Facebook/Google Login Removal

By Jason Hancock
On Tuesday 06 February 2024 20:11

good evening please see the email below of the email I've received from the developer of the website. If you do login this way then please follow the advice and of course if you need help I am here to help you.  For anyone that does not login this way then keep on as normal  

I am writing to share that, as had previously been indicated may be required, I am phasing out support for Facebook and Google Logins.


With the Mobile App being launched at the end of the month, the only distribution channel for iPhone users is via the AppStore. All apps submitted to the AppStore, if they use Google/Facebook login must also provide the ability to perform an Apple Login. Unfortunately, attempts to complete a RackEmApp integration to Apple Login have been unsuccessful.


Therefore, in order to laucnh the App we need to phase out the Facebook and Google Login buttons.


What happens next?

Later today I will write to all users that currently login with Facebook or Google notifying them of the change, and provide them with both a link and instructions to convert their accounts to allow them to login by email and password.


If they login today, they will start receiving a notification at the top of their dashboards advising them they need to perform this action and the link to do so.


How can league administrators help?

Share the information with your leagues to let them know a change is coming and that they should receive an email about it, and provide any immediate support they ask for in guiding through the process.


What is the deadline?

The app is being launched on March 1st. They will not be able to use the app without converting their accounts. However I will continue to support the web version until 1st April, after which point I will be shutting down captain functionality on the web, at which point eh opnly way for them to complete their scorecaards will be via the app.


 I will send a reminder every week to those users who are yet to convert.


What if they miss the deadline?

I will be removing the buttons to login via Facebook and Google on the 1st April. Any accounts not converted by the 1st April will be deleted as it is presumed they will be inactive, and you would need to re-invite them again.


Thank you!

Thank you for your support in this matter, the app launch is exciting for everyone and I believe it will make everyone's lives easier.