Friday 03 January 2025 - 11:37

Group A
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD BD RD Points
1 Jordan McGee 1 1 0 0 12 9 3 0 0 4
2 Thomas Arthurs 1 0 1 0 9 12 -3 0 0 3
3 Kate Cameron 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 bye bye 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Tom Roberts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Tim Farrell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Barren Swallow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Kayleigh Hendry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Tomas McAuley 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Owen White 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Temuijin Hodgson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Max Booluck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Denise Whittemore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Mario Swallow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Rebecca Daubney 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Carl Watson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Marcus Frankham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Llewelwyn Collymore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Carl Watson
Thomas Arthurs Jordan McGee
Temuijin Hodgson Mario Swallow
Owen White Rebecca Daubney
Max Booluck Denise Whittemore
Kayleigh Hendry Marcus Frankham
Kate Cameron Tim Farrell
bye bye Tom Roberts
Barren Swallow Llewelwyn Collymore
Match 2
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Kate Cameron
Tim Farrell Thomas Arthurs
Rebecca Daubney Tomas McAuley
Mario Swallow Owen White
Marcus Frankham Barren Swallow
Llewelwyn Collymore bye bye
Jordan McGee Max Booluck
Denise Whittemore Temuijin Hodgson
Carl Watson Kayleigh Hendry
Match 3
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Mario Swallow
Thomas Arthurs Tom Roberts
Temuijin Hodgson Jordan McGee
Owen White Denise Whittemore
Max Booluck Tim Farrell
Marcus Frankham Llewelwyn Collymore
Kayleigh Hendry Rebecca Daubney
Kate Cameron bye bye
Barren Swallow Carl Watson
Match 4
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Max Booluck
Tim Farrell Temuijin Hodgson
Rebecca Daubney Barren Swallow
Mario Swallow Kayleigh Hendry
Llewelwyn Collymore Kate Cameron
Jordan McGee Owen White
Denise Whittemore Tomas McAuley
Carl Watson Marcus Frankham
bye bye Thomas Arthurs
Match 5
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Jordan McGee
Thomas Arthurs Kate Cameron
Temuijin Hodgson Tom Roberts
Owen White Tim Farrell
Max Booluck bye bye
Marcus Frankham Rebecca Daubney
Kayleigh Hendry Denise Whittemore
Carl Watson Llewelwyn Collymore
Barren Swallow Mario Swallow
Match 6
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Owen White
Tim Farrell Tomas McAuley
Rebecca Daubney Carl Watson
Mario Swallow Marcus Frankham
Llewelwyn Collymore Thomas Arthurs
Kate Cameron Max Booluck
Jordan McGee Kayleigh Hendry
Denise Whittemore Barren Swallow
bye bye Temuijin Hodgson
Match 7
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Tom Roberts
Temuijin Hodgson Kate Cameron
Rebecca Daubney Llewelwyn Collymore
Owen White bye bye
Max Booluck Thomas Arthurs
Marcus Frankham Denise Whittemore
Kayleigh Hendry Tim Farrell
Carl Watson Mario Swallow
Barren Swallow Jordan McGee
Match 8
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Kayleigh Hendry
Tim Farrell Barren Swallow
Thomas Arthurs Temuijin Hodgson
Mario Swallow Rebecca Daubney
Llewelwyn Collymore Max Booluck
Kate Cameron Owen White
Jordan McGee Marcus Frankham
Denise Whittemore Carl Watson
bye bye Tomas McAuley
Match 9
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Kate Cameron
Temuijin Hodgson Max Booluck
Rebecca Daubney Denise Whittemore
Owen White Thomas Arthurs
Mario Swallow Llewelwyn Collymore
Marcus Frankham Tim Farrell
Kayleigh Hendry bye bye
Carl Watson Jordan McGee
Barren Swallow Tom Roberts
Match 10
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Marcus Frankham
Tim Farrell Carl Watson
Thomas Arthurs Tomas McAuley
Max Booluck Owen White
Llewelwyn Collymore Temuijin Hodgson
Kate Cameron Kayleigh Hendry
Jordan McGee Rebecca Daubney
Denise Whittemore Mario Swallow
bye bye Barren Swallow
Match 11
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Max Booluck
Rebecca Daubney Tim Farrell
Owen White Temuijin Hodgson
Mario Swallow Jordan McGee
Marcus Frankham bye bye
Kayleigh Hendry Thomas Arthurs
Denise Whittemore Llewelwyn Collymore
Carl Watson Tom Roberts
Barren Swallow Kate Cameron
Match 12
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Rebecca Daubney
Tim Farrell Mario Swallow
Thomas Arthurs Barren Swallow
Temuijin Hodgson Tomas McAuley
Max Booluck Kayleigh Hendry
Llewelwyn Collymore Owen White
Kate Cameron Marcus Frankham
Jordan McGee Denise Whittemore
bye bye Carl Watson
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Owen White
Rebecca Daubney bye bye
Mario Swallow Tom Roberts
Marcus Frankham Thomas Arthurs
Kayleigh Hendry Temuijin Hodgson
Jordan McGee Llewelwyn Collymore
Denise Whittemore Tim Farrell
Carl Watson Kate Cameron
Barren Swallow Max Booluck
Match 14
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Denise Whittemore
Tim Farrell Jordan McGee
Thomas Arthurs Carl Watson
Temuijin Hodgson Barren Swallow
Owen White Kayleigh Hendry
Max Booluck Marcus Frankham
Llewelwyn Collymore Tomas McAuley
Kate Cameron Rebecca Daubney
bye bye Mario Swallow
Match 15
Schedule Race To 12
Tim Farrell Llewelwyn Collymore
Rebecca Daubney Thomas Arthurs
Mario Swallow Kate Cameron
Marcus Frankham Temuijin Hodgson
Kayleigh Hendry Tomas McAuley
Jordan McGee Tom Roberts
Denise Whittemore bye bye
Carl Watson Max Booluck
Barren Swallow Owen White
Match 16
Schedule Race To 12
Tomas McAuley Barren Swallow
Tom Roberts Tim Farrell
Thomas Arthurs Mario Swallow
Temuijin Hodgson Carl Watson
Owen White Marcus Frankham
Max Booluck Rebecca Daubney
Llewelwyn Collymore Kayleigh Hendry
Kate Cameron Denise Whittemore
bye bye Jordan McGee
Match 17
Schedule Race To 12
Tom Roberts Llewelwyn Collymore
Tim Farrell bye bye
Rebecca Daubney Temuijin Hodgson
Mario Swallow Max Booluck
Marcus Frankham Tomas McAuley
Jordan McGee Kate Cameron
Denise Whittemore Thomas Arthurs
Carl Watson Owen White
Barren Swallow Kayleigh Hendry