League Constitution (inc off table rules)


Last revised:




There are two documents that all member teams of the Neston & District Pool League must be familiar with;   

A. Neston & District Pool League Constitution (this document), referred to as ‘The League Constitution’. 

B. Blackball Rules, referred to as ‘The Match Rules’  

The League Constitution    

The League Constitution must be adhered to at all times, and it is considered the definitive ruling for the behaviour and conduct of all member teams of the Neston and District Pool League.    

There may be times when the League Committee is called upon to give a ruling, e.g. match dispute. At such times, the decision of the League Committee is final with no possibility of appeal. Furthermore, all pool teams in the league agree to abide by all decisions made by the League Committee.   

This Constitution can only be amended/changed by the AGM.  

“It is the League Committees aim to ensure that the League Constitution is applied to all teams without discrimination and without prejudice.”  


The League Committee  

  1.  The League Committee has three voted members plus club representatives, and is the governing body of the Neston & District Pool League. League Committee members are selected from the member pool teams of the League. 
  1. League Committee comprises of the following persons;  

    1. Executive Committee 

      1. Chairman (Non- voting apart from any casting vote as deemed necessary by the Committee

      2. Secretary (Non-voting)

      3. Treasurer (Non-voting) 

2. Ordinary Members (voting):  

    1. Up to two representatives (i.e. Captain/Vice) from each affiliated team. Each team having one single vote. 

(N.B. Executive Committee members are non-voting to remove any chance that a team could have three members on the committee). 

 The League Committee has the following restriction;

  1. If any vote is required concerning possible venues, where a venue has more than one team then that venue will receive only one vote; i.e. only one vote per venue and not a vote for each team from that venue.
  2. At any time when a League Committee member(s) cannot attend a League Meeting (due to personal circumstances or holidays, etc.), the remaining League Committee members may nominate a proxy Committee member(s) in order to process any league matters that may have arisen (such as match disputes, etc.). The above restriction must be adhered to.


League Meetings

  1. League Meetings will generally be held as and when requested by the League Committee. 

  1. All communications should be addressed to the League Secretary. 

  1. All clubs must be represented.  

  1. In the interest of efficiency and order, only club representatives (who must be a registered member of the respective pool team) are allowed to attend League meetings.  

  1. League finances will be available for scrutiny on request by any Committee member. 

  1. Agendas will be provided, with the provision for AOB. 

  1. Meetings will be conducted through the Chair. 

  1. Items to be included in AOB must not include items discussed at the AGM. 



5.1 League Fees:  

The annual League Fee is £80.00 per year per team. This can be paid in at the arranged time before the commencement of the season. All fees must be paid in full by the date stated in order for a team to be eligible to play.  

5.2 Player Registration Fee:  

Player registrations are included in the Team League Fee.  

5.3 Singles/Doubles Competition Fees:  

Teams will be advised of the fee for each of these competitions after they have been set by the Committee.     

5.4 Future League Fees:  

All registration fees are subject to an annual review by the League Committee and may be adjusted accordingly if deemed necessary.   


About the League  

6.1 General:  

The Neston and District Pool League (N+DPL) plays a full League Fixture List and a series of Cup Competitions that typically run from September to June/July each year.    

6.2 League Fixture List:  

These fixtures comprise the league matches between all teams in a given season. The duration of the League Fixture List is dependent upon the number of teams in the League for that year.   

6.3 Cup Competitions:  

There are a number of Cup Competitions run each year by the League. They are as follows:  

  1. Singles Cup – A singles competition open to all members of each team of the League. 

  1. Doubles Cup – A doubles competition open to all members of each team of the League. 

  1. Kenny Roberts Cup/Plate – A cup competition open to all teams of the League.  

  1. Lou Laird Cup/Plate – A cup competition open to all member teams of the League 

  1. Legends Cup – A cup competition for teams of 3 players. This is to be the League’s Charity Cup Competition and all monies raised will be donated to a Charity chosen by the winners. 

  1. Best of The Best – A cup competition between the 2 best players (in League Performance Stats) of each team   

(N.B. All cup squads must be drawn from registered teams and affiliated players).  


Registered Players  

7.1 General:  

Only players registered with their respective pool team are allowed to compete in the League and Cup competitions. Maximum of 2 teams per venue. 

The Initial Deadline for the Registration Record be handed in will be specified by the League Committee at the beginning of a season.   

7.2 Player Registration 

This is a complete list of all players who have registered for a given team.  

  1. The registration fee for players is included in their Team’s Registration Fee.  

  1. All players must be officially registered with the League in order to participate in any League Competitions. 

  1. Players may be registered 1 week before playing. Signatures should registered with the League Secretary via the League app. 

  1. Any team playing a non-registered player will forfeit the match/matches in which that player has played. 

  1. No player can play for more than one team in any one season. No transfers are allowed by the League. Exception: players from teams that fold during the season can transfer to another team.

  1. Offending players will be suspended from the League until further notice. 

  1. Two players under the age of 18 may register with any team in any one season. 

  1. Players under 16 may play under the following condtions:

    1. Player must be accompanied by a Parent/Guardian
    2. Player can only play in venues where the management/license allows. Proir permission must be sought from the venue before play.
  1. Team captains who have a registered player who is barred from any venue must adhere to the conditions imposed by the management of the venue concerned.

  2. No new signings are permitted after the turn around of fixtures, halfway through the season. 



Penalty Point Deductions  

This section gives the reason why a point deduction may be awarded, and a penalty incurred.    

  • Failure to complete match details online – £10 fine 

  • Failure to attend League Meeting (see section ‘4. League Meetings’) - £10 fine.  

  • Playing an un-registered player - the offending team will forfeit all matches where applicable and will have an additional £10 fine for each unregistered player they play. 

  • Failure to attend a League fixture will result in a 2 point penalty+ (see below)


 Match Fixtures  

League and Cup Matches are played on Tuesday nights. The first frame of a match must commence no later than 8:00pm. If the opposing team has failed to arrive by 8:05pm, the first frame may be claimed. Additional frames may be claimed every 5 minutes thereafter. If there are not any players available to play by 8:30pm, all remaining frames are abandoned and the tam will be deemed to have failed to attend.    

In league matches, a minimum of 5 players is required in order for a match to be considered as valid.  

If a team turns up with less than 5 players, this will be recorded as a ‘Fail to Attend’ (fta).     

If any team fails to attend a match, they will forfeit the match and incur a £10 fine plus 2 points deduction. In addition to this, if the team is Away, they may be asked to contribute to the catering costs of the Home venue.   

If any team fails to attend successive match fixtures, and fails to notify the League Committee, then the Committee reserve the right to withdraw that team from the League (and amend all League scores as necessary).    


Order of Play  

10.1 General:  

The Home Team must supply a rest and a spider, plus a small cue if needed. Failure to comply will result in loss of frame (maximum of 1 frame per match).   

10.1 League Matches:  

League matches are best of 9 frames, consisting of 7 singles and 2 scotch doubles (as determined by the AGM) 

For all League Matches, the Home team will put their player’s name down for the first frame, and then it will be alternative names for each subsequent frame (i.e. the Away Team will put their player’s name down first for the second frame, Home Team will do so for the third frame, and so on). Player selections cannot be changed once entered.  

The Home Team will referee the first frame and each alternate frame. A lag will decide who gets to choose for break for each frame 

Scotch Doubles frames: 

Conferring is allowed at all times.

10.2 Referees:  

  1. Referee is in charge of the game at all times. 

  1. Referee’s decision is final.  

10.3 Cup Matches 

  1. Cup matches are best of 9 frames, consisting of 7 singles and 2 scotch doubles. 

  1. Conferring in doubles games is allowed at all times within the constraints of the shot clock (see above). 

10.4 Match Recording 

  1. Home team captains are responsible for the recording of the match on the current application being used by the League. 

10.5 Match Etiquette 

  1. All games to be played according to the Match Rules (currently Blackball Rules) and in a sporting manner. 

  1. No coaching or prompting in any way whilst a game is in progress. Clarification on what is deemed permissible will be determined by the Committee. Coaching or prompting will result in loss of game or other disciplinary action as considered by the Committee. 

  1. Chalk must not be placed on the rails of the table during play. Standard foul.


  The Scoring System 

  1. Home win=2 points; Away win=3 points 

  1. Any teams involved in title positions that are on level points at the end of the season will play a deciding match at a mutually agreeable venue. 

  1. Best individual league record: If 2 players are tied on points and games won, they will play a best of 7 frames final at a mutually agreeable venue.  


Re-arranged Fixtures    

No rearranged fixtures whatsoever unless deemed exceptional circumstances by the Executive Committee    

If the home team’s venue is unavailable (due to refurbishment, function, etc) then the fixture must be reversed or played at an alternative venue.  


Singles and Doubles Competitions (Revised Aug 2017)   

  • All Singles and Doubles competitions are played on a ‘Best out of 3’ basis, except the semi-final which is played on a ‘Best out of 5’ basis, and the final which is played on a ‘Best out of 7’ basis.    

  • The date and venue for all Cup Finals will be specified by the League Committee.    

  • It is expected that the venue that hosts any of these fixtures, will pay for the matches.    

  • Any player who wants to enter the singles and/or doubles cup competitions MUST provide a contact number, otherwise the will not be entered into the competitions.    

  • Matches will be pre-drawn and venues notified of the running order.   

  • ‘Scratch time” 8:00pm.     

  • In any dispute over fixture, the decision of the League Committee is final.   


Match Dispute  

If any frame is disputed in any given match, only the match referee, the players who were playing the frame that has come into dispute and the respective pool team captains should attempt to resolve the issue. If any other players from either team unduly interfere with this process, they must be warned that if they persist, then they will forfeit that frame for their team.    

If the frame in question is continued, any irregularity will be deemed to have been resolved and the result of that frame will stand with no possibility of appeal. (The remaining frames of the match will continue to be played out normally).    

If the matter cannot be resolved, play must stop immediately and the frame is to be abandoned – this is deemed to be a ‘Match Protest’. The following procedure must be adhered to:  

  • The disptue is logged onto the online match record. Usually done by entering a "D" instead of the win/loss, or the Dispute button is pressed before the captains approve the frame. 
  • Full details of the dispute must be registered with the league Secretary via the online platform.

  • The League Secretary must be advised of a ‘Match Dispute’ by both teams.  

  • The ‘Match Dispute’ will be considered by the League Committee at the earliest possible meeting, and the teams affected will be informed of the decision reached by the League Committee by the following Wednesday.

In the event of a dispute being raised due to unregistered players being played, the procedure above should be adhered to.  


Abusive Behaviour  

Racist and Violent abusive behaviour of any description will not be tolerated.  

  • Racism - Any players using racist abuse will result in forfeit of that match for their team, and that individual will be banned from the league and all cup competitions.  

  • Violence - Any player using threat of violence or actual violence towards any other player or licensee will result in forfeit of that match for their team, and that individual will be banned from the league and all cup competitions.  

  • Verbal Abuse - This is deemed to be un-sportsman like conduct, and will be dealt with accordingly. 

  • Sexual Abuse - Any player using sexual abuse will result in forfeit of that match for their team and that individual will be banned from the league and all cup competitions. 


Unsportsmanlike Conduct  

If, in the opinion of the League Committee, any pool team, or member of, or supporter of, behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner, appropriate action will be taken.  



Unforeseen and Exceptional Circumstances   

With all the rules and regulations covered in the League Constitution, there may come a time when something totally unexpected happens. Indeed as the name for this section suggest, ‘Unforeseen and Exceptional Circumstances’ are circumstances that cannot be planned for in any way, shape or form   

Should any team, or individual, be affected by such circumstances, they must advise the League Committee of the problem(s) they have encountered. The League Committee, will try where ever possible to reach an accommodation with the affected team, or individual. If such an accommodation cannot be reached, then the affected team, or individual, will be advised accordingly.  


Annual General Meeting

  1. This meeting shall take place once every year and only teams that are fully paid up members shall be allowed to vote. 

  1. Any issues to be brought forward at the AGM must be put in writing and send to the Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the AGM. 

  1. The agenda for the AGM will be as follows:- 

    1. Chairman’s report
    2. Treasurer’s report and balance sheet
    3. Election of Executive Committee
    4. Proposed changes
    5. Any other business, the time for which will be at the discretion of the Chairman 



The League Committee reserves the right to amend any, and all, rules and regulations that govern the Neston & District Pool League, at any time. All member teams will be advised accordingly in such a case. 


GDPR Policy 

Neston & District Pool League is committed to ensuring all personal information collected about you is safe and secure. 

This Policy sets out our commitments to you, in compliance with and beyond the General Data Protection Regulation (commonly known as the GDPR) and explains how we collect, store and use your personal information. 

References to we, our, us or the club in this privacy notice are to the Neston & District Pool League. 

The League Chairman has overall responsibility for data protection compliance within our organisation. If you have any questions regarding this Policy or what we do with your personal information, please refer to the contact details below. 

  1. 1. Privacy Notices 

  1. 1.1 Collecting specific, relevant personal information is a necessary part of us being able to provide you with any services you may request from us or in providing services to our customers and members or just managing our relationship with you. 

  1. 1.2 When we hold or use your personal information as a data controller we will provide you with a privacy notice which sets out in detail what information we hold about you (such as your contact details, address, etc.), how your personal information may be used and the reasons for these uses, together with details of your rights. 

  1. 1.3 Where we collect personal information from you directly, we will provide the relevant privacy notice to you at the time we collect the personal information from you. Where we receive your personal information indirectly, we will provide this privacy notice when we first contact you. 

  1. 1.4 We will only provide this privacy notice to you once, generally at the start of our relationship with you. Any updates will be posted on the League’s website. 

  1. 1.5 If you wish to check for any updated version of this privacy notice then contact the Chairman; mike.foo@sky.com 

  1. 2. The difference between controllers/processors 

  1. 2.1 A data controller is a person who controls how personal information is processed and used. A data processor is a person who processes and uses personal information in accordance with the instructions of a third party, i.e. the data controller, this distinction is important. 

  1. 2.2 You have certain rights in relation to your personal information, for example the right to be provided with the personal information held about you and details of its use and the right to have certain of your personal information either erased or anonymised, commonly referred to as the right to be forgotten (see below to see what rights you have). These rights can generally only be exercised against a data controller of your information. 

  1. 2.3 In most cases Neston & District Pool League will be a data controller of your personal information. In any case where we are not a data controller this means that you cannot exercise these rights against us directly (i.e. where we only act as a data processor), but you can do so against the data controller (i.e. the person who controls how we process the personal information). In these cases, we will endeavour to inform you who is the data controller of your personal information so that you can direct any such requests to them. 

  1. 2.4 It is only a data controller that will provide you with a privacy notice about your personal information, so where we process your personal information as a data controller, we will provide you with a privacy notice. Where we process your personal information as a data processor for a third party, that third party should provide you with a privacy notice which will set out details regarding the processing of your personal information, which should also include the processing to be carried out by us on their behalf. 

  1. 3. How does the League use your personal information? 

  1. 3.1 We may use your personal information to administer any account(s) you have with us or to send you information we think you might find useful, provided you have indicated that you are happy to be contacted for these purposes. To see how we use your personal information, please see our current privacy notices, which can be accessed below: 

  • Member privacy notice – [include link] 

  • CCTV privacy notice – [include link] 

  • Privacy notice for everyone else external to our organisation – [include link] 

  1. 4. Who does the League share your personal information with? 

  1. 4.1 Details of how we disclose your personal information are generally where we need to do so in order to run our organisation (e.g. where other people process information for us). In such circumstances, we will put in place arrangements to protect your personal information. Outside of that we do not disclose your personal information unless we are required to do so by law. 

  1. 4.2 If we transfer personal information about you outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will let you know and ensure that all reasonable security measures are taken and that any third party processers will be required to process the information in accordance with information protection laws and we will notify you in your privacy notice if we are the information controller. 

  1. 4.3 We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. 

  1. 5. How does the League hold on to your personal information? 

  1. 5.1 W will only hold your information for as long as is necessary or where you ask us to delete records, we may delete it earlier. 

  1. 5.2 The duration for which we retain your personal information will differ depending on the type of information and the reason why it was collected. However, in some cases personal information may be retained on a long-term basis: for example, personal information that we need to retain for legal purposes will normally be retained for at least six years in accordance with usual commercial practice and regulatory requirements. 

  1. 6. What are your rights? 

  1. 6.1 You are entitled by law to ask for a copy of your personal information at any time. You are also entitled to ask us to correct, delete or update your personal information, to send your personal information to you or another organisation and to object to automated decision making. Where you have given us your consent to use your personal information in a particular manner, you also have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. 

  1. 6.2 To exercise any of your rights, or if you have any questions relating to your rights, please contact us by using the details set out in the “Contact” section below. You can also unsubscribe from any direct marketing by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the marketing messages we send to you. 

  1. 6.3 You should note that some of your rights may not apply as they have specific requirements and exemptions which apply to them and they may not also apply to personal information recorded and stored by us. However, your right to withdraw consent or object to processing for direct marketing are absolute rights. 

  1. 6.4 If you are unhappy with the way the League is using your personal information you can complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office or your local data protection regulator. More information about your legal rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website at https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/. However, we are here to help and would encourage you to contact us to resolve your complaint first. 

  1. 7. Linking with third party sites 

  1. 7.1 Our Site may occasionally contain links to and from the websites of our partners, clubs, etc. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and they will be a data controller of your personal information. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies and you should check these policies before you submit any personal information to these websites. 

  1. 7.2 In addition, if you linked to this Site from a third-party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners or operators of that third-party site and recommend that you check the policy of that third-party site and contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions. 

  1. 8. Security 

  1. 8.1 We employ a variety of technical and organisational measures to keep your personal information safe and to prevent unauthorised access to, or use, or disclosure of it. Unfortunately, no information transmission over the Internet is guaranteed 100% secure nor is any storage of information always 100% secure, but we do take all appropriate steps to protect the security of your personal information. 

  1. 9. Cookies 

  1. 9.1 Certain parts of our Site use “cookies” to keep track of your visit and to help you navigate between sections. A cookie is a small data file that certain websites store on your computer’s hard-drive when you visit such websites. Cookies can contain information such as your user ID and the pages you have visited. The only personal information a cookie contains is information that you have personally supplied. 

  1. 9.2 We use cookies on our Site to enable us to deliver content that is specific to your interests and gives us an idea of which parts of the Site you are visiting and to recognise you when you return to the Site. Reading cookies does not give us access to other information on your computer’s hard-drive and our Site will not read cookies created by other websites that you have visited. 

  1. 9.3 You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies. If, however, you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of the Site. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you access the Site. 

  1. 9.4 Please note providers of third-party content may also use cookies over which we have no control. 

  1. 10. Log Files 

  1. 10.1 In common with most websites, our Site logs various information about visitors, including internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP) information, referring / exit pages and date / time stamp. 

  1. 10.2 We may use this information to analyse trends, administer the Site, track your movement around the Site and gather broad demographic information. 

  1. 11. Changes to this policy 

  1. 11.1 Any changes we may make to this Policy in the future will be posted on our Site and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. When we change this Policy in a material way, we will update the version date at the bottom of this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to this Policy and should you object to any alteration, please contact us as set out in the “Contact” section below. 

  1. 12. Contact 

  1. 12.1 In the event of any query or complaint in connection with the information we hold about you, please email the Chairman or Secretary. 

  1. 12.2 Whilst this privacy policy sets out a general summary of your legal rights in respect of personal information, this is a very complex area of law. More information about your legal rights can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website at https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/.