Settle & District Pool League Rules


1)     Management Committee

The league shall be administered by a committee appointed by representatives from each team. The committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Treasurer, a Secretary and 2 other representatives. They shall meet as and when required. They shall exercise full day to day control over the administration of the league, but they do not have the power to make strategic changes to the operation of the league.

2)     Representatives

Each team, which is currently playing in the league, shall be entitled to send one representative to meetings called for the purpose of discussing finances and other significant operational issues. Each representative is entitled to one vote on proposals put forward. Where necessary, the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. Members of the management committee shall only be entitled to vote when they also represent a team at the meeting. Each team shall receive 14 days notice of such meetings from the league secretary.

3)     League Rules

a)      The league shall consist of a maximum of 16 teams in any one division.

b)     A league match shall consist of 2 sets of 5 single frames.

c)      Each player may play only one singles in each set of 5 frames i.e. 2 frames maximum.

d)     A team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss. Teams will receive a bonus “frame” if a player wins the frame by potting all necessary balls in their 1st visit to the table (The break shot is deemed to be the player breaking’s 1st visit to the table).

e)      The overall league winners shall be the team finishing the season with the most points. Should one or more teams finish with the same number of points, the league winners will then be decided by the following statistics:

i)      Frame Difference.

ii)     No. of Match Wins

iii)    Head-to-Head results of the teams involved.

iv)    Play-off match between the teams involved, at a neutral venue to be decided by the committee. (bonus points will count in this fixture)

v)     Single deciding frame play-off between, teams’ choice of, player following play-off match.

f)      Games shall commence at 8:30pm prompt, Frames can be claimed from 8:50pm at 15minute intervals but there is an expectation of good spirit being shown. Any Disputes should be entered on the app on the night, whilst recording the result, this will notify the league secretary, who will liaise with both captains and committee members to see what in any further action is required.

g)     The pool fixture App should be filled in in the order players are required to play, i.e. players arriving late are put on later in the order, players wishing to leave early are placed early in the order etc. This is necessary to prevent the situation where a player not arriving until later is paired against a player wishing to depart early, therefore players placed in the wrong order or not present by 9:30pm and required to play, shall forfeit the frame.

h)     Once players have been entered and “Locked in” on the app these cannot be amended, this includes any blank spaces for byes. Only in exceptional circumstances, providing both captains agree, can this be amended, by the pool league secretary, and both teams should notify the secretary of this ASAP

i)      Teams must fulfil all their fixture obligations, by the last league game or face eviction from the league.

j)      Teams wishing to cancel/postpone a game must give notice, to the league secretary and the opposing team, at least 24hrs before the proposed game, they must also provide 2 possible dates/times for the fixture to be rearranged.

k)     Unless there are exceptional circumstances (agreed by the committee), Teams who cancel games with less than 24hrs shall forfeit the match, 2 points and a 6-4 win, will be awarded to the opposition Team.

l)      Teams may only cancel/rearrange fixtures twice in any one season, Teams will be warned once they have cancelled 2 games, and a penalty may be imposed (at the discretion of the committee) if any more games are cancelled. Exceptions may be made for adverse weather conditions). Penalty may include a £20 surcharge for entry to the league the following season.

m)    No player may play for more than one team in a season, this includes team knockout games, any player breaching this rule could be banned from the league for two seasons; any points gained by an illegal player will be awarded to the opposing team.

n)     Matches are to be played according to the English Pool Association Rules with some amendments (please see attached rules)

4)     Team Knockout/Plate Rules

a)      A knockout/plate match shall consist of 1 set of 5 single frames, followed by 1 set of, 1 singles and 2 Scotch Doubles Matches, all frames will be randomly drawn using the Pool league App.

b)     Matches shall be played utilising International Pool Rules.

c)      With the exception of the preliminary round of the knockout, a player must have played a least 1 league frame, for their team, to be eligible to play in the team knockout/plate competitions, (any points a team has received with an ineligible player will be removed and awarded to the opposite team, not to include any bonus received).

d)     Each player may play only one frame in each set of frames i.e. 2 frames maximum (Except as in rule 4f).

e)      A team will be awarded one point for each frame won. A player will receive a bonus point for winning the frame, by potting all necessary balls in their 1st visit to the table, not to include the break short.

f)      If after the 2 sets of frames the scores are level (including any bonus points received) then each team may choose a player to play a deciding frame.

g)     The game is won when a team has scored enough points, for it to be impossible for the opposing team to gain enough points (including bonus clearance points) to draw level within the 2 sets of frames.

h)     All teams shall be entered into the Team Knockout Competition, Teams knocked out in the preliminary and 1st round of the knockout shall be entered into the Team Plate Competition.

i)      Teams knocked out in the preliminary stage, will receive automatic entry into the 1st round of the plate competition and not be required to play another preliminary.

ii)     Teams knocked out in the 1st round, will be placed into a draw for the preliminary round of the plate.

i)      All rounds of the Knockout and Plate competitions will be drawn as required and not pre-drawn.

5)     Admission Rules

a)      New teams wishing to join the league shall notify the league secretary, in writing, by 30th April, New teams will be subject to a £20 security deposit, on top of the normal entry fee, this will be returned at the end of the season providing they have fulfilled their fixture obligations, including the cancelling/rearranging of games rule.

b)     A maximum of one new team per establishment will be permitted in a season, except when one establishment withdraws all teams due to a change in its operational circumstances. In this situation an establishment will be allowed to introduce two teams in a season.

c)      New teams must provide details of the proposed venue, members of the management committee will inspect the proposed venue to verify suitability. They will look for quality of table, space for cueing and any geographical problems, which may arise from a travelling perspective.

d)     A meeting of representatives shall be held within the first 10 days of May to consider each application. A simple majority from the representatives is required to provisionally join the league.

e)      Representatives from new teams will not be permitted to attend Annual General Meetings or representative meetings until they have been allocated a league position.


6)     Resignation

It is requested that teams leaving the league shall give notice by April 30th to facilitate efficient administration.

6)     Annual General Meeting

An Annual general meeting shall be held to consider rule changes, adopt account and to discuss any other business or issues as appropriate. The meeting will also elect the management committee for the forthcoming year. Each team shall receive 14 days notice, in writing, of such meetings. 

7)     Disputes

All disputes shall be put, in writing, to the league secretary. The management committee shall convene to discuss the complaint and shall advise of their decision within 7 days. If necessary, they shall call a representative meeting to resolve the dispute especially if the issues is beyond their powers.