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Rank Name Team App B/Dish B/D R/Dish R/D P W Ave % % + Wins
1 Ricky Peirce Workies Elite 9 5 4 33 28 84.8% 112.8
2 Harriet Haynes Workies Elite 7 3 8 28 24 85.7% 109.7
3 Ian Beales Alma Aces 8 1 0 30 25 83.3% 108.3
4 Shane McQuinn Alma Aces 7 0 2 26 21 80.8% 101.8
5 Sean Kirby Alma Aces 4 2 1 16 14 87.5% 101.5
6 Ben Herring Workies Fools 10 10 7 39 27 69.2% 96.2
7 Gavin Webb Alma Aces 8 1 2 27 19 70.4% 89.4
8 Tom Chittenden The Works 10 2 2 37 23 62.2% 85.2
9 Marc Brazier Workies Elite 7 5 2 26 17 65.4% 82.4
10 Eddie King DWMC Breakers 10 1 3 37 22 59.5% 81.5
11 Andy Redsull Workies Elite 10 4 2 37 22 59.5% 81.5
12 Jez Weaver Workies Fools 4 4 4 16 11 68.8% 79.8
13 Dan Yates The Works 1 0 0 4 3 75.0% 78.0
14 Karl Shepherd Workies Supremes 6 0 0 22 14 63.6% 77.6
15 Darryn Charters Workies Fools 10 5 6 35 20 57.1% 77.1
16 Steve Jepson Workies Elite 2 0 0 7 5 71.4% 76.4
17 Steve Quinnell Workies Elite 10 5 4 34 19 55.9% 74.9
18 Andy Biggs DWMC Breakers 3 1 1 12 8 66.7% 74.7
19 Nathan Venner Alma Aces 4 1 1 16 10 62.5% 72.5
20 Marc Hayes Workies Supremes 7 0 0 24 14 58.3% 72.3
21 Mike Gatrell Workies Supremes 8 1 0 32 17 53.1% 70.1
22 Paul Wright DWMC Breakers 7 0 1 19 11 57.9% 68.9
23 Adam Beales The Works 1 1 0 3 2 66.7% 68.7
24 Mark Bancroft Farrier forgers 10 0 0 36 18 50.0% 68.0
25 James Penny The Bipoolars 10 2 3 36 18 50.0% 68.0
26 Dave Allsopp Workies Elite 6 2 3 22 12 54.5% 66.5
27 Sam Hobbs Alma Aces 4 0 0 10 6 60.0% 66.0
28 Danny Smith Workies Fools 8 4 9 27 14 51.9% 65.9
29 Stuart Girdwood Workies Fools 7 8 3 25 13 52.0% 65.0
30 Steve Kerr DWMC Breakers 9 2 1 30 15 50.0% 65.0
31 Billy Field DWMC Breakers 7 0 0 19 10 52.6% 62.6
32 Andy Gee Workies Supremes 7 2 0 24 12 50.0% 62.0
33 Paul Allister DWMC Breakers 5 2 1 17 9 52.9% 61.9
34 Dean Barry Farrier forgers 10 0 0 38 17 44.7% 61.7
35 Lee Stirrups DWMC Breakers 10 2 0 33 15 45.5% 60.5
36 Jason Gibbs Workies Supremes 8 1 0 25 12 48.0% 60.0
37 Kyle Parrish The Bipoolars 7 2 1 23 11 47.8% 58.8
38 Brady Pay The Bipoolars 10 2 1 36 15 41.7% 56.7
39 Ben Hale Workies Supremes 9 0 0 27 12 44.4% 56.4
40 Alex Hale Workies Supremes 7 0 0 22 10 45.5% 55.5
41 Bayley Letchford The Bipoolars 9 1 2 29 12 41.4% 53.4
42 Vince Keen The Works 10 1 0 36 14 38.9% 52.9
43 Dayton Hayes Workies Supremes 1 0 0 4 2 50.0% 52.0
44 Andrew Byrne Alma Aces 8 0 0 22 9 40.9% 49.9
45 Steve King The Works 7 0 2 26 10 38.5% 48.5
46 Bill Rase The Works 7 2 0 26 10 38.5% 48.5
47 Jon Allister DWMC Breakers 10 2 1 33 12 36.4% 48.4
48 Jamie Hale Workies Elite 3 1 0 9 4 44.4% 48.4
49 Stephen Lockwood Workies Fools 6 1 6 20 8 40.0% 48.0
50 Hollie Potter Alma Aces 8 0 0 20 8 40.0% 48.0
51 Ryan Hussey The Works 3 0 0 12 5 41.7% 46.7
52 Sean Blythe The Bipoolars 10 2 2 35 12 34.3% 46.3
53 Kenny Riddell The Works 5 1 0 16 6 37.5% 43.5
54 Gareth Fowler Farrier forgers 10 0 0 31 10 32.3% 42.3
55 Aaron Follett Farrier forgers 7 0 0 14 5 35.7% 40.7
56 Simon Hart Farrier forgers 8 0 0 21 7 33.3% 40.3
57 Reece Bailey-Morton The Bipoolars 10 1 2 34 10 29.4% 39.4
58 Michael Gillmore Farrier forgers 9 0 0 23 7 30.4% 37.4
59 James Challis Alma Aces 2 0 0 6 2 33.3% 35.3
60 John Robson Alma Aces 3 0 0 6 2 33.3% 35.3
61 Brett Dolbear Workies Fools 3 2 1 10 3 30.0% 33.0
62 Jan Spinner The Works 9 1 1 32 8 25.0% 33.0
63 Sam Weaver-Lazarus Workies Fools 8 4 4 27 7 25.9% 32.9
64 Lee Hunter The Bipoolars 3 0 0 7 2 28.6% 30.6
65 Ricky Dryden The Works 2 0 0 8 2 25.0% 27.0
66 Jamie Fenech Workies Elite 1 0 0 4 1 25.0% 26.0
67 Kilroy Fowler Farrier forgers 2 0 0 4 1 25.0% 26.0
68 Daniel Exton Farrier forgers 7 0 0 22 4 18.2% 22.2
69 Dayle Melody Farrier forgers 5 0 0 11 1 9.1% 10.1