Welcome to the Trent Trophies Tuesday Pool League (hereinafter called “TTTPL”). The TTTPL is a competitive yet friendly pool league where all matches are played in a sporting and safe environment. By entering a team into the TTTPL you will be deemed to accept and be governed by our Constitution and Rules.



The Committee will be made up of three executive officers and a representative (Delegate) from each registered team.

i.      The Committee shall direct policy and the general management/running of the TTTPL.

ii.     The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the AGM for the following year.

iii.   No persons shall be eligible for nomination to an officer position until a minimum of 2 years has been served as a Delegate.

iv.   Any person wishing to volunteer for an Officer position must be recommended by at least 2 Committee officers or at least 50% of all registered Delegates who have been so for at least 2 consecutive years.



Positions and Responsibilities.


The Executive Committee (hereinafter called “The Committee”) shall consist of the following officer positions:-

i.      CHAIRMAN.              -responsible for the overall running of the TTTPL.

ii.     TREASURER.            -will make authorised payments, maintain proper records including the taking of the minutes of all meetings, generally safeguard the funds of the TTTPL and present the annual accounts at the AGM.

iii.   SECRETARY.            -will assist the Chairman and Vice Chairman, records all match results and maintain all fixtures for the season.



Disputes, complaints and appeals procedure.




2.     The Committee have the power to ban/suspend or fine any Team/Player who brings the TTTPL into disrepute.

i.      Any verbal abuse of another player/team £10 fine if complaint upheld.

ii.     Any verbal abuse of any Committee member £20 fine and suspension if complaint upheld.


3.     Drunkenness in any form will not be tolerated.

i.      Delegates or bona-fide team members entering a Committee meeting who are drunk or appear to be drunk will be asked to leave immediately and fined accordingly.

ii.     Players who are drunk or appear to be drunk, their team’s captain will be asked to substitute that player and he/she will be fined accordingly.



4.     Any form of dispute will be settled by the Committee, their decision being final.

i.      Any appeals must be made in writing (or email) to The Chairman within seven days.

 (Address on page 8 of this Constitution).


5.     In the event of any dispute you MUST contact either the Chairman or Secretary within 48hrs to register your complaint.

i.      This MUST be followed by an explanatory letter to The Committee with a £5 fee within 7 days.

ii.     The complaint/dispute will then be reviewed at the next meeting.

iii.   If the complaint/dispute arises close to a meeting The Committee may hold it over until the next meeting in order to give all relevant parties the opportunity to present their case.

iv.   The £5 fee will be refunded if the complaint/dispute is proven.


6.     Each team must provide a nominated Delegate to attend Committee meetings.


i.      Venues with multiple teams can represent more than one team, however, will only get one vote should any decisions need to be made.

  1. Only the nominated Delegate may enter into discussions unless permission is first sought from The Committee.

iii.   If the nominated Delegate cannot attend a meeting then a bona-fide member of their team must attend in proxy.

iv.   Any Delegate who leaves any Committee meeting early (for whatever reason) will be fined £5 and will not be entered into any of that meetings monetary prize draws.

v.     One apology is allowed per season, after which there is a £20 fine for the next missed meeting, £30 the next missed meeting, £40 the next and so on.

vi.   Entry to the Delegates and Landlords merits is exclusive to delegates and committee members who have attended at least one meeting, along with any Landlords or bar staff .


7.     An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by not less than 50% of the Delegates to deal with a matter of great importance.

i.      Unless The Committee considers the matter to be trivial or adequately dealt with elsewhere The Committee must convene such a meeting giving a minimum of two weeks notice.




8.     All TTTPL monies will be placed into a bank account:

i.      Any two signatories of The Committee will be required to make a withdrawal.


9.     Any team owing our League £30 (or more) or missing two meetings in succession will be automatically suspended until the matter has been resolved.


10.  Any team owing our League any money at the end of a meeting although present will not be eligible to be entered into any of the draws.       


11.  Entry for League/Merits will be decided by the Committee. Our League entry fee for the 2024/2025 season is £80 per team (minimum £40 to be paid at the Acceptance Meeting). Or £100 to enter 2 teams from one venue.

i.      A monthly subscription of £5 per meeting.

ii.     Plus £5 per signed player which must be paid on registration.

iii.   All Merits fees must be paid in full when each Merits entry sheet is returned to The Committee.








12.  All Teams/Players Delegates and Landlords/Licence’s entering any Merits competitions must be made aware that their phone numbers will be made freely available to all TTTPL Teams and Players only.


14.  Each team in the League is required to enter at least ONE pair in the Doubles Merits Competition, as agreed and passed at the 2017 A.G.M. , no exceptions are allowed ( if a team cannot fulfil the Doubles Merits fixtures they must still pay the registration fee ).

14.  Each team in the League is required to enter at least TWO players in the Singles Merits Competition, as agreed and passed at the 2017 A.G.M. , no exceptions are allowed ( if a team cannot fulfil the Singles Merits fixtures they must still pay the registration fee ).


15.  Rounds of Singles/Doubles Merits to reach the last sixteen of the competitions will be played at venues that have entered players in to the competitions. Last sixteen to/and including the Finals will be played at League Sponsors venues,


16.  The Landlords & Delegates Competition will be played at a League Sponsors venue as a ‘One Night’ event.


Entry fees for the 2024/25 season.


17.  Charges for the merits knockout competitions as follows:-

i.    Singles Merits £5.

ii.   Doubles Merits £10.

iii. Delegates and Landlords/Licences Merits £3 each.







18.  Failure to meet the following requirements will prevent any team from entering the TTTPL.

i.      Any team owing any money from previous seasons.

ii.     A minimum of 50% of the League fees must be paid at the Acceptance Meeting (AGM).

iii.   In line with the E.P.A. World 8 Ball Playing Rules, Home teams are expected to provide the correct set of ‘Pro Cup’ balls ( i.e. spotted cueball  and striped 8 ball ) . ‘Old’ balls ( i.e. plain white ball and plain 8 ball ) will not be permitted for use in this League after the start of the 2018 Season.


19.  Staffordshire County Team players are allowed to play in the TTTPL under the following conditions:-

i.      Men’s County players are only allowed to play a maximum three frames per match.  Ladies, Juniors or Seniors are allowed to play up to four frames per match ( i.e. normal League player rules ).

ii.     The Committee retain the right to exclude any player the Committee deems to be a professional pool player.

iii.   Definition of a county player is: - A County player is deemed so if they have played a County frame at any point during last season, or any point this season, seasons are based on EPA County calendar.

iv.   Each team may only use up to 1 County player (Men only restricted by this rule), and may play a maximum of 3 frames in all League or Cup competitions.

v.     County players cannot play together with another county player in any doubles, 3s or 4s tournaments.


20.  No person may play in the TTTPL if banned/suspended from any other League or the SCPA unless the TTTPL Chairman/Committee are fully aware of the details of the ban, and agree to allow the player entry into the League.


21.  Juniors are allowed to sign but are requested to play at their home venue unless permission has first been granted by the Landlord/Licensee of the away venue.

i.      No guarantees can be given by The Committee in the Nines, Charity “4’s”, Champion of Champions, or when entering any Merits Competitions.


22.  All teams entering the TTTPL must meet the following requirements:

i.      Their venue where home team matches are to be played must hold Full Liability Insurance.

ii.     Must hold a Full Liquor License.

iii.   Must have access to enable players to have a pre-match practice at another time other than on the night of the match.


i.      The PLAYER REGISTRATION SHEET and DELEGATES QUESTIONNAIRE must be completed and submitted to the Committee by the January Meeting.

ii.     Failure to return the player Registration Sheet and Delegates Questionnaire by this date will result in an immediate £10 fine (for each sheet), and a further £10 for every month either are outstanding thereafter.


23.  Players are only allowed to sign for one team per season. Should a team be found to have played an unregistered player:

i.      A £10 fine per unregistered player per match.

ii.     Each result will be amended accordingly.

iii.   You may still sign players after the registration date but you must inform The Committee before they pick up a cue for your team. This must then be followed by their details and £5 being handed in at the next meeting.

iv.   New player signings after the half way point of the League will be scrutinised by the Committee to prevent any team unfairly strengthening their team.

v.     Transfers can be made with a fee of £10 and a secondary £5 player reg fee, transfers can only be made with committee approval.


24.  No Team/Player may put any other leagues activities before ours.

i.      Failure to comply will result in immediate expulsion from that Competition and a suspension/fine by the Committee.


25.  In the event of a points tie at the end of the season the league will be decided on the head to head results of the teams involved ( i.e. if team A won both league fixtures they would win the league ). If the teams are level on points and equal on the head to head ( i.e. both teams won one fixture each ) then there will be a play-off match using the cup final format.


26.  Teams may only register a maximum of six players, unless given prior consent by committee to register more.




27.  None playing Captains are allowed in all competitions.


28.  All competitions shall be played to International Pool rules.

i.    45 second shot clock. The 45 second playing time rule cannot be implemented at any time during the match unless it has been agreed by the Captains prior to the commencement of the match. Proviso:- However if one captain wishes to play the time rule and one does not, then the time rule must be implemented and adhered to by all parties throughout the match.


29.  Should a team not be able to field a full side ( with a minimum of three players ) then the fixture must take place with a points being lost for every forfeited frame.

i.      As much notice as possible must be given to The Committee prior to a change of venue.


If the Committee has indicated special circumstances and a match MUST be rearranged, the Committee will set a date ( before the match was due to be played ) when the fixture MUST be played. Failure of fulfilment of a fixture set by the Committee under the special circumstances will result in points being lost for every forfeited frame.


30.  All League/Cup matches will be played on Tuesday evenings wherever possible, unless specified by the Committee.

i.      All matches are to be started by 8.15pm; our league deadline is 8.30pm.

ii.     If you arrive after this time the innocent team may claim the first frame for you being late. (Names to be entered in the normal way and the first frame forfeited).

iii.   If you arrive after 8.45pm the innocent team may claim the Match.

iv.   You may have a player arriving late, but he/she must be there to play the fourth (third when playing the minimum number of players) frame. If not in attendance by this time then that frame and any subsequent frames that player would have played are forfeited.

v.     Visiting players in attendance by 8-10pm are to be allowed one knock-up frame.


31.  In all League games, the away team breaks the first frame, with following frame breaks being alternate. The playing order as indicated on the Result Sheet MUST be followed.

i.      Each frame should be refereed alternatively.

ii.     Should a dispute arise then only the named Captains may confer with the Referee.

iii.   The Referee’s decision is deemed to be final. Unless both players agree to over rule the ref as per International Rules



32.  All results are to be entered onto the new results software, RackEmApp the evening of the match.



33.  The playing format will be as follows: -

        i.        LEAGUE MATCHES,


10 single frames played at the venue on the same night (minimum 3 (three) players, maximum 10 (ten) players per team). Visiting team break first, then break alternates.

       ii.       If a team has more than 3 players their Captain may write down the first 3 names and choose the remaining players after the third frame. No player to play more than three times. No player to play consecutive frames. Playing the same opponent more than once per match is allowed as long as the frames are not consecutive.

      iii.      KNOCKOUT CUP AND SUBSIDIARY CUP MATCHES, in rounds up to the final as (i.).


Names to be entered for at least the first three frames before commencement of the match. The Finals of both the main and Sub Cups to be played using two tables at stated venue, Visiting team breaks first, then breaks alternate. If scores are equal after ten frames the match enters a “blackball shootout” phase. ( see addendum ),



            Names to be entered for at least the first three frames before commencement of the match. The Finals of both the main and Sub Cups to be played using two tables at stated venue, Visiting team breaks first, then breaks alternate. If scores are equal after ten frames the match enters a “blackball shootout” phase. ( see addendum ),


The Finals of both the main and Sub Cups to be played over 12 frames with lag for every break

Finals venues for all merits competitions and Cups will be arranged at the League Sponsors premises. In the event that a player/team contesting a Final is playing at their Home venue that player/team MUST play on a neutral table ( i.e. not a table they would usually play on ). To play in any cup finals, the player must have a minimum 25% appearance rate in the league, unless given prior approval to play by the committee.


34.   Committee members are not bound to referee any matches unless agreed, the exception being Merits



35.  Committee reserve the right to amend any playing format, after discussing with delegates prior to events.


36.  Dish and Reverse Dish clearances and trophies To count on a players first visit to the table directly following the break. There are only 2 scenarios –


a break dish, when a player breaks and clears the table from their own break, or a reverse dish, where a player clears the table from their opponents break.


i.      Dishes/reverse dishes do not count in merits (except in finals).

ii.     Trophies will not be allocated for less than three clearances.

iii.   If a player achieves their first ever eight ball clearance, then they may ask their Delegate to request (in writing) consideration for a trophy. The Committee will then review and consider the claim.


37.  Doubles Merits


i.      Doubles Merits. Double Merits are played under ‘Scotch Doubles’ International rules. Players may confer with each other at all times.


38.  Merits All Merits Matches must take place at the stipulated venue on the allotted date. If the Committee discover that a match has been played at a different venue or on a different date a severe fine will be imposed on the players concerned.

i.      All players must be playing in our League on a regular basis (50% of the season) up to the quarter final stage of any Merits Competition or that player will be excluded from it.

ii.     All winners must phone their result through to the Secretary/Chairman no later than 8-00pm on the evening following their match. Failure to do so will result in a £5 in the first instance. (Note a sent text is not confirmation of a received text).

iii.   Failure to phone a result through a second time will result in immediate expulsion from that Merits Competition.

iv.   Failure to attend a Merits Match without informing both your opponent(s) and the Chairman at least 24 hours in advance will result in a £10 fine and immediate expulsion from that Merits Competition.

v.     Failure to attend a League/Merits finals night a £10 fine. (Unless agreed with The Committee in advance).


39.  All Teams/Individuals may be required to sign: -

A Receipt and Acceptance of Terms for all returnable League Trophies. If they choose to keep Trophies until the TTTPL requests that the Trophies are to be returned.

i.    All returnable Trophies are to be returned to the Executive Committee by that year’s May

      League meeting, failure to return the trophies at this meeting will incur a £10 fine.

ii.   No returnable League Trophy will be issued to Teams/Players if they are known not to be entering the  TTTPL for the following season.

iii. The Committee reserves the right to refuse to issue any returnable Trophy to any Club/Pub if they

      have held any Trophy in previous seasons and returned them in what is considered to be ‘an

      inappropriate condition’, i.e. excessively dirty or damaged.


40.  If a Club/Pub is named under Rule no (39 iii), then only the players’ non-returnable Merits Trophies will be issued.


41.  Any Team entitled to receive any Trophy must have a minimum of 2 representatives (signed players) in attendance at the Presentation Evening to receive any Trophy or prize they may be entitled to.


42.  Any Player entitled to receive any trophy must be in attendance in person at the Presentation Evening to receive any trophy the may be entitled to.


41. Any seeding of teams in Cups & Competitions, and any Handicapping systems used during events, will 

      be at the discretion of the Committee and passed by the Delegates prior to enforcement.





1.     Any player wishing to compete in any Merits Competition MUST provide full contact details (current home and mobile phone no’s and address), failure to so will result in disqualification from that Competition.

2.     All matches to be played on the date set by the Committee.

3.     All matches to be played at the venue set by the Committee

4.     The final and last 16 down will be held at the League Sponsors premises.

5.     The winning team/player must notify the result to the League Secretary or League Chairman on the numbers supplied below no later than 8 o’ clock on the evening following the match.

6.     All table fees to be shared.

7.     Players NOT available for the QUATER FINAL STAGE AND ONWARDS of all Merits will be replaced by their previous round opponent(s).


i.      Singles Merits are the best of 7 frames, first round.

i.      The best of seven frames thereafter, up to and including the final.

ii.     Sub singles will be best of 5.


ii.     Doubles Merits are the best of 7 frames using the Scotch Doubles format, up to and including the semi final.

i.      The final will be the best of seven frames.


All other events/tournaments will be communicated prior to event.






1.      A percentage of the meeting fees goes into the money draw at the meeting.

2.      A percentage of the meeting fees goes into the money draws at the Annual Presentation Evening).




President & Treasurer   Tony Latham  07766 200 221


Chairman.    Jamie Latham                   07833 205422



Secretary.    Ken Waller                       07745444689





1.     None fulfilment of a fixture £15, loss of match 10-0.

2.     The playing of an unregistered player £10 and loss of the frame/frames.

3.     Non attendance of a league meeting after 1st apology £25 (£20 non-attendance £5 league subs owing). each following missed meeting will mean this fine with an additional, recurring £10 fine.

4.     Failure of a player to attend the League Merits Finals Night £10 (unless agreed with the committee in advance).

5.     Any Delegate who leaves any Committee meeting early will not be entered into any of that meetings monetary prize draws.

6.     Any verbal abuse of another player/team £10 if complaint is upheld.

7.     Any verbal abuse of a committee member £20 and suspension if complaint upheld.



If for any reason the ‘TTTPL’ ceases to operate, the last elected official will be deemed to be the trustee of the leagues finances. The trustee will have no powers of withdrawals, other than to pay legal and proven creditors of any money owing. The leagues cheque or deposit books must be returned immediately to the high street institution.





If this executive committee was to disband and not re-start within 1 year, the trustee is charged to meet on the First anniversary and dispose of all monies to a registered charity. Any perennial trophies may be donated to another league.






All information supplied to the TTTPL (mobile telephone nos) for the use of

and the contacting of teams and players will not be passed on to any other body or third party. At the end of every season all details except players names will be deleted accordingly.




Class A, B and C drugs are termed as controlled substances under the Misuse of Drugs act 1971, with Class A being those considered most harmful.

The Misuse of Drugs Act states that it is an offence to:

1.      Possess a controlled substance unlawfully.

2.      Possess a controlled substance with intent to supply.

3.      Supply or offering to supply a controlled drug (even when no charge is made for the drug).

4.      Allow premises you occupy or manage to be used for the purpose of drug taking.


Any person caught with drugs in any form will:

1.      Be reported to the police.

2.      Suspended immediately from taking part in any TTTPL matches.

3.      If found guilty by any court will be banned from TTTPL for the maximum term under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.









Balls should be of equal size and weight.

Ideally use cue balls, but when unavailable use two object balls.

With ‘ball in hand’ behind the baulk line, one player to the left and the other to the

right of the table, balls are struck simultaneously towards the top cushion to return as

close as possible to the baulk cushion. The player whose ball comes to rest

closest to the edge of the baulk cushion wins the lag.

It is automatic loss of lag if a ball....

 (a) Crosses into the opponent's half of the table

 (b) Fails to contact the top cushion.

 (c) Drops into a pocket. (d) Jumps from the table.

 (e) Touches a side cushion.

 (f) Comes to rest within that area of a corner

 pocket taking it past the nose of the baulk cushion.

Players will lag again if both players fall victim

to automatic loss of lag rules or the referee

is unable to determine which ball is closer.







If there is a drawn position after all frames in an International Rules match, a blackball shootout will ensue, with each player from each team attempting to pot a black off its spot from behind the line, just like a penalty shootout in football, players alternate until each team has had five attempts, if the match is still a draw after five attempts each the match goes to sudden death, the shootout continues with one attempt per team until the draw is brokem.





Updated in accordance with 2024 A.G.M.