General Playing Procedures & Rules (2025-26 Edition)


Executive Committee means the committees of the Summer League and the Winter League elected by the membership from time to time.

League Cup means in relation to the Winter League only, the League Cup Competition and its associated Plate and Plaque Competitions.

Summer League means the Croydon Summer Pool League (“C.S.P.L”) 

Winter League means the Croydon & District Pool League (“C.D.P.L”)


1)     New or existing teams within the league will be required to pay the pre-season subscription as specified by the Executive Committee or those teams will not be included in any of the league fixture lists.  This subscription will include for the initial registration of up to 12 players league match fees and entry into all other competitions within the league.

a)     New Teams will be placed in the lowest division in normal circumstances but if a team is formed by previous registered players, then their League Status will be subject to the League Secretary/Executive Committee discretion, and this will be based upon previous ranking lists.

2)     Subscriptions and fees or any part thereof will be non-returnable to teams or players who are suspended or withdraw from the league.

3)     Any team failing to play all their matches automatically categorised as a New Team for the following season thereby losing their current league status.  Any offending teams may not be guaranteed to be in the league for the following season.


4)     Each team may have a maximum of 12 players registered at any given time. Player registrations may be cancelled by any Team Secretary by emailing the League Secretary.

5)     New players can be registered with a team after a season has started by registering them in the RackEmApp App.

6)     If a team already has 12 players registered at the time of a New Player’s registration, then an existing registered player must be de-registered so as not to exceed the maximum. (Up to 13 players may be registered in the app to allow you time to ask the league secretary to remove a player should your team be at capacity),

7)     Once a team has reached the Quarter-Final stages of the League Cup or Knockout Cup competitions, then no new signed player (from those dates) may play for that team in the remaining stages of those competitions.

8)     A minimum of 3 team players must be registered with the League by the closing date for application forms to be submitted for any new season. Failure to do this will result in that existing team losing their current league status and being categorised as a new team. Further player registrations can be submitted before the season commences without any further fees being charged (Refer to Rule 5 after the season has commenced).

9)     A player may apply for a transfer to another team with the agreement of both relevant team secretaries. If agreed notify the League Secretary and transfer will be actioned. If agreement has not been reached, then the player may apply to the Executive Committee directly. Permission will then be solely at the discretion of the Executive Committee and will only be granted if it is felt that agreeing to the transfer will not result in any Unsporting Behaviour.

a)     Players who do transfer during a season will become new players for their respective new team and forfeit any ranking points / divisional singles wins accumulated from their old team.

b)     In addition, any transferred player will be cup-tied to their original team so will not be eligible to participate in any Team Cup match with his/her new team (if they have played within that competition representing their original team) and will not be eligible to participate in any League match that results in them playing against the same opposition more than once in the same half fixtures of the League.

c)     Any player transferring to another team is only permitted to do so once in any season.

d)     No more than 2 players from a withdrawn team may transfer to the same new team in that season. Members of any team which has been suspended from the league are not permitted to transfer for the remainder of that suspension.


10)  All League/ League Cup matches will be played on Tuesday evenings of each week. League Cup matches will be played on Monday evenings during the latter stages.  Fixture lists will be provided in the RackEmApp App.

11)  All Knockout & Plate competitions, being the Singles, Doubles and Team Knockout Cup, will be played in rotation on Monday evenings.

12)  If 2 teams from a shared 1 table venue are drawn at home in the K/O cup one of the matches may be postponed so as not to surrender home advantage and the re-arranged match must be played within 2 weeks of the original fixture date.  In all other cases of team postponed matches, then these should only occur in extreme exceptional circumstances and with the full agreement of the opponent’s secretary with a proviso that a 2pm deadline on the day of the match is adhered to in relation to requesting to postpone a match otherwise a WALKOVER WIN will be given to the opponent.

13)  In the event of any other team match being postponed, the re-arranged fixture date must be played either before or within 3 weeks of the original fixture date(unless exceptionally agreed by the League Secretary), with the proviso that all league matches must be played and the result entered into the RackEmApp App before the final week, so that all teams go into the last match of the season fully aware of the potential impact of the night’s results on their fate (failure to do so will result in that fixture becoming VOID).  The league secretary should be informed once the date has been agreed so that any re-arranged fixtures can be updated in the App.

14)  Singles or Doubles K/O matches can be subject to postponement on the understanding that the opponent(s) agree and that the match is played within 2 weeks of the original fixture date otherwise the fixture will be deemed as “VOID” and a BYE will be entered into the next round. The date the match is due to be played should be marked in the app under My Matches and enter the new date of the match.


15)  All League and League Cup Group matches will be played to the maximum of 15 Single Frames and 1 Point will be awarded for each frame won. The 15 frames are treated as 3 sets of 5 with no one player permitted to play twice within any set of 5. No player may play the same opponent more than once (except for any League Cup play-off scenario or where a blind draw applies). It is the responsibility of the away secretary to complete names in the RackEmApp app to ensure that this is the case. The app will highlight any issues where a player has played a player before.

16)  After each League Match has been played (or at any point in the evening if agreed by both secretaries), the two team secretaries will play each other in a Round-Robin 1 Frame competition, which will be eventually decided by the Secretary with the most wins during the season. Under no circumstances can a substitute play in the place of a Team Secretary in that frame. The AWAY team secretary has the choice of break in this match, the person who breaks should be marked in the app (Usually “Away Wins Lag” unless the secretary gives away the break, then should be marked “Home Wins Lag”)

17)  If, at the end of a season, teams are on level points, wins, losses, draws and head-to-head matches then they will play off at a neutral/sponsors choice venue to decide either promotion or relegation. Play-offs will also be arranged at neutral venues for players in the Secretary and Divisional Singles competitions if a tie situation arises at the end of the season. All play-offs will be based on a format of 1 frame matches

a)     If teams are level on points, wins, losses or draws after stages 1 or 2 of the League Cup have been completed then the head-to-head results between those teams in Stage 1 or 2 match will determine which team progresses in the competition.

b)     In the event of a 3-way Play-Off in the Secretary or Divisional Singles competitions then a Round Robin system will be used with the eventual winner being decided by the player who consecutively defeats the other 2 players in succession.


18)  The League Cup is formulated and structured on a seeding system which is based on the finished League positions of teams from the previous Winter League season as follows:-


Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

Division 6


01 - Group 1

13 - Group 7

25 - Group 8

37 - Group 8

49 - Group 7

61 - Group 8


02 - Group 5

14 - Group 3

26 - Group 6

38 - Group 6

50 - Group 3

62 - Group 6


03 - Group 7

15 - Group 5

27 - Group 4

39 - Group 4

51 - Group 5

63 - Group 4


04 - Group 3

16 - Group 1

28 - Group 2

40 - Group 2

52 - Group 1

64 - Group 2


05 - Group 2

17 - Group 8

29 - Group 7

41 - Group 7

53 - Group 8

65 - Group 8


06 - Group 4

18 - Group 6

30 - Group 3

42 - Group 3

54 - Group 6

66 - Group 6


07 - Group 6

19 - Group 4

31 - Group 5

43 - Group 5

55 - Group 4

67 - Group 4


08 - Group 8

20 - Group 2

32 - Group 1

44 - Group 1

56 - Group 2

68 - Group 2


09 - Group 8

21 - Group 7

33 - Group 7

45 - Group 8

57 - Group 7

69 - Group7


10 - Group 6

22 - Group 3

34 - Group 3

46 - Group 6

58 - Group 3

70 - Group 3


11 - Group 4

23 - Group 5

35 - Group 5

47 - Group 4

59 - Group 5

71 - Group 5


12 - Group 2

24 - Group 1

36 - Group 1

48 - Group 2

60 - Group 1

72 - Group 1


This may be subject to alteration if divisions increase or decrease, but with the same principle being used.

1st Stage Group matches will be played on a Round-Robin basis and when all matches have been completed and the 8 Group Winners & Runners-Up become apparent, they will be entered into a 2nd Stage Group in the following manner:


A – Groups 1 & 2 Winners & Groups 7 & 8 Runners-Up

B – Groups 3 & 4 Winners & Groups 5 & 6 Runners-Up

C – Groups 5 & 6 Winners & Groups 3 & 4 Runners-Up

D – Groups 7 & 8 Winners & Groups 1 & 2 Runners-Up

If applicable, 2nd Stage Group matches will again be played on a Round-Robin basis and when all matches have been completed and when the 4 Group Winners & Runners-Up become apparent then these teams will form the Quarter-Finals in the following manner:

A – Group A Winners v Group D Runners-Up

B – Group B Winners v Group C Runners-Up

C – Group C Winners v Group B Runners-Up

D – Group D Winners v Group A Runners-Up


The Quarter-Finals will be played at a neutral/sponsors choice 2 table venue, to a maximum of 15 frames with the first team to secure 8 frames going through to the Semi-Final. When all matches have been completed and the 4 Winners become apparent then these teams will form the Semi-Finals in the following manner:


1 - A v B

2 - C v D


a)     The final will be played at West Beckenham Conservative Club to a maximum of 15 frames with the first team to secure 8 frames being the eventual winners and will be live streamed to the Croydon Pool League YouTube channel.


19)  This competition is for the teams finishing in 3rd and 4th positions in their respective groups in Stage One of the League Cup.

a)     Quarter-Finals and Semi-Finals are to be played in the same manner as Stage 2 of the League Cup but played on the drawn Home Basis over 15 frames

b)     The final will be played at West Beckenham Conservative Club and will be live streamed to the Croydon Pool League YouTube channel.


20)  This competition is for the teams finishing in 5th and 6th positions in their respective groups in Stage One of the League Cup.

a)     Quarter-Finals are to be played in the same manner as Stage 2 of the League Cup but played on the drawn Home Basis over 15 frames

b)     The final will be played at West Beckenham Conservative Club and will be live streamed to the Croydon Pool League YouTube channel.


21)  The Team Knockout Cup/Plate will be played throughout to a maximum of 15 frames and the first team to win 8 frames will progress to the next round.

a)     The 15 frames are treated as 3 sets of 5 with no one player permitted to play more than once in any set of 5.

b)     Blind draws throughout

c)     The final will be played at West Beckenham Conservative Club and will be live streamed to the Croydon Pool League YouTube channel. Teams are required to be at the venue to start at 8pm with the league referee (if available)


22)  The Singles, Division2/3/4 Singles, Doubles & Ladies Knockout (and any plate competitions) Competitions will be played over the best of 3 frames prior to the Quarter-Final stage whereupon they will then be played over the best of 5 frames up until and including the final. The Singles, Division2/3/4 Singles, Doubles and Ladies Knockout finals will be played at West Beckenham Conservative Club and will be live streamed to the Croydon Pool League YouTube channel. (If Scheduling permits the Plate Finals may also be played in the same way)

a)     If players have a Walkover Win claimed or give a Notified Bye Win in the 1st Rounds of these competitions then those players will not be entered into the Plate competitions.

b)     If players agree between themselves and the venue to increase the frames distance then that would be acceptable but it is not mandatory to be accepted by either opponent. If the number of frames is increased, then any score based on the original frame distance should be entered into the RackEmApp App (e.g. If you won 7-0, just enter 3-0 in the app)

c)     Doubles pairings need not necessarily be playing in the same team. 


23)  A maximum of 2 Points will be awarded to a player per frames won in a League Match which will be credited to their status within the Divisional Singles competition. If any player plays more than two frames within a League match then the team result will be credited with the frame result but only the result of the first two frame results will be credited towards the Divisional Singles competition.


24)  All matches will be played to the current International Playing Rules which are available on at

25)  All Division 1 League matches must use a shot clock, in accordance with the issued guidance for International Pool Rules. The shot clock can be used in other divisions only if agreed by both secretaries.

26)  All League competition matches must be played on either a standard 7'x 4' or 6'x 3'6" pool table using standard 2" diameter object balls and 1.7/8" diameter cue ball. Pro Cup object playing balls must be used if made available by either the Home Team or Away Team in all divisions and competitions including all Individual KO competitions if made available by either player(s).

27)  The Home Team shall pay for all match frames including the Secretary match in League matches.

28)  All table money expenses incurred within the individual K/O competitions, or any matches played on a neutral venue will be shared by the participating players.  No table monies will be paid for by the League.

29)  The Home Team will be expected to supply sandwiches and or food for both teams in a team match (except Team KO Cup)

30)  All matches in all competitions will commence at 8.00pm at which time teams must have a minimum of 3 players present to allow the match to commence.

a)     The order of the Break-Off is pre-determined in the RackEmApp App whereby the Away Team breaks first then alternate breaks for the remaining frames in the15 frame team matches. The player breaking has the choice to rack their own balls or can leave it to the away team to do this for them.

b)     The order of the Break-Off in Singles & Doubles KO matches is determined by the flip of a coin in the first frame (or lag if preferred) and the winner has the choice of break then thereafter the break-off of each subsequent frame will alternate. The player breaking will rack their own balls.

31)  If a Team arrives after 8.00pm or has insufficient players present to form a minimum legal line-up of 3 players, then 1 frame can be claimed for every 10 minutes late up until 8.30pm, and this must be claimed as of the order in the RackEmApp App. This is subject to the discretion of the opposing Team Secretary and a sporting attitude should prevail. Players involved in later frames will be permitted to participate after 8.30pm but only if they are present at the venue by the time that their designated frame has been racked up and it is at the break stage.  Failure to do so will result in that/those frame/s being awarded to the opponents by default.

32)  If a player arrives after 8.15pm in a Singles or Doubles K/O match then, at the opponent/s’ discretion, 1 frame can be claimed for every 10 minutes late up until 8.35pm whereupon after this time the match can be claimed as a “Walkover Win”.

33)  A £20.00 fine will be applied to any player who fails to arrive and play in his/her Singles or Doubles K/O match.

34)  Any Fines imposed must be paid to the League within 28 days of the fixture date. Failure to do so will result in the Automatic suspension of that/those player/s until such time that the Fine/s have been received by the League.

35)  Should a team claim a " Walk-over Win within a League match, then that team will be awarded the maximum 15 points (refer also to Rules 45, 46, and 47).

36)  Any "Walk-over Win" claimed may be vetted by the Executive Committee.

37)  The Home Team must enter their full names in the RackEmApp App first.  Alterations are not permitted after the away team names have been entered, other than for an unforeseen situation, in which case any alteration must be agreed by the opposing team secretary. Failure to comply will result in the frame being awarded against the team in default.

38)  Both teams must enter their full names in the RackEmApp App in the order of 1-5 before the match commences and when these have been played then the order of 6-10 needs to be completed and following the completion of frames 6-10, then the order for frames 11-15 (Either or both secretaries may change the order or players within the second & third sets with the proviso that no player will play the same opponent more than once per match.  The onus is on the Away Team Secretary to ensure this does not occur by changing his / her team order or line up as appropriate)

a)     No one Player can participate in more than 3 games within any one 15 frame match (except in a Play-Off situation).

b)     No one Player can participate in more than 4 games within any one 20 frame match (except in a Play-Off situation).

c)     Alterations are not permitted after the away team names have been entered, other than for an unforeseen situation, in which case any alteration must be agreed by the opposing team secretary. Failure to comply will result in the frame being awarded against the team in default.

39)  Both Team Secretaries must submit the result in the RackEmApp App after the match is finished to confirm the result. Any errors made in entry can be rectified by ticking the “Dispute” box and outlining the error made, the admin team will fix this without penalty.

40)  No player may be entered in the RackEmApp App until they are present at the venue and each name must follow the preceding name in numerical order with no gaps left for late arrivals.

41)  Any team found playing ineligible or suspended players in a League match or a League Cup match will result in the final score between both teams standing, but the offending team will have 15 points deducted from their status. Only in the case of the unregistered player/s having won their frames will extra point/s be awarded to the opposing team’s score.

a)     One warning will be given to a team if it is found that they have indeed played an ineligible or suspended player. However, the 15 point deduction will be waived on the first occasion, but the result will still be subject to change for the teams and players involved if it is found that the offending player/s has/have won their frame/s and this/these will be awarded to the opponent and opposing teams score.

42)  Any team found playing ineligible  or suspended player(s) in a Team Knockout Cup match will be automatically disqualified from the competition and the opposing team will go through to the next round (Refer also to Rule 41a)

a)     One warning will be given to a team if it is found that they have indeed played an ineligible   or suspended player.  However, if a second occasion occurs within the competition, then Rule 44 will apply.

43)  Any team found playing a player under another players name will be suspended immediately from the League. Any instance should be reported to the league secretary.

44)  Any team found to have falsified the result of a match will be suspended immediately from the League and will not be re-admitted into the League the following season except by agreement at the A.G.M.

45)  Any team who fails to arrive and play in any one match during the season will be deemed as a New Team for the following season and will be automatically relegated to a one division lower the following season should they re-apply for membership and a "Walkover Win" can be claimed by the opponents.

46)  Any team who fails to arrive and play in a match on a 2nd occasion will be suspended immediately from the League.

47)  Any team who fails to arrive and play in a League Cup Group Match will be withdrawn completely from that Group and participate no further within the competition. All their results will be removed.

48)  If a team is suspended or withdraws from the League / (or in the case of the Winter League only, the League Cup) for whatever reason then the following will apply:-

a)     If a full half of the league season HAS NOT been completed, all results, including secretaries, team and individual stats will be removed.).

b)     If a full half of the league season HAS been completed all results, including secretaries, team and individual stats will stand. Any postponed secretaries matches will be given the win.

c)     If any part of the second half of the league season has been played, these results, including secretaries, team and individual stats will be removed.

d)     Any league Cup group stage games that have not been fully completed, all team and individual stats will be removed.


49)  BOTH Team Secretary will be responsible for ensuring the match results are entered into the RackEmApp App after the end of the match or at the very latest by 9pm on Wednesday of the same week.  Failure to do so will result in the automatic deduction of 6 points from BOTH their status. (Refer also to Rule 53). For Team Knockout Cup Matches. Failure to do so will result in that match becoming Void and a 'Bye Win' will be awarded to the next round opponents. (Refer also to Rule 53).

50)  All winning players in the Individual Knockout Competitions must enter the result in the RackEmApp App themselves. They must have the app to enter the Knockout competitions. Failure to do so will result in that match becoming Void and a Bye Win will be awarded to the next round opponent/s.

51)  Anyone having issues entering the scores in the app through no fault of their own not be penalised, as long and both secretaries have tried to enter the scores  and the league secretary has been informed (ideally through the WhatsApp Groups). The league secretary will help facilitate getting the results entered.

52)  One warning will be given to teams if they fail to notify their match result on time. If the result is still outstanding after 1 week, then Rules 49 will apply.

53)  Any team(s) deducted points (or result voided in the Team Knockout Cup) will have the option of paying a £20 within 14 days of the offence for the deducted points/result to be re-instated.


54)  A player from each team will referee each frame played (this is normally the following frame player). All players should adhere to refer to the E.P.A International Playing Rules.

55)  All fouls must be called by the referees only unless the player addressing the table calls his/her own foul.

56)  Coaching (copied from the EPA International Playing Rules): During a frame, a player is required to play without receiving any advice from other persons relating to the playing of the frame. If a team member or bona fide supporter of a player offers advice, the referee will issue a "First and final warning" to that person that a repetition will result in the player being penalised via a standard foul. Because it may not always be possible for the referee to hear if a statement made to a player is advice, the referee may issue the first and final warning because any statement made to a player, other than general barracking, is deemed to be coaching.

57)  The decision of the referees, based on the current E.P.A. International Playing Rules, should be final in all instances. However, if the 2 referees cannot agree on a decision called in the frame that they are adjudicating, and the 2 participating players also cannot agree on an alternative then the 2 Team Secretaries should be called upon in the anticipation that a compromise can be found.

58)  In extreme circumstances where no compromise can be found, then that frame only (NOT THE REMAINDER OF THE MATCH), should be abandoned and the Executive Committee informed accordingly, and their future decision will be final (Refer to Rules 69-71).


59)  No player under the age of 14 years can participate in a match where the pool table is situated in the Public Bar or Bar area at a venue. Secretaries with under 18-year-olds in their side should check with their opponents before the night of the match to confirm whether their player/s can in fact play at the away venue.

60)  Two teams are promoted and relegated each season although promotion may be awarded to further teams in a Shuffle-Up process should any team be suspended or withdraws from the league during the previous season.

61)  Any person found to have committed an act of violence during any match or function held by the C.S.P.L.or C.D.P.L will be suspended for the remainder of that season and the whole of the following season and may also be subject to a fine before re-admittance to the league is allowed.

62)  Any player is free to enter into the Singles / Doubles KO competitions; however, if they are drawn to play at a venue from which they are barred, they will automatically be removed from the competition. There is no requirement for the home player to rearrange the game.  If this occurs within the Doubles competition, the other player is not allowed to draft in a replacement, unless it is prior to the first round being played. Any player from Division 2,3 or 4 is free to enter the Division 2,3,4 Singles KO, unless they are playing for a Division 2,3,4 team on a temporary basis from a Division 1 team (e.g. Where their main Division 1 team has not entered a team  for the Summer and they are playing in a Lower Division on a temporary basis). The league secretary reserves the right to deny entry to any player who they feel would undermine the integrity of this competition.

63)  Trophies are awarded to all players in winning and runners-up teams in the league (this being subject to a maximum of 10 trophies per team) as well as all Winners/ Runners-up/Semi-Finalists in the Team K/O Cup (this being again subject to a maximum of 10 trophies per team). Teams with more than 10 registered players will be required to pay for additional trophies if required. Trophies will be awarded to the Winners/Runners-Up/Semi-Finalists in the Singles and Doubles KO competitions and to the Winners/Runners-Up in the Secretary and Divisional Singles comps. In the event that a Junior or Ladies competition is run then trophies will be awarded to the Winners/Runners up only.

64)  Any team/player accepting a perpetual trophy agrees to ensure its safekeeping and subsequent return, when requested for the next presentation. Any perpetual awards which are lost while in their possession will require replacement at their cost and will not be covered by league funds.

65)  All trophies must be collected at the Annual Presentation Dance and any trophies uncollected will become the property of the league and will be used the following season for the same honour.

66)  A Trophy Order Form will be furbished to the secretary of all successful Teams/Players previous to the Presentation Dance and any Trophies not collected will result in a Fine for that/those Team/s or Player/s TO THE VALUE OF THE PURCHASED TROPHIES.

67)  Any Finals that are to be played on a neutral with a nominated referee/adjudicator and being live streamed, that wish to have the date changed, this must be agreed by the league secretary. Failure to do so will result in the game being replayed, and failure to arrange this would result in both parties being eliminated from the competition.


68)  Each Team secretary will be given one vote as to the venue to host the next presentation dance. This will be issue immediately after the presentation dance is completed and will be voted from all venues which have been pre-approved to host the evening. If you wish to have your venue added to the list, this should be submitted as a proposal at the AGM/Half Season meeting.


69)  Any complaints made against any player/team within the League must be made in writing and sent to the League Secretary within 14 days of the incident.

70)  Should the Executive Committee require a member of the league to attend an Executive Committee meeting because of a complaint and that member, without previously informing the Executive Committee of a reasonable excuse, failure to attend will result in that member being suspended from the league for the remainder of that season.