Constitution 2024

The Committee reserve the right to amend any pricing, change any playing format and choose how to run all competitions and aspects of the league. All aspects will be communicated to delegates at the earliest opportunity and where applicable, delegates will vote on any situation that arises outside of the general running of the league.


All matches and events will be played to International Rules



Chairman - Tony Latham

Secretary – Jamie Latham

Assistant Secretary – Danny Fisher

Committee Delegates – Ant Smith, Kev Deakin, Chris Turner


League game format –

All league matches consist of 20 frames, 10 being played at each venue. Teams need a minimum of 6 players, although you can play with more if you wish. Away team breaks first then alternate. If a team has 3 players at a venue, they must follow the order on the results sheet and captains can choose one player to play their 4th frame, in frame 10.

Where a team has more than 3 players, the maximum number of frames a player can play is 3. Also, with more than 3 players, a captain may write down their first 4 players, then add the rest of their order after those frames are played. No player may play 2 consecutive frames.

Any infringement of the playing order could result in the offending frames being forfeited.


Team limitations –

All teams must consist of no more than 11 signed players plus one publican, players can be removed from your team list and replaced in certain situations, but any removed player will not be allowed to play for that team again.


League Rules -

1.        Any form of dispute will be settled by the governing committee, their decision being final. All disputes must be made to Mr Tony Latham within 24hrs of occurrence, followed in writing via letter or email within 7 days.


2.        League registration fees are £100 and must be paid in full within three months of the league commencement date, Player registration is £5 per player which should be paid by the date as stipulated by the committee.


3.       Should any team be unable to field a full side, a minimum of three players may be kept at home for the fixture to take place, if you have four players you may send 2 away and play two at home at the captain’s discretion etc, failure to field a side is an automatic £10 fine.


If a team does not have enough players for a cup match where names are drawn, they can only be penalised for missing players once. For example, if a team turns up with 5 players in a 9-frame cup match, their names are drawn out with a bye, for the remaining 3 frames, the bye cannot be in the hat, meaning they start the match with a 1 frame deficit.



4.       You may continue to sign players (even on the night) until the player registration sheets are in, however, you must text their name through to the committee, before they lift a cue, committee has the option to refuse a signing where they feel a player is too good to play in that division, and/or if the player would take the team over the maximum signed limit


Players are only allowed to sign for one team per season unless a transfer is agreed and paid for.


After player reg sheets are in, any new signing must be scrutinized by the committee and as such, the delegate must ask if they can sign the player, the committee will ensure that any signing after that point is fair based on league position and player quality amongst other factors.


5.       All matches to start at 8.15, should a team arrive after 8.30 the home team then has the option to claim the game 10-0 at the home venue.


6.        the away teams breaks first at all venues, then alternate breaks, in cup matches the first drawn player lags off to determine the break order, unless otherwise stipulated.


7.        Referees - the away team should provide the referee for the first frame, then alternate refs throughout, the idea being that each team refs their own breaks where possible.


In general, the referee’s decision is deemed final, unless both players disagree with the decision in which case the decision is automatically overruled as per international rules.


8.       Results must be submitted using Rack Em App software.


9.       Delegates/Landlords merits will be held annually as a knockout event. No county or county standard players can enter this event and Delegates should attend 50% of meetings.


10.    Merits –  

Singles merits entry £6 per player

Doubles merits entry £10 per pair

All merits competitions must take place at the stipulated venue, on or before the given date.

All competition dates and finals will be set prior to the commencement of the competition.

Wherever a merits match needs to be rearranged, the rearranger is expected to play at their opponents’ venue.

No County / seeded players are allowed to enter the sub merits competitions.

Merits (No Show) - it is your responsibility to contact your opponent if you are not intending to turn up. in the event of a no show where your opponent has turned up at the venue, a £10 fine will be imposed and you will be banned from the league with immediate effect until paid - your opponent will be awarded both the match and the £10.


11.    Merits - in both singles and doubles merits a seeded list will be created by the committee no county standard or seeded players are allowed in the sub merits competitions. Seeded players will be kept apart in all first-round draws. All players that win in the first round will continue in the main merits competitions and all losers (except seeded losers) will continue in the sub merits competitions.


12.    Doubles Merits - will be played under scotch doubles format, players do not have to be signed for the same team to create a double partnership, if a player is banned / suspended from the league during the course of the competition you may replace that player with another player that has not entered the comp, provided that the committee deems it a fair replacement, the stage of the competition will also be considered in this instance. Talking is permitted during all doubles matches, at all times.


13.    Teams level on points - The head to head results between the teams will decide the outcome, if however the teams still cannot be separated then a playoff must take place, this also applies in the sub leagues.


14.   Transfers will be allowed if both teams agree, the committee can still approve a transfer if agreement between the teams cannot be reached. Players may only transfer once per season and their stats will not be combined under any circumstances with regards to qualifying for player of the year events - Transfer fee £10.


15.   All teams must pay £5 at each league meeting for the monthly league draw. prize money will be paid out in line with takings, 50% paid out and 50% will go into the league funds.


16.   Any team / signed player found to be owing the league £50 or more or bringing the league into disrepute, will be suspended with immediate effect, All clubs are responsible for their players conduct.


17.   All teams are required to provide a prize for the annual presentation evening raffle.


18.   Meetings – Meetings will be held monthly at venue stipulated by the committee. Delegates should stay for the duration of the meeting, if a pub/club has more than one team in the league, one person may represent them provided draw money is paid. Only two apologies are allowed per team, per season after that £10 meeting fine applies to each meeting missed.


19.   Any team failing to field a team in the first round of a cup competition will automatically be eliminated from the sub cups.


20.   Eight ball clearance – Now known as a Dish, or a reverse dish.  

An 8 ball clearance is deemed so on a break dish, when a player breaks and clears the table from their own break, or a reverse dish, where a player clears the table from their opponents break.


‘Dishes’ will only qualify in league and cup matches, and not in merits. ‘Dish’ trophies will only be given out to players who have achieved four or more, or to a player achieving their first league eight ball clearance/Dish


21.    All music / Tv’s must be kept to a reasonable level, or the visiting captain may request the volume to be lowered. If the request is refused the captain can refuse to play the match.


22.    Cancellation of matches - No matches are to be cancelled for any reason, failure to fulfil a fixture will result in the offending team forfeiting the match 15-5 and may be fined £10. Teams whose venues are affected by football matches, or other external events, may move the fixture to another venue and inform their opponents of the change.


23.   All signed players must reside in Staffordshire / Cheshire


24.   Any team entering our league must meet the following requirements - their venue must be licensed and hold full public liability insurance, Also it is the responsibility of the licensee / pool team to ensure that food is provided at the home venue.


25.   In pubs / clubs that have more than one table, no practicing allowed once the match commences, any player who is caught practicing/playing on another table during a match will forfeit their frames.


26.   All cup finals and play off matches will be played (Inter League format) on two tables and the best of 18 frames, if a match goes level at 9-9 the captain nominates three players to play a sudden death play-off on three tables. In all 18 frame Cup Finals, you will lag for every break.