Important rule changes/ rules to your attention

By Jason Hancock
On Friday 15 September 2023 20:41

Good Evening all,

below are the rules that either have been approved and changed in the agm. or that i feel the need to bring to your attention to remind you. the full rulles can be located on the website under the  information tab


·       No coaching to your team member while they are playing their match. Any form of coaching during a match will result in an automatic loss of match points for the offending team or player

·       The home team cannot change their order once the away team have put a name to play that player. Without special circumstances and agreement from opponent’s captain.

·       If you got 5 or more players you can play more than 1 game in a third. E.g 1st and 3rd

·       No Player can play the same person twice.

·       The home Team must get the balls out of the pool table and put them on the table.

·       The person that is breaking has to set up the balls for their own break. Or nominate a person to do it on their behalf.

·       It is illegal to play games of pool on a separate table while your team is involved in a league/team knockout match. Violation of this rule may result in penalties such as disqualification or loss of match points.

·       In the event of a draw, a best of 3 frame decider is played between 
3 different players from each team, these can play each other again if they played each other in the first 12 frames. Player choices are home team first followed by away team after. There will be no RETOSS/lagging for the break. 
i.e. Breaking alternation is carried on from previous match

·       If there is an issue with the results on the night. Then at the end of the evening you can make a note to raise a dispute which will notify the committee of you concern that you wish to be resolved.

·       If the home team put the wrong result in accidentally then you need to get them to change it before you confirm the result of that frame.

·       The button dish/reverse dish is for a player who 7 balls his opponent off the break or during the frame.

·       The home team needs to click on who won the lag/coin toss so the website can set the brakes.

1.     Matches will start at 8:00 p.m. but no later than 8:15 p.m. when three players must be in attendance. The fourth player or reserves must not arrive later than the last game of the first third or the players will lose their games. Teams not in attendance by 8:15 p.m. will have one game claimed against them for every ten minutes they are late.

2.     The HOME team must allow the away team to have at least 1 free game.


i would also like to remind people of the unsportmans like section in the rules to


also on the website is a link to our facebook page/group and twitter. if you wish to follow any of them.


if you would like anything added to the website. or got any feedback weather its good or bad please let me know. so i can address the issues in future agm or before. 

kind regard

Jason Hancock
