1. The league shall be known as the ‘Bridgwater & District Pool League’.
  2. The league shall be affiliated to the 'Somerset County Pool Association' each year to enable players’ entry into Interleague and county competitions (should serious interest be shown).
  3. The Annual General Meeting shall be held towards the end of or after each summer season. At this meeting, the following business shall be transacted.
    • i. Chairman opens meeting
    • ii. Chairman’s Report: Statement of the years progress.
    • iii. Treasurers Report.
    • iv. Fixtures Secretary Report.
    • v. Alterations to the rules. Any motions from the floor will be at the Chairman’s discretion and voted upon by Eligible voters present.
    • vi. Election of the officers to the committee and then any other position the meeting so wishes provided the post is proposed 2 weeks prior to the AGM. All retiring officers are eligible for re-election in any year. Any proposals from the floor will be at the Chairman’s discretion and voted upon by Eligible voters present.
  4. The elected committee shall have the power to apply, act upon and enforce the rules of the league and shall have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the league, including any not provided for by the rules.
  5. Eligible voters at the AGM will be: - the committee (excluding Chairman) and a Captain/Representative of any team entered for the forthcoming season.
  6. In the event of the meeting being unable to reach a majority decision the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
  7. All monies held by the association will be used solely for the benefit of the league as a non-profit making organisation. No members of the committee are paid for their work on the league and as such volunteer their time freely
  8. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee or by the secretary receiving a significant request by 3 or more current League Team Captains. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given of all meetings under this rule, together with an agenda of the business to be transacted at such meetings.
  9. Committee meetings shall be held as and when required
  10. All teams will pay a fee of £35 (subject to change as costs rise) per season. Any team withdrawing from the League will forfeit their fee.
  11. The committee reserve the right to ban or expel any player or team from the league in the event of serious misconduct or rule break
  12. The Bridgwater & District Pool League shall be within the Bridgwater area and encompassing village venues wishing to enter within a 5-mile radius of the town
  13. All competition finals to be held in a neutral venue so that no player is deemed to have ‘home advantage’.
  14. Information needed by captains, players or venues should always be made available by the committee on the website (www.rackemapp.com/leagues/bridgwater) or one of several other ways including, the leagues Facebook page, or via a committee member. Therefore a “lack of knowledge” is not an excuse of not knowing.