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Rank Name Team App B/Dish B/D R/Dish R/D P W Ave %
1 Adam Harding 572 Arms A 15 0 0 30 23 76.7%
2 Chris Gray 582 The Ram 15 0 0 30 22 73.3%
3 Mark Burden 855 Arms A 12 0 0 24 21 87.5%
4 Scott Devlin 775 Clatford Arms Dealers 13 2 1 24 18 75.0%
5 Liam Poore 950 Come On Swallow 15 0 0 30 18 60.0%
6 John Stephens 601 The Ram 16 0 1 31 18 58.1%
7 Steve Green 461 Clatford Arms Dealers 14 0 1 27 17 63.0%
8 Callum Lowe 769 Arms A 15 0 0 30 17 56.7%
9 Peter Bowen 504 The Ram 16 0 0 31 17 54.8%
10 Kyle Caffrey 542 Wykes and Chains 16 0 0 31 17 54.8%
11 Carl Shipsey 774 Arms A 16 0 0 31 17 54.8%
12 Mike Richmond 530 New Street 15 0 0 26 16 61.5%
13 Sam Rouse 721 Clatford Arms Dealers 15 0 0 26 15 57.7%
14 Dennis Painter 683 Come On Swallow 16 0 1 27 15 55.6%
15 Henry Cook 666 Clatford TTC 15 0 0 30 15 50.0%
16 Peter Hopkins 1021 Wykes and Chains 10 0 1 19 14 73.7%
17 Louis Attrill 653 New Street 12 0 1 23 14 60.9%
18 Phil Robins 587 Enham CG 12 1 0 23 14 60.9%
19 Ben Battey 721 Clatford Arms Dealers 14 0 0 27 14 51.9%
20 Simon Jones 440 The Ram 15 0 0 29 14 48.3%
21 Brian Austin 373 New Street 14 0 0 25 13 52.0%
22 Shevron Fisher 589 New Street 14 1 0 25 13 52.0%
23 Danny Gale 469 Shire Charlotte 13 0 0 26 13 50.0%
24 James Mack 569 Enham CG 15 0 0 26 13 50.0%
25 Martin Aslett 931 Come On Swallow 14 0 0 27 13 48.1%
26 Jay Gauld 934 Clatford TTC 16 0 0 30 13 43.3%
27 Tony Busby 533 Wykes and Chains 11 0 0 21 12 57.1%
28 Dale Barnes 477 Shire Charlotte 12 0 0 22 12 54.5%
29 Richard Belcher 586 Wykes and Chains 15 0 1 24 12 50.0%
30 Martin Burke 555 The Ram 12 1 0 24 12 50.0%
31 Shaun Phillips 514 Shire Charlotte 14 0 0 25 12 48.0%
32 Tom Nother 493 Shire Charlotte 14 0 0 24 11 45.8%
33 Martyn Dineen 474 Clatford TTC 13 0 0 26 11 42.3%
34 James Painter 546 Come On Swallow 13 0 0 24 10 41.7%
35 Adrian Burdock 515 New Street 15 0 0 26 10 38.5%
36 Ash Kemp 515 Clatford TTC 14 0 0 26 10 38.5%
37 Ken Brown 431 Clatford Arms Dealers 8 0 0 15 9 60.0%
38 Ollie Davies 618 Wykes and Chains 10 1 1 19 9 47.4%
39 Neal Ladd 501 Clatford Arms Dealers 13 0 0 19 9 47.4%
40 Carl Pearce 797 Clatford TTC 14 0 0 27 9 33.3%
41 Dan Shaw 500 Clatford TTC 9 0 0 15 8 53.3%
42 Matt Hall 626 Enham CG 9 0 0 17 8 47.1%
43 Chris Hynes 741 Enham CG 13 0 1 18 8 44.4%
44 Robert Sawkins 433 Wykes and Chains 15 0 0 27 8 29.6%
45 Paul George 576 Clatford Arms Dealers 8 0 0 12 7 58.3%
46 Roger Green 514 Shire Charlotte 8 0 0 15 7 46.7%
47 David Karas 492 Enham CG 11 0 1 15 7 46.7%
48 John Paxton 553 Enham CG 12 0 0 18 7 38.9%
49 Liam Horne 446 Arms A 11 0 0 21 7 33.3%
50 Ryan Potter 680 Wykes and Chains 5 1 0 9 6 66.7%
51 Jake Connor 1067 Shire Charlotte 7 0 0 12 6 50.0%
52 Jamie Richmond 412 New Street 10 0 0 15 6 40.0%
53 Charlie Harper 580 Enham CG 3 0 0 6 5 83.3%
54 Liam Campbell 553 Come On Swallow 4 0 0 8 5 62.5%
55 Barry Coleman 723 Enham CG 5 0 0 8 5 62.5%
56 Sam Blowers 487 Arms A 3 0 0 6 4 66.7%
57 Elliot Grocott 492 Arms A 4 0 0 8 4 50.0%
58 David Hynes 902 Enham CG 10 0 0 10 4 40.0%
59 Sean Anderson 425 New Street 11 0 0 12 4 33.3%
60 Tony Smana 499 The Ram 8 0 0 4 3 75.0%
61 John Wright 478 Come On Swallow 4 0 0 5 3 60.0%
62 David Adamson 666 Enham CG 6 0 0 8 3 37.5%
63 Harry Trebert 378 Come On Swallow 11 0 0 14 3 21.4%
64 Rick Antonio 429 Come On Swallow 10 0 0 18 3 16.7%
65 Luke Seal 528 Shire Charlotte 1 0 0 2 2 100%
66 Mike Black 615 Clatford Arms Dealers 4 0 0 4 2 50.0%
67 Larry Doherty 551 Shire Charlotte 2 0 0 4 2 50.0%
68 Ronnie George 507 Clatford Arms Dealers 3 0 0 4 2 50.0%
69 Nick Richmond 399 New Street 13 0 0 6 2 33.3%
70 James Roberts 436 Enham CG 9 0 0 11 2 18.2%
71 Nathan Healy 434 Shire Charlotte 9 0 0 13 2 15.4%
72 Kev Camille 508 The Ram 1 0 0 1 1 100%
73 Wayne Barnes 528 The Ram 3 0 0 2 1 50.0%
74 Warren Burgess 500 Come On Swallow 1 0 0 2 1 50.0%
75 Christophe Higgins 505 Shire Charlotte 1 0 0 2 1 50.0%
76 Steve Newton 495 Shire Charlotte 1 0 0 2 1 50.0%
77 Iain Stevens 514 The Ram 2 0 0 2 1 50.0%
78 Daniel Good 464 Arms A 2 0 0 4 1 25.0%
79 Ian Perkins 478 Clatford TTC 2 0 0 4 1 25.0%
80 Paul Jeans 992 Come On Swallow 4 0 0 5 1 20.0%
81 Warren Blyth 432 The Ram 4 0 0 6 1 16.7%
82 Stephen Elliott 375 Shire Charlotte 8 0 0 11 1 9.1%
83 Steve Bragger 416 Wykes and Chains 2 0 0 4 0 0.00%
84 Charlie Clarke 427 Wykes and Chains 2 0 0 4 0 0.00%
85 Ben Dudman 487 Clatford Arms Dealers 1 0 0 0 0 0.00%
86 Ashley O’Neill 477 Arms A 1 0 0 2 0 0.00%
87 Todd Parker 462 Arms A 1 0 0 1 0 0.00%
88 Ryan Pumfrey 495 Clatford Arms Dealers 1 0 0 2 0 0.00%
89 James Readings 469 Arms A 3 0 0 3 0 0.00%
90 Chris Smith 478 Wykes and Chains 1 0 0 2 0 0.00%
91 Shane Wells 457 Clatford TTC 1 0 0 2 0 0.00%