Season 2023 Update

By Mark Drury
On Sunday 18 June 2023 13:44

As we approach the mid point for the 2023 Summer season, id like to take the oppurtunity to point you towards some updates for the league. In the Information section we now have updates including, committee members, a piece regarding our title sponsor The Lounge, an updated constitution and league rules page.

I have been trialing a Scoreboard system similar to that used by cue score for league/cup matches. It also has an in-built match editor which allows captains to alter any mistakes within a match night (wrong player, wrong break/frame win/ needing to change match order) It works on both phone or tablet and has the added bonus that one captain can log on and both teams can use one device on a match night. Should any captain wish to trial this system and see if it benefits them more please contact myself and i will gladly talk you through how to use and access it.

We are this season having some Individual Knockouts. The first is the lower league mens singles on Thursday June 29th, this will be held at the lounge from 7pm. Adam and Paul have been appointed Tournament Directors and will oversee the other events including. George Knox Mens Singles (for top 2 divisions on both nights) Mens Doubles, Ladies Singles. Captains/vice Captains KO, 3player team event and Mixed Doubles. There will also be an end of season handicap tournament with further details to be announced.

We hope that the switch over to RackEmApp has proved successful and everyone has got used to it now. Hopefully the Winter League carry on with it and it becomes the norm for both leagues.

Finally a small thank you to all the teams and players taking part in this season, the hard work putting seasons together are made all the better by seeing players out on match nights enjoying the social side and without question the vast improvement in the quailty of play we have witnessed.