
Friday 24 May 2024 - 21:24

ELD Lighting
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD BD RD Points
1 Mark Clayson 14 5 9 0 148 154 -6 0 0 46
2 Luke Binder-Pollard 11 10 1 0 128 88 40 0 1 42
3 Paul Scaife 9 7 2 0 101 66 35 4 2 33
4 Simon Smith 10 4 6 0 99 109 -10 0 0 31
5 Jordan Walker 9 5 4 0 94 90 4 1 0 29
6 harry back 7 6 1 0 80 65 15 1 1 26
7 Alan Marshall 9 3 6 0 81 103 -22 2 1 25
8 Beres Edmonds 7 2 5 0 63 78 -15 0 1 20
9 Chris Fox 5 0 5 0 40 60 -20 1 0 11
10 Richard Leeson 5 1 4 0 35 56 -21 0 2 10
Match 1
Schedule Race To 12
Paul Scaife Luke Binder-Pollard
Mark Clayson harry back
Jordan Walker Richard Leeson
Chris Fox Simon Smith
Beres Edmonds Alan Marshall
Match 2
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Paul Scaife
Richard Leeson Mark Clayson
Luke Binder-Pollard Beres Edmonds
harry back Chris Fox
Alan Marshall Jordan Walker
Match 3
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Luke Binder-Pollard
Paul Scaife harry back
Mark Clayson Alan Marshall
Jordan Walker Beres Edmonds
Chris Fox Richard Leeson
Match 4
Schedule Race To 12
Richard Leeson Paul Scaife
Luke Binder-Pollard Jordan Walker
harry back Simon Smith
Beres Edmonds Mark Clayson
Alan Marshall Chris Fox
Match 5
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Richard Leeson
Paul Scaife Alan Marshall
Mark Clayson Jordan Walker
harry back Luke Binder-Pollard
Chris Fox Beres Edmonds
Match 6
Schedule Race To 12
Richard Leeson harry back
Luke Binder-Pollard Mark Clayson
Jordan Walker Chris Fox
Beres Edmonds Paul Scaife
Alan Marshall Simon Smith
Match 7
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Beres Edmonds
Richard Leeson Luke Binder-Pollard
Paul Scaife Jordan Walker
harry back Alan Marshall
Chris Fox Mark Clayson
Match 8
Schedule Race To 12
Mark Clayson Paul Scaife
Luke Binder-Pollard Chris Fox
Jordan Walker Simon Smith
Beres Edmonds harry back
Alan Marshall Richard Leeson
Match 9
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Mark Clayson
Richard Leeson Beres Edmonds
Paul Scaife Chris Fox
harry back Jordan Walker
Alan Marshall Luke Binder-Pollard
Match 10
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Chris Fox
Richard Leeson Jordan Walker
Luke Binder-Pollard Paul Scaife
harry back Mark Clayson
Alan Marshall Beres Edmonds
Match 11
Schedule Race To 12
Paul Scaife Simon Smith
Mark Clayson Richard Leeson
Jordan Walker Alan Marshall
Chris Fox harry back
Beres Edmonds Luke Binder-Pollard
Match 12
Schedule Race To 12
Richard Leeson Chris Fox
Luke Binder-Pollard Simon Smith
harry back Paul Scaife
Beres Edmonds Jordan Walker
Alan Marshall Mark Clayson
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith harry back
Paul Scaife Richard Leeson
Mark Clayson Beres Edmonds
Jordan Walker Luke Binder-Pollard
Chris Fox Alan Marshall
Match 14
Schedule Race To 12
Richard Leeson Simon Smith
Luke Binder-Pollard harry back
Jordan Walker Mark Clayson
Beres Edmonds Chris Fox
Alan Marshall Paul Scaife
Match 15
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Alan Marshall
Paul Scaife Beres Edmonds
Mark Clayson Luke Binder-Pollard
harry back Richard Leeson
Chris Fox Jordan Walker
Match 16
Schedule Race To 12
Mark Clayson Chris Fox
Luke Binder-Pollard Richard Leeson
Jordan Walker Paul Scaife
Beres Edmonds Simon Smith
Alan Marshall harry back
Match 17
Schedule Race To 12
Simon Smith Jordan Walker
Richard Leeson Alan Marshall
Paul Scaife Mark Clayson
harry back Beres Edmonds
Chris Fox Luke Binder-Pollard
Match 18
Schedule Race To 12
Mark Clayson Simon Smith
Luke Binder-Pollard Alan Marshall
Jordan Walker harry back
Chris Fox Paul Scaife
Beres Edmonds Richard Leeson