1.Name - The organistion shall be known as Summer Pool League, and shall consist of leagues playing 8 ball pool to such rules and regulations as the executive committee may approve.

2. Objective.- The objective of the league shall be to promote the game of pool on a league basis, with the addition of competitions as deemed appropriate by the committee. It shall deal with all matters relating to and affecting the games and players registered to the league and shall take any appropriate action deemed necessary to fulfil this.

3. Membership - The Summer Pool League shall consist of teams from Grimsby, Cleethorpes and the District of North East Lincolnshire or teams approved by the executive committee. Each team captain upon registration shall be liable for the league fees and bond (if required) Team registration is currently £40 per team per season with a refundable £25 per new team bond( bond returned on completion of full season or taken from next seasons league fees) Failure to complete a whole season will forfeit the league fees and bond. Players may transfer from one team to another at a cost of £5 per transfer. A player can only transfer once per season. Registration fee covers 12 players to be registered any additional players are subject to a £2 per player fee. A player can only play for 1 team per league night.

3a - The Executive committee reserve the right to refuse entry to any team or player without reason.

3b - Knockout competitions (except team knockout and champion of champions) are subject to an addition fee for entry. This fee currently stands at £5 per player per eligible competition. Tournament directors decision on all entries and formats is final.

4 - The Executive Committee- The league shall be goverened by an executive committee. This shall consist of the following a chairperson, league secretary, treasurer and upto 5 additional committee members. These shall remain in place until they stand down, or their position is challenged by a registered league member. Each member of the committee shall be entitled to one (1) vote at any meeting of the executive. In the event of an equal vote the Chairpersons vote will carry.

5. League Registration/ Annual General Meeting - The league shall open registrations for a new season from 1st February each year. Should any major changes that are not goverened by the Executive Committees power be required than a notice period of 14 days will be given by the standing League Secretary to convene an AGM. Voting on any such changes shall be limited to one (1) vote per team. Any proposals for change must be received at least 14 days prior to registration opening. 

6. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) - An extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of twelve (12) member team captains. Such a request shall be required in writing to the League Secretary and must include the reasons for request and names and signature of those captains making the request. The League Secretary shall then convene with at least 14 days notice given to league members. 

7. Power of the Executive Committee - The Executive Committee are appointed to run the league on behalf of its members. They have the power to make secondments to the committee as they see fit and to delegate within that committee tasks for the benefit of its members. The Executive Committee is empowered to make changes to the constitution and league rules as it sees fit, if said changes are necessary for the benefit of the league in order to achieve its main objective. It will retain the power to deal with any offences and infringements of league association rules. The Committees decision on all matters is final.

8. Fixtures - League matches are to be played on a home and away basis. All matches will be played on the specific date as defined in the fixtures section of the website. Matches may only be postponed or moved with the express permission of the league secretary and if both captains are in agreement. Teams will be placed in divisions at the executive committees direction, this will be done as fairly as possible but teams should be aware they can be promoted/relegated dependant on entries. Matches are either played over 12 frames with 3 points for a win 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.

Or 15 Frames and 3 points for a win with no draws or

Matches in the premier league are played over 18 frames and are scored on the same basis

Team knockout matches are played over one (1) leg- teams are randomly assigned matched and a date matches are to be played by. The first team drawn out (home side) has the choice of nights and venue. Matches are played over 12 frames should a match finish 6-6 both captains choose one of their players to play a sudden death play off, the winner advancing to the next round.

9. Conditions of play- Matches are to start at 8pm unless prior arangements have been made.

9b- Matches are to be kept flowing in rotation as per the scorecard. Should teams wish a five (5) minute break can be taken at the midway point of matches.

9c - Scorecards are to be filled in at the start of a match, this should be done in blocks of 6 games. Away Captains are responsible to name their side first. Should any changes to scorecards be required please inform the opposing captain prior to doing so. Players can play two frames in a row (three in case of 15 or 18 frames)  players can play the same player twice .

9d - Accured points from league matches will determine a teams position in the league table. Should two teams be tied the league position will be seperated by the following paramaters. 1. Frame Difference. 2. Frames Won. 3. Head to head record. Should this not result in seperation a one off play off game shall be held at a neutral venue will be held. This will be a first to seven (7) frames.

9e - A minimum of 6 players will constitute a full team. Any team attempting to play a league match with less than a full team will be penalised by losing 2 frames per player short. If a team is unable to field a minimum of 3 players they will forfeit a match to the maximum number of frames the division plays. Should any player arrive after the match has started they will be allowed to play their frames if the match hasnt reached their designated frame. Captains can arrange exceptions on the night if both are in agreement.

10. - Unregistered Players- The playing of unregistered players shall be deemed a serious offence within the league. With the new website a player is deemed unregistered if they do not show on your list of players on a match night. Players can be registered upto the start of a match. Players cannot play under a registered players name either. Should this offence come to light the player and the team captain will be banned from all league activities for the period of 1 full season. Any frames won by the offending players will be awarded to the opposite team and subsequent points attributed as per the match result.

11. - Players Conduct - Players should conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Should any player be found to cause issues whilst playing any league related event through drink, drugs, violence or other matters they will be suspended from the league immediatly and the Executive Committee will convene to discuss any further sanctions which they deem fit.