then the vice chairman or fixtures secretary should be contacted in that order.

16. If a team fields an ineligible player, any frames that player has won will be awarded to the offended team and a warning or points deduction given to the offending team. 

17. Players may transfer to another team but only after being given the OK by a committee member and only once during the season.

18. Deliberately interfering, by word or action, so as to disrupt an opponent’s play goes against the “Spirit of the Game” and is considered a “loss of frame” foul. Opponent’s play would be while the player is taking their shot or at the table.

19. Violent conduct, verbal abuse, threatening behaviour and/or harassment are not welcome in our league, any breaches may result in loss of frame, loss of match and/or barring from the league for the offending player/players or team. If any of these issues occur and cannot be peacefully resolved, then it needs to be reported to the chairman or other committee member immediately. 

20. Players/Team Barring: a) The away team captain is responsible for ensuring that none of their team is barred from entering a venue. No fixtures or competitions will be changed if players are barred and no discussion will be entered into as the league has no control over this. b) Should a whole team be barred from a venue then, they will be removed from the League as not being able to fulfil their fixtures. The removal from the league will last for the duration of the ban from the venue, if this ban is lifted during a season, then the removal from the league will last until the end of the current season. Non-offending side’s will not be expected to change the venue for the match.

21. In the event of an away team fielding a player under 18 years old, it is the responsibility of the away team’s Captain to check with the Landlord/Lady or Management, that the under aged player will be welcome within the venue

22. All fixtures must be fulfilled. No rearrangements will be accepted without there being exceptional circumstances and only if approved via the committee and only with reasonable notice of 24hrs. If notice of 24hrs is not given then it is the decision of the offended captain to either claim the match or rearrange it, notice of this decision must be given to the committee within 24hrs following the fixtures original start time.  (Exceptional circumstances are deemed as such as accidents, bereavements or less than 3 players available. Remember 3 players can still compete and must still fulfil a fixture). There will be a free Sunday at the end of the season in which any rearranged fixtures not already played can be played, any fixtures left unplayed after this will be considered null and void and no points or frames will be awarded.

23. A team moving venues mid-season must take 4 or more registered players to retain their status within the league. 

24. A team moving venues between seasons must take at least 3 registered players from the previous season to retain their status within the league.

25. The use of Pro-Cup balls is allowed and is the choice of the Home Team in much the same way as they have the choice over the colour and nap or speed cloth on their tables. 6x3 tables are also permitted, subject to investigation.

26. Information needed by captains, players or venues will always be available either on the league’s website (www.rackemapp.com/leagues/bridgwater), the current fixtures pack or via a committee member. Therefore a “lack of knowledge” is not an excuse of not knowing.

27. Any dispute not covered by these rules will be decided by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.