Official English Pool Association

8 Ball Pool Rules

(Amended for Settle & District Pool League)




The game shall be known as 8 Ball Pool and referred to in these rules as "The Game". It is intended that players and teams should play 8 Ball Pool in the true spirit of the game and in a sportsmanlike manner. It should be clearly understood that the referee is the sole judge of what is fair and unfair play. The referee will take whatever action is necessary to ensure that these rules are observed.




The game is played on a rectangular 6-pocket table with 15 balls plus a cue ball. Balls comprise of two numbered groups, 1-7 which are solid coloured balls, 9-15 are striped coloured balls, and the 8 ball is a solid colour black. Alternatively, the numerical groups 1-7 and 9-15 may be represented by two different sets of 7 coloured balls. Usually red replaces stripes (9-15), yellow replace solid (1-7). Balls in the two groups are known as object balls.




The player or team pocketing all their group of object balls in any order, and then legally pocketing the 8 ball, wins the game.



A.     The balls are racked as illustrated on the rule sheet with the 8 ball (black) on the 8 ball spot, which is at the intersection of the centre and corner pockets.


B.      Order of play is determined by the flip of a coin. The winner of the flip has the option of breaking, or requesting their opponent to do so.

C.      The first shot of a frame is called the "Break". To "Break", the Cue Ball is played at the triangle of Object Balls from Baulk. The frame is deemed to have commenced the instant that the Cue Ball is played

D.     The Break will be deemed a "Fair Break" if:-

                                           i.         At least one Colour is potted. AND/OR

                                          ii.         Two Object Balls (at least) are driven to a cushion.

E.      If the Break is not a “Fair Break” it is a Non-Standard Foul and:-

                                           i.         The opponent is awarded two visits.

                                          ii.         The balls are re-racked.

                                         iii.         The opponent re-starts the game and is under the same obligation to achieve a Fair Break.

F.      If the cue ball is potted on the break shot and:

1.      The break is a “Fair Break”, it is a Non-Standard Foul that is penalized by the turn passing to the opponent.

2.      The break is not a “Fair Break” and the Cue Ball is potted, the penalty for failure to perform a Fair Break applies. (See (E) above).

G.     If the Eight-Ball is potted on any break, the balls are re-racked and the same player will break again. When the Eight-Ball is potted on the break, all other aspects of the shot are ignored. (Except if a breach of the "Spirit of the Game occurs) 


A.     General

1.      When Colours have not been decided the table is deemed to be "Open". When the table is open a player may play at either group of Colours.

2.      Colours can never be decided on a foul shot.

3.      Once Colours are decided, the player remains "On" that coloured group for the duration of the frame. The opponent remains "On" the opposite coloured group.

4.      Playing a shot after neglecting to nominate a choice of Colours is a Foul. Any balls potted on such a shot are left in the pocket and ignored for the purpose of deciding Colours.

B.      On the Break

1.      If no Colours are potted on the break the table is "Open".

2.      If one or more Colours are potted on the break the player then has a right and obligation to verbally advise the referee of a choice of Colour before proceeding. Failure to do so is a Foul. If a player is fouled under this rule the opponent faces an "Open" table.


                                           i.         If the player nominates a Colour that was potted on the break, the player is on that colour no matter what happens next.

                                          ii.         If the player nominates a Colour that was not potted on the break, to be on that Colour, the player must pot a ball of that Colour on the next shot.

C.      After the Break

1.      If a player pots one or more balls of the same Colour, the player is then "On" that Colour.

2.      If a player pots one or more balls of different Colours, the player then has a right and obligation to verbally advise the referee of a choice of Colour before proceeding. Once a colour is nominated in these circumstances, the player is on that colour no matter what happens next. Failure to nominate is a Foul. If a player is fouled under this rule, the opponent faces an "Open" table.



A.     Failure to perform a Legal shot (see rule 9(A)) whether deliberately or not.

B.      In off (cue ball pocketed).

C.      Hitting an opponent’s ball(s) with the cue ball on first impact of the cue ball, except with the first shot following any foul.

D.     Failing to hit any ball with the cue ball, except where rule 9(B) applies.

E.      Jump shot - defined as when the cue ball jumps over any part of any ball before making contact with any ball.

F.      Hitting the 8 ball (black) with the cue ball on first impact of the cue ball before all their own group is pocketed, except with the first shot following any foul.

G.     Potting any opponent's ball, except with the first shot following any foul, or a successful “combination shot”

H.     Ball off the table.

1.      Any object ball or the 8 ball (black), shall be returned to the 8 ball spot (see rule 4(A)), or as near as possible to that spot without touching any other ball, in direct line between that spot and the centre of the baulk line.

2.      If the cue ball, then the cue ball played from in hand (see rule 8(C) general).

A ball shall be deemed "off the table" if it comes to rest anywhere other than on the bed of the table.

I.       If a player's body or clothing should touch any ball. Except the cue ball after the referee calls a "foul", when the player is entitled to the cue ball in hand (see rule 7(B)).

J.       Player not having at least part of one foot on the floor.

K.     Playing or touching with the cue any ball other than the cue ball.

L.      Striking the cue ball with any part of the cue other than the tip.

M.     Playing out of turn.

N.     Playing before all balls have come to rest.

O.     Playing before any ball(s) require re-spotting.

P.      Striking the cue ball with the cue more than once.

Q.     Push shot - defined as where the cue tip remains in contact with the cue ball for more than the momentary time commensurate with a normal stroked shot, or the cue tip remains in contact with the cue ball once it has commenced its forward motion.

R.      Failing to nominate when balls of both groups are pocketed with the first legal pot.

S.      Foul break, failing to pot an object ball or drive at least two object balls to hit any cushions.


A.     Following a foul (either accidental or intentionally played) the offending player loses their next visit to the table, giving their opponent two consecutive visits to the table, except following a non-standard foul on the break shot (see rules 4(E) and 4(F))

B.      If the cue ball has come to rest on the playing surface, then the player having two visits may proceed to play from where the cue ball lies, or the cue ball may be played from any position on or behind the baulk line. Moving the cue ball in this manner does not count as a shot, or visit. (Players are advised to ask the referee to hand them the cue ball).

C.      On the first shot only of the first visit, the oncoming player may, without nomination, play the cue ball on to any ball without penalty, including any opponent's ball(s), or the 8 ball (black). If any object ball(s) is pocketed directly, or by combination, the player is deemed to have pocketed a legal ball(s), and continues with the first visit. However, the player must not pot the 8 ball (black), which would mean loss of game. Except if the player is on the 8 ball (black), then the game would be won. When the player fails to pot a ball on the first or subsequent shot of the first visit, play then continues with the second visit. The second visit is deemed to have started when the cue ball is struck on the first shot of the second visit.



A.     If a player pockets the 8 ball (black) before all the balls in their own group, except on the break (see rule 4(G)), the player loses the game.

B.      A player going in off the 8 ball (black) when the 8 ball (black) is pocketed, loses the game.

C.      Potting the eight ball when a ball or balls of the player's own group are still on the table. (Except on the Break) Including potting last group ball and eight ball in same shot.

D.     If a player breeches the "Spirit of the Game" to such an extent that the frame (or match) should be awarded to the opponent.



A.     Legal Shot

On all shots played the cue ball must make contact with a ball ‘on’ and then either pot a ball ‘on’ or drive the cue ball or any other ball to touch a cushion. Unless rule 9(E) applies and the player is snookered; in this situation the player need only contact a ball(s) ‘on’ to execute a legal shot.

B.      Combination Shot

Object balls from both groups can be potted without penalty in a single 'combination' shot. The potted balls may drop into the pockets in any order but 'on' ball must be struck legally first. Attempting to complete a combination shot that results in only potting ball not 'on' is a “standard foul”. Combination shots do not have to be called.

C.      Touching ball.

1.      Touching the opponent's ball or the 8 ball (black), the player MUST play away from the touching ball and then meet all the requirements of a legal shot.

2.      Touching any ball the player is legally entitled to play. The player may choose either;

                                           i.         Play away from the touching ball, and be deemed to have played that ball. Therefore, the player needs to then only pot a ball of his/her own group, or cause any ball, including the cue ball, to strike a cushion to fulfill the requirements of a legal shot.

                                          ii.         Play to move the touching ball, but great care should be taken not to contact the cue ball twice, (foul 6(P)). (Moving the object ball is not automatically a foul).


D.     Cue ball in hand

When a player has the cue ball in hand, the ball is played from any position on, or behind, the baulk line, and in any direction.

E.      Player in control

A player is said to be in control of the table from the time their body, cue, or clothing touches the table prior to their shot, throughout the visit, and up until the opponent does likewise prior to their visit. Any ball(s) which fall into pockets during this period, (including the 8 ball (black)).

F.      Snookers

A player is in a snooker when it is impossible to hit any part of any ball ‘on’ by way of a straight line. In this situation the player should seek confirmation from his/her opponent or referee and then need only to cause the cue ball to contact a ball ‘on’ to execute a legal shot.

G.     Object Ball Frozen to a cushion

This rule applies to any shot where the cue ball’s first contact with a ball is with one that is frozen (touching) a cushion. After the cue ball makes contact with the frozen object ball, the shot must result in either:

1.      A ball being pocketed or;

2.      The cue ball contacting a cushion or;

3.      The frozen ball being caused to contact a cushion attached to a separate rail or;

4.      Another object ball being caused to contact a cushion with which it was not already in contact.

Failure to satisfy one of these four requirements is a foul. A ball which is touching a cushion at the start of a shot and is then forced into a cushion attached to the same rail is not considered to have been driven to that cushion unless it leaves the cushion, contacts another ball, and the contacts the cushion again.

An object ball is not considered frozen to a cushion unless it is examined and announced as such by either player or the referee prior to that object ball being involved in a shot.

H.     Completion of game.

The game is completed when the 8 ball (black) is pocketed legally in any pocket, and all the remaining balls have come to rest, except on the break (see rule 4(G) ).



Should any situation arise whereby a legal shot is IMPOSSIBLE to play, then the game shall be restarted by the player who started that frame, whether this situation has been arrived at by accident or design.

If in the opinion of the referee neither player is allowing the game to progress, or a stalemate situation has arisen, then the game shall be restarted by the player who started that frame. The referee shall not allow numerous visits with neither player making any attempt to make the opening pot which decides the playing groups (unless it is felt that progress is being made). If the player who started that frame did so by virtue of their opponent making a foul break, that player will break on any restart, not the opponent who made the foul break.


A.     The term "SHOT" means striking the cue ball once.

B.      The term "VISIT" refers to the one turn at the table comprising of one or a series of shots.

C.      The term "BREAK" refers to the first shot of a game, or the first shot of a game being restarted.

D.     Coaching is deemed unsportsmanlike behaviour. (See rule 1).

A referee may, only if requested, advise on the rules of the game.