This constitution has been created to establish the rules for the government of the London City Pool League.

1: Name

The name of this organisation shall be “London City Pool League”, hereafter referred to as ‘The League’. This organisation will use the name, or its shortened name the “City League”, in all publicity materials and correspondence.

The officers of the League shall make up the Committee of the League, hereafter referred to as the ‘Committee’.

2: Purpose

2.1 Organisation Purpose

The purpose of this organisation is to run an ‘English 8 ball pool’ league in Central London. This includes team league play, and knockout tournaments for individuals, doubles and teams as dictated by demand of The League’s members.

2.2 Committee Purpose

The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that The League is run in a fair and transparent way, for the benefit of its members. The Committee is also responsibility for attempting to ensure the ongoing presence and standing of The League.

This extends to:

  • Attracting teams to take part to ensure a continued presence in the London pool scene
  • Registering teams and individuals to play in The League, and by extension other affiliated organisations
  • Coordinating competitions that comprise The League
  • Ruling on any disputes between individuals or teams within The League
  • Managing the ongoing financial viability of The League

3: Membership

3.1 General

The general body of the organisation is comprised of all registered players of The League. By registering a player with The League, that players automatically becomes a member.

Membership is open to anyone who wishes to play in The League, they just need to find a team to join.

3.2 Member privileges

By becoming a member, a player is entitled to:

  • Play for a team in any league matches for the season in which they are registered
  • Enter knockout tournaments organised by The League
  • Stand for Committee positions
  • Attend The League’s annual general meeting, and any other meetings that are deemed required by the Committee

3.3 Renewal and Withdrawal of Membership

An individual’s membership is automatically renewed when they register for The League’s new season.

To withdraw membership, a player need only refrain from registering for the following season after which they cease participation.

The Committee reserve the right to revoke the membership of a player at any time in cases of:

  • behaviour which would be considered to bring the name of The League into disrepute
  • aggressive, violent, intimidating and/or discriminatory behaviour towards other members of The League

4: Procedures

4.1 Meetings

The Committee shall be required to hold an Annual General Meeting in the period between one Winter Season completing and the commencement of the following one.

The Chair has the ability to call additional Emergency General Meetings as required. Furthermore, the Chair may decide to vote on emergency matters via email communications with all team captains.

The Secretary should publish minutes from all meetings held.

4.2 Voting

A majority of Teams present at an AGM shall constitute a quorum to transact any business.

This shall mean that at least one designated representative of a team is present, for a simple majority of teams currently active in the League.

For votes on emergency matters between AGMs, this shall mean that responses from a simple majority of teams in the current membership have been received by the deadline.

Each Team is entitled to one vote regardless of number of team members present at a meeting.

To make changes to the Rules of the League (at any time), a simple majority of the total votes at any meeting at which there is quorum shall be sufficient to transact business.

To make changes to the Constitution of the League (at any time), a two thirds majority of the total votes at any meeting at which there is quorum shall be sufficient to transact business.

5: Election of Committee

5.1 Positions

The League shall have the following Committee positions:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • League Director (of which there may be up to one per division present in the League)
  • Knockout Tournaments Director
  • Interleague Director
  • League Development Director

5.2 Terms

A Member may hold at most two Committee positions at one time.

All Committee positions are held for the period from one AGM to the next.

5.3 Elections

Any League Member may nominate themselves for any position on the Committee.

Committee positions are voted on as an agenda item at the AGM, when a position’s tenure expires. The nominee with the most votes is determined to be elected to the Committee position.

In the situation where there is only one nominee for a position, a vote must still be held where the nominee runs against “Reopen nominations”.

In the case where there are no nominations, or “Reopen nominations” wins, the position remains vacant.

Members may nominate themselves for vacant Committee positions outside of an AGM. The Chair will publicise the nomination and ask for further submissions. Within two weeks they will hold a vote of Team Captains to elect someone to the position as per the rules of elections at AGMs. Members who were beaten by “Reopen nominations” may not nominate themselves for the same Committee position again, until the following AGM.

5.4 Standing Down

A Committee member may stand down from their role, for any reason, by notifying the Chair of The League.

This leaves the position vacant, and Members may nominate themselves for the position as described in section 5.3.

5.5 Removal of a Committee Member’s Position

Any Committee Member (the petitioner) may petition for the removal of another Committee Member (Committee Member being petitioned), at any time. They can do this in writing to the Chair.

In the event that the Committee Member being petitioned to be removed is the Chair, the notification should be provided to the Secretary. The Secretary will then carry out all actions allocated to the Chair for the rest of this section.

Within two weeks, the Chair must call an Extraordinary Committee Meeting of Committee Members (only). At this meeting, the petitioner and Committee member being petitioned will be given opportunity to present their case. Followed by a facilitated discussion between all Committee Members by the Chair.

The Chair must do everything within their control to enable all Committee Members to attend. Should the Committee Member being Petitioned not attend, or refuse to attend, they will automatically lose their position on the Committee.

A vote of no confidence will be held, where a two thirds majority will be required to remove the Committee Member from their position. The Committee member being petitioned may not vote. A Committee Member holding multiple positions will only have one total vote. A simple majority of Committee Members present at the vote is required.

If the vote is successful then the position will be vacant.

The removed Committee Member cannot stand for another Committee position until the following AGM.

6 - Committee Responsibilities

6.1 Chair

  • To advocate for the League and actively encourage new teams to enter
  • To manage relationships with existing teams of The League
  • To manage relationships with associated leagues and organisations for which The League has membership.
  • To manage relationships with existing venues of The League, and find new ones where required
  • To procure trophies for award following competition completion
  • To Chair all meetings of The League
  • To have final say on all disputes to do with activities within The League

6.2 Secretary

  • To arrange, and publish agenda and minutes of all meetings of The League
  • To administrate the website of The League
  • To publish news and updates regarding The League, to include but not limit to rule changes and league status.
  • To implement changes to the Constitution and Rules of The League
  • To manage contact details of teams and relevant members of The League

6.3 Treasurer

  • To manage and oversee the accounts of The League
  • To ensure swift payment of any fees owed to and by the league
  • To request league fees from member teams, and oversee their payment - notifying the League Director of infringements of the rules in this regard
  • To publish annual accounts at each and every AGM

6.4 League Director

  • To orchestrate the commencement of every league season, including registration of teams and publication of fixtures.
  • To publish results and league standing updates to the membership
  • To validate and verify scoresheets submitted following matches, ensuring eligibility of players and correct following of rules

6.5 Knockout Tournaments Director

  • To orchestrate the commencement of every knockout tournament of The League, including registration of players, publication of draws, and scheduling of singles/doubles rounds.
  • To publish results and draw updates to the membership
  • To verify the eligibility of players and correct following of rules

6.6 Interleague Director

  • To manage the enrolment of a team, or teams, representing The League with the relevant Interleague organisation
  • To attend, or ensure appropriate League attendance, of any meetings with associated Interleague organisations
  • To manage the appointment of the Interleague Team captain(s)
  • To manage the entry of players into our overall representative Interleague squad.
  • To oversee captains’ team selections to help ensure that choices are based on merit and in accordance with the league’s interleague strategy.
  • To assist the team captain(s) and players in interleague-related matters as required.

6.7 League Development Director

  • To attract new teams to The League
  • To register new venues to The League
  • To find, and manage the ongoing relationship with, sponsors of The League

6.8 Financial Matters and Bank Accounts

  • The three main officers of the league (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer) will be responsible for the finances of The League, and may be the signatories on any League bank accounts.
  • Any expenses of the league must be approved by a minimum of two of the main officers.

7 - Interleague

The League recognises the EPA Interleague competition as a way of providing its players the opportunity to develop their game and play at a higher level than a local league such as ours.

As such, the aim of The League’s Interleague strategy is to create a team which is capable of playing at the highest level possible. If we are able to field multiple teams then the priority is to strengthen the first team, then the second, and so on, in the same way that County A/B/C teams are run.

7.1 Squad

The League may enter a team, or teams, to represent the League in the GLCPA Interleague competition (who comply with the rules of that competition). The number of teams entered will be determined by the Interleague Director at the start of each Interleague season, based on the number of people committing to representing The League at county and national Interleague competitions, and subject to their meeting the eligibility requirements of those competitions.

7.2 Multiple teams

When we have enough players to enter multiple teams in a season, players will be assigned to teams through team captain’s selections, with the oversight of the Interleague Director.

These selections will be based on merit (incorporating both level of play and commitment). This could include factors such as previous interleague performance and attendance, a level of play that can be objectively demonstrated in other ways (eg having previously played in other higher level competitions), and trials (as required).

In order to send a minimum of one team to national interleague finals, the first team captain should apply a priority to members making themselves available for nationals in deciding teams.

While The League hopes that individual players’ preferences can be accommodated, the stated strategy dictates that, ultimately, players joining the squad are understood to have accepted that they will play in whichever representative team they are picked for.

Players may raise queries regarding selection with team captains and/or the Interleague Director.

7.3 Captains

Prior to the season, the Interleague Director will ascertain if new captains need to be selected for the upcoming season. When they are, the Interleague Director will orchestrate the selection of new captains.

The Interleague Director’s role in overseeing and ratifying captains’ decisions precludes them from being an Interleague team captain themselves.

The responsibilities of Interleague team captains are:

  • to select match day squads
  • to coordinate team matches with the venues, and communicate logistics to the team
  • to manage the general day to day running of the team

7.4 Interleague Fees

It shall be the responsibility of The League to pay any affiliation and participation/entry fees required of Interleague teams to enable them to play Interleague competitions (Regional and National).

It shall be the responsibility of The League (through the Interleague Director) to agree terms and pay for any venue costs attributed to Interleague matches.

It shall be the responsibility of players to pay any affiliation and participation/entry fees required of individuals to enable them to play Interleague competitions (Regional and National).”

8 - Ratification and Interpretation

This constitution shall be established by a vote of a two thirds majority of Committee members.

Questions concerning the interpretation of this document shall be decided by the Committee.