WCIPL: International Rules, Autumn 2023

What is the format?

Best of 20 Frames, alternate breaks. 1 point per frame, 1 bonus point for a draw, 3 bonus points for a win. Match Start Time is no later than 7:45pm. Captains may agree between themselves to start earlier than this. Matches should start promptly even if only 2 or 3 players from a team are present at 7:45. Two opening players lag to decide first break. Alternate breaks from there on.

How many players per team?

Teams must be a minimum of 5 players, there is no limit to the maximum number of players a team can field.

How many frames can a player play in each fixture?

The maximum number of frames per player is 4 per fixture. There is no season limit to the amount of times a player can play 4 frames in one fixture. A player must play a minimum of 2 frames per fixture that they attend.

What happens in the case that a team is unable to field 5 players?

Every effort should be made so that this isn’t the case, however where unavoidable, 4 players can play the fixture and will forfeit the opening 4 frames. Extenuating circumstances: there may be a valid reason to postpone a League Fixture however this should be seen as a last-resort. The only valid reason pre-agreed for postponing a match is if a significant number of any particular team are representing our league in a National Event. Note, matches will not be postponed if players have commitments representing teams or leagues other than WCIPL. If a Team wishes to postpone a match for any other reason, this will need to be voted on by the captains. Teams should have large enough squads to be able to commit to fielding a team for every scheduled match, allowing for illness, work commitments and holidays. 

Completing the Scorecard

Home captains select their names first from the drop-down list on the app, and can do so in any order. Away captain then completes their player order, ensuring that the same players do not play against each other more than once in a match. In a situation where the away team has a full team on the night (5 or more), frames cannot be a forced concession (in a team of 5, all players must play 4 frames and cannot leave the venue before this happens, else concessions will be given). If a full team is present, and the Away Captain has no way of avoiding players playing the same person again, the Home Captain must swap the order or names of players, to allow the Away Team to play all frames. Under any circumstance where this is not possible (eg Home Team players have already left), then players can play each other twice. 

What are the rules?

The League is played to International 8-Ball Rules, full details of which are online. These are very similar to Ultimate Pool Rules, without the shot-clock and golden break. In the case of the black being potted on the break-off, it is respotted. The black is respotted in a direct line towards the ‘black cushion’ in the case that its spot is covered.

How do Individual Rankings work?

Any player that has played 50% of the available matches will qualify for an individual ranking. From all players qualified, rank is determined by %age of frames won. The best finisher from the previous 2 seasons will be eligible to represent our league in the National Singles. The player finishing 2nd will be eligible to represent our league in the County Singles. Players finishing 3rd and 4th will be eligible to represent our league in the County Doubles.

How does League Ranking work?

Team’s League Positions will be decided in order on the following criteria: 1-Points Won; 2-Matches Won; 3-Head-to-Head; 4-Frame Difference. Note this is different from last year. The winner of the League will be eligible to represent our league at the National Champion of Champions.

What happens on the Competition Weeks?

Weeks in the Fixture List marked as ‘Competition Week’ will stage the League Singles Event. This is open to ALL players who are representing a team in this season’s league. All entries will be randomly drawn (no seeding) against a first-round opponent, and your match will be randomly allocated to either DWMC, Deal Pool Room or The Alma, Deal. The format is Straight Knockout, race to 8 throughout until Final (race to 10). Entry is £5/player. Please do not enter unless you are available for all of the competition dates on the fixture list. Matches cannot be re-arranged. Players need to be willing and able to travel to DWMC/Pool Room or Alma (the two Deal venues are very close to the train station so there’s no excuses). 

What if there is a rule dispute?

In the first instance, any disputes should be settled by the two players at the table. If a player is unsure/disagrees with a ruling, they can ask their captain for a second opinion. Team Captains have an obligation to be familiar with International Rules. Where an agreement absolutely cannot be made between the two players and the two captains, the frame is re-racked. There should not be interference or opinions given by Team Players who are not involved in the frame.

Completing the Scorecard

The Home Captain must write their players’ names down first and can do so in any way up to frame #15. Frames 16-20 must be completed in one go and handed to the Away Captain.

Both captains should sign the scorecard at the end of the match. The winning captain, or home captain in the case of a draw, should send a clear-to-read copy of the scorecard via whatsapp on the Captain Group.

Results & Reporting

All Fixtures, Results, and League News will be posted on the White Cliffs Invitational Pool League Facebook Page. The League no longer operates or updates a website, so please disregard any information which may be on there.