Singles Money League 2022-2023

Division 1
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Scott Pope 15 14 0 1 117 37 80 145
2 Oly Bale 15 14 0 1 111 43 68 139
3 PATRICK WARD 15 12 3 0 104 61 43 128
4 Mike Browncey 15 10 5 0 93 72 21 113
5 Stephen Whatley 15 9 6 0 92 73 19 110
6 Chris Stocker 15 9 6 0 92 73 19 110
7 Shaun Sartin 15 8 7 0 87 78 9 103
8 Bobby Fowler 15 7 8 0 83 82 1 97
9 Stewart Barnes 15 6 9 0 83 82 1 95
10 John Stokes 15 6 9 0 69 96 -27 81
11 Andrew Baldwin 15 5 10 0 70 95 -25 80
12 Jason Coleman 15 7 8 0 65 100 -35 79
13 Colin Fenn 15 5 10 0 65 100 -35 75
14 John McNiven 15 4 11 0 62 103 -41 70
15 Russ Cory 15 2 13 0 61 104 -43 65
16 Baz Moffat 15 1 14 0 55 110 -55 57
Match 1 | 28 November 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Stewart Barnes
Shaun Sartin Russ Cory
Scott Pope Baz Moffat
Mike Browncey John McNiven
Jason Coleman John Stokes
Chris Stocker Bobby Fowler
Andrew Baldwin Colin Fenn
Match 2 | 12 December 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes Mike Browncey
Russ Cory Scott Pope
PATRICK WARD Chris Stocker
John Stokes Stephen Whatley
John McNiven Shaun Sartin
Colin Fenn Jason Coleman
Bobby Fowler Andrew Baldwin
Baz Moffat Oly Bale
Match 3 | 09 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Colin Fenn
Shaun Sartin Stewart Barnes
Scott Pope John McNiven
Oly Bale Russ Cory
Mike Browncey John Stokes
Jason Coleman Bobby Fowler
Andrew Baldwin Chris Stocker
Match 4 | 23 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes Scott Pope
Russ Cory Baz Moffat
PATRICK WARD Andrew Baldwin
John Stokes Shaun Sartin
John McNiven Oly Bale
Colin Fenn Mike Browncey
Chris Stocker Jason Coleman
Bobby Fowler Stephen Whatley
Match 5 | 06 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Chris Stocker
Shaun Sartin Colin Fenn
Scott Pope John Stokes
Oly Bale Stewart Barnes
Mike Browncey Bobby Fowler
Jason Coleman Andrew Baldwin
Baz Moffat John McNiven
Match 6 | 20 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes Baz Moffat
PATRICK WARD Jason Coleman
John Stokes Oly Bale
John McNiven Russ Cory
Colin Fenn Scott Pope
Chris Stocker Mike Browncey
Bobby Fowler Shaun Sartin
Andrew Baldwin Stephen Whatley
Match 7 | 06 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Jason Coleman
Shaun Sartin Chris Stocker
Scott Pope Bobby Fowler
Russ Cory Stewart Barnes
Oly Bale Colin Fenn
Mike Browncey Andrew Baldwin
Baz Moffat John Stokes
Bullets Sports Bar - 3rd Free   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
3rd Free
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Match 8 | 20 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes John McNiven
PATRICK WARD Stephen Whatley
John Stokes Russ Cory
Jason Coleman Mike Browncey
Colin Fenn Baz Moffat
Chris Stocker Scott Pope
Bobby Fowler Oly Bale
Andrew Baldwin Shaun Sartin
Match 9 | 03 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes PATRICK WARD
Shaun Sartin Jason Coleman
Scott Pope Andrew Baldwin
Russ Cory Colin Fenn
Oly Bale Chris Stocker
Mike Browncey Stephen Whatley
John McNiven John Stokes
Baz Moffat Bobby Fowler
Match 10 | 17 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Shaun Sartin
PATRICK WARD Mike Browncey
John Stokes Stewart Barnes
Jason Coleman Scott Pope
Colin Fenn John McNiven
Chris Stocker Baz Moffat
Bobby Fowler Russ Cory
Andrew Baldwin Oly Bale
Match 11 | 01 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes Colin Fenn
Shaun Sartin Mike Browncey
Scott Pope Stephen Whatley
Russ Cory Chris Stocker
John McNiven Bobby Fowler
Baz Moffat Andrew Baldwin
Bullets Sports Bar - 2nd Free   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 18:00
Bullets Sports Bar
2nd Free
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Oly Bale Jason Coleman
Match 12 | 15 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Oly Bale
Mike Browncey Scott Pope
Jason Coleman Baz Moffat
Colin Fenn John Stokes
Chris Stocker John McNiven
Bobby Fowler Stewart Barnes
Andrew Baldwin Russ Cory
Bullets Sports Bar - 1st Free   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
1st Free
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Match 13 | 29 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stewart Barnes Chris Stocker
Scott Pope Shaun Sartin
Russ Cory Jason Coleman
Oly Bale Mike Browncey
John Stokes Bobby Fowler
John McNiven Andrew Baldwin
Baz Moffat Stephen Whatley
Match 14 | 12 June 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stephen Whatley Russ Cory
Shaun Sartin Oly Bale
Mike Browncey Baz Moffat
Jason Coleman John McNiven
Chris Stocker John Stokes
Bobby Fowler Colin Fenn
Andrew Baldwin Stewart Barnes
Match 15 | 03 July 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Russ Cory Mike Browncey
Bullets Sports Bar - TBC   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Stewart Barnes Jason Coleman
Bullets Sports Bar - Table 7   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Table 7
Mon 10 Jul 2023
John McNiven Stephen Whatley
Bullets Sports Bar - 1st Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
1st Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
John Stokes Andrew Baldwin
Bullets Sports Bar - 3rd Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
3rd Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Colin Fenn Chris Stocker
Bullets Sports Bar - 5th Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
5th Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Baz Moffat Shaun Sartin
Bullets Sports Bar - Match Table   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Match Table
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Bullets Sports Bar - 1st Free   Mon 24 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
1st Free
Mon 24 Jul 2023
Oly Bale Scott Pope
Division 2
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Connor Dockerty 15 14 1 0 106 59 47 134
2 Darren Humphreys 15 11 4 0 97 68 29 119
3 Darren Dickinson 15 12 3 0 94 71 23 118
4 Harry William 15 10 5 0 95 70 25 115
5 Steve Hallett 15 10 5 0 95 70 25 115
6 Aaron Lawrence 15 10 5 0 92 73 19 112
7 Rob Lawrence 15 6 9 0 84 81 3 96
8 Stu Parker 15 8 7 0 79 86 -7 95
9 Teresa Samuel 15 7 8 0 79 86 -7 93
10 Ron Webster 15 6 9 0 79 86 -7 91
11 Kev Wheeler 15 5 10 0 78 87 -9 88
12 Steve Nicholls 15 6 9 0 76 89 -13 88
13 Chris Sargent 15 4 11 0 73 92 -19 81
14 Dave Morgan 15 6 9 0 65 100 -35 77
15 Lee Swanwick 15 2 13 0 68 97 -29 72
16 Aaron Healey 15 3 12 0 60 105 -45 66
Match 1 | 28 November 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Harry William
Stu Parker Kev Wheeler
Steve Nicholls Aaron Lawrence
Rob Lawrence Ron Webster
Lee Swanwick Steve Hallett
Dave Morgan Darren Humphreys
Connor Dockerty Aaron Healey
Chris Sargent Darren Dickinson
Match 2 | 12 December 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Steve Hallett Dave Morgan
Ron Webster Stu Parker
Kev Wheeler Connor Dockerty
Harry William Steve Nicholls
Darren Humphreys Chris Sargent
Darren Dickinson Teresa Samuel
Aaron Lawrence Rob Lawrence
Aaron Healey Lee Swanwick
Match 3 | 09 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Chris Sargent
Steve Nicholls Darren Dickinson
Steve Hallett Darren Humphreys
Rob Lawrence Harry William
Lee Swanwick Kev Wheeler
Dave Morgan Aaron Healey
Connor Dockerty Ron Webster
Bullets Sports Bar - 1st Free   Mon 24 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
1st Free
Mon 24 Jul 2023
Stu Parker Aaron Lawrence
Match 4 | 23 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Ron Webster Lee Swanwick
Kev Wheeler Dave Morgan
Harry William Stu Parker
Darren Humphreys Teresa Samuel
Darren Dickinson Rob Lawrence
Chris Sargent Steve Nicholls
Aaron Lawrence Connor Dockerty
Aaron Healey Steve Hallett
Match 5 | 06 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stu Parker Darren Dickinson
Steve Nicholls Teresa Samuel
Steve Hallett Kev Wheeler
Rob Lawrence Chris Sargent
Lee Swanwick Aaron Lawrence
Dave Morgan Ron Webster
Aaron Healey Darren Humphreys
Bullets Sports Bar - Table 8   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 18:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Table 8
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Connor Dockerty Harry William
Match 6 | 20 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Rob Lawrence
Ron Webster Steve Hallett
Kev Wheeler Aaron Healey
Harry William Lee Swanwick
Darren Humphreys Steve Nicholls
Darren Dickinson Connor Dockerty
Chris Sargent Stu Parker
Aaron Lawrence Dave Morgan
Match 7 | 06 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stu Parker Teresa Samuel
Steve Hallett Aaron Lawrence
Rob Lawrence Steve Nicholls
Lee Swanwick Darren Dickinson
Kev Wheeler Darren Humphreys
Dave Morgan Harry William
Connor Dockerty Chris Sargent
Aaron Healey Ron Webster
Match 8 | 20 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Connor Dockerty
Steve Nicholls Stu Parker
Ron Webster Kev Wheeler
Harry William Steve Hallett
Darren Humphreys Rob Lawrence
Darren Dickinson Dave Morgan
Chris Sargent Lee Swanwick
Aaron Lawrence Aaron Healey
Match 9 | 03 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Stu Parker Rob Lawrence
Steve Hallett Darren Dickinson
Ron Webster Darren Humphreys
Lee Swanwick Teresa Samuel
Kev Wheeler Aaron Lawrence
Dave Morgan Chris Sargent
Connor Dockerty Steve Nicholls
Aaron Healey Harry William
Match 10 | 17 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Dave Morgan
Steve Nicholls Lee Swanwick
Rob Lawrence Connor Dockerty
Harry William Kev Wheeler
Darren Humphreys Stu Parker
Darren Dickinson Aaron Healey
Chris Sargent Steve Hallett
Aaron Lawrence Ron Webster
Match 11 | 01 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Steve Hallett Teresa Samuel
Ron Webster Harry William
Lee Swanwick Rob Lawrence
Kev Wheeler Darren Dickinson
Dave Morgan Steve Nicholls
Connor Dockerty Stu Parker
Aaron Lawrence Darren Humphreys
Aaron Healey Chris Sargent
Match 12 | 15 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Aaron Healey
Stu Parker Lee Swanwick
Steve Nicholls Steve Hallett
Rob Lawrence Dave Morgan
Harry William Aaron Lawrence
Darren Humphreys Connor Dockerty
Darren Dickinson Ron Webster
Chris Sargent Kev Wheeler
Match 13 | 29 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Steve Hallett Rob Lawrence
Ron Webster Chris Sargent
Lee Swanwick Connor Dockerty
Kev Wheeler Teresa Samuel
Harry William Darren Humphreys
Dave Morgan Stu Parker
Aaron Lawrence Darren Dickinson
Aaron Healey Steve Nicholls
Match 14 | 12 June 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Teresa Samuel Ron Webster
Stu Parker Steve Hallett
Steve Nicholls Kev Wheeler
Rob Lawrence Aaron Healey
Darren Humphreys Lee Swanwick
Darren Dickinson Harry William
Connor Dockerty Dave Morgan
Chris Sargent Aaron Lawrence
Match 15 | 03 July 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Harry William Chris Sargent
Bullets Sports Bar - Table 6   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Table 6
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Steve Hallett Connor Dockerty
Bullets Sports Bar - Match Table   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Match Table
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Ron Webster Steve Nicholls
Bullets Sports Bar - Table 4   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Table 4
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Darren Dickinson Darren Humphreys
Bullets Sports Bar - Table 1   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
Table 1
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Aaron Lawrence Teresa Samuel
Bullets Sports Bar - 7th Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
7th Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Kev Wheeler Rob Lawrence
Bullets Sports Bar - 6th Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
6th Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Dave Morgan Lee Swanwick
Bullets Sports Bar - 8th Free   Mon 10 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
8th Free
Mon 10 Jul 2023
Aaron Healey Stu Parker
Division 3
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Jason Wheaton 13 13 0 0 101 42 59 127
2 Matthew Calway 13 9 4 0 90 53 37 108
3 Dan Bryant 13 9 4 0 87 56 31 105
4 Talin Ford 13 9 4 0 80 63 17 98
5 Trevor Sum 13 8 5 0 80 63 17 96
6 Robbie Roy 13 7 6 0 78 65 13 92
7 Steve Cousins 13 7 6 0 78 65 13 92
8 Andy Barber 13 8 5 0 75 68 7 91
9 Phil Dunn 13 6 7 0 71 72 -1 83
10 Pete Cottrell 13 3 10 0 71 72 -1 77
11 James Parkhouse 13 3 10 0 71 72 -1 77
12 Lloyd Studley 13 6 7 0 55 88 -33 67
13 Thomas White 13 3 10 0 43 100 -57 49
14 Brandon Turner 13 0 13 0 21 122 -101 21
Match 1 | 28 November 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Robbie Roy
Steve Cousins Talin Ford
Pete Cottrell Jason Wheaton
Lloyd Studley Thomas White
James Parkhouse Phil Dunn
Dan Bryant Matthew Calway
Andy Barber Brandon Turner
Match 2 | 12 December 2022
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Dan Bryant
Talin Ford Andy Barber
Robbie Roy Lloyd Studley
Phil Dunn Pete Cottrell
Matthew Calway James Parkhouse
Jason Wheaton Steve Cousins
Brandon Turner Trevor Sum
Match 3 | 09 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Talin Ford
Phil Dunn Jason Wheaton
Pete Cottrell Matthew Calway
Lloyd Studley Brandon Turner
James Parkhouse Thomas White
Dan Bryant Robbie Roy
Andy Barber Steve Cousins
Match 4 | 23 January 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Pete Cottrell
Talin Ford Lloyd Studley
Steve Cousins Trevor Sum
Robbie Roy James Parkhouse
Matthew Calway Phil Dunn
Jason Wheaton Andy Barber
Brandon Turner Dan Bryant
Match 5 | 06 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Andy Barber
Phil Dunn Thomas White
Pete Cottrell Robbie Roy
Matthew Calway Jason Wheaton
Lloyd Studley Steve Cousins
James Parkhouse Brandon Turner
Dan Bryant Talin Ford
Match 6 | 20 February 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Matthew Calway
Talin Ford James Parkhouse
Steve Cousins Dan Bryant
Robbie Roy Phil Dunn
Jason Wheaton Trevor Sum
Brandon Turner Pete Cottrell
Andy Barber Lloyd Studley
Match 7 | 06 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Jason Wheaton
Phil Dunn Brandon Turner
Pete Cottrell Talin Ford
Matthew Calway Robbie Roy
Lloyd Studley Trevor Sum
James Parkhouse Steve Cousins
Dan Bryant Andy Barber
Match 8 | 20 March 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Dan Bryant
Talin Ford Phil Dunn
Steve Cousins Pete Cottrell
Robbie Roy Thomas White
Jason Wheaton Lloyd Studley
Brandon Turner Matthew Calway
Andy Barber James Parkhouse
Match 9 | 03 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Brandon Turner
Robbie Roy Jason Wheaton
Phil Dunn Steve Cousins
Pete Cottrell Andy Barber
Matthew Calway Talin Ford
James Parkhouse Trevor Sum
Bullets Sports Bar - 5th Free   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 19:00
Bullets Sports Bar
5th Free
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Dan Bryant Lloyd Studley
Match 10 | 17 April 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Pete Cottrell
Talin Ford Thomas White
Steve Cousins Matthew Calway
Lloyd Studley James Parkhouse
Jason Wheaton Dan Bryant
Brandon Turner Robbie Roy
Andy Barber Phil Dunn
Match 11 | 01 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Steve Cousins
Robbie Roy Talin Ford
Phil Dunn Trevor Sum
Pete Cottrell Lloyd Studley
Matthew Calway Andy Barber
James Parkhouse Dan Bryant
Brandon Turner Jason Wheaton
Match 12 | 15 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Trevor Sum Matthew Calway
Talin Ford Brandon Turner
Steve Cousins Robbie Roy
Jason Wheaton James Parkhouse
Dan Bryant Pete Cottrell
Andy Barber Thomas White
Bullets Sports Bar - 6th Free   Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 20:30
Bullets Sports Bar
6th Free
Mon 17 Jul 2023
Lloyd Studley Phil Dunn
Match 13 | 29 May 2023
Schedule Race To 6
Thomas White Trevor Sum
Talin Ford Jason Wheaton
Robbie Roy Andy Barber
Phil Dunn Dan Bryant
Pete Cottrell James Parkhouse
Matthew Calway Lloyd Studley
Brandon Turner Steve Cousins