1.  All frames must be played in a sportsmanlike manner. i.e. No cue or table abuse, no conceding of frames in haste, no verbal abuse aimed at opponents or bystanders/supporters etc. If unsportsmanlike behaviour is observed, frames could be awarded to the opponent immediately! The offending player could also be fined to a maximum of £20 and/or have points deducted or be removed from the league. MOBILE PHONES! You cannot use your mobile phone whilst playing, it’s unsportsmanlike! If anyone uses their mobile for texting or calls etc during a frame that frame will be awarded to their opponent immediately! Regardless of the score at the time.

2. League of 32 players, playing each other once over 31 weeks.

3. £25.00 entry fee per player, plus £10.00 per match.

4. Some matches may be streamed live, if your match is chosen you cannot refuse to have it streamed. This is part of the rules so, if you really can't play under these circumstances then you shouldn't enter the league. If it's suspected players are postponing matches because they don't want to be streamed they will be removed from the league. And will receive no money back that they have paid in. Live streaming matches further promotes the league and the club.

5. Scheduled matches are to be paid for before each match begins, if not paid you will be fined £5.00. If this fine is not paid by the following match night it will be doubled to £10.00 if this is not paid by the following match night you will be removed from the league. With regards to re-arranged matches, you will have until the following match night to pay your match fee, if not paid the same rules as above will apply.

6. All matches must be played at PLYMOUTH SNOOKER ACADEMY on Friday nights as per the fixture list.

7. No matches to be re-arranged without the organiser’s permission. BOTH players concerned must let the organiser know of the postponed match and the re-arranged date and time. If the organiser is not informed by both players the match will be replayed. Any player who does not contact the organiser will also be fined £3.00

8. When re-arranging a match the player who postponed it is responsible for contacting his/her opponent and the match must be played within one week. If not played by this time, one or both players will be fined £3.00, subject to the committee's discretion. Also, both players must inform the organiser of the rearranged date and time. Any player that does not inform the organiser will be fined £3.00

9.  Matches will start at 6:45pm and 8:45pm.

10. All players must lag to decide who will break.

11. Each match to be 11 frames, all frames to be played.

12. Three points awarded for a win, aggregate will count if points are level.

13.  Players may re-arrange up to 6 matches during a season, anymore than this will incur a £3.00 charge per match.

14. Cigarette Breaks are not allowed during matches

15. No matches may be cancelled after 4:30pm on a match night, as opponents require time to be informed.

16. If a player is not present 5 minutes after his/her start time he/she will be fined £2.00 which will be used to pay for administration.

17. If a player is not present 10 minutes after his/her start time he/she will be fined £5.00 which will be used to pay for administration.

18. If a player is not present 15 minutes after his/her start time he/she will be fined £10.00 which will be given to their opponent to cover costs incurred.

19. Any player dropping out up to and including week 6 will be replaced, with the new player replaying all matches. No player will be replaced after week 6.

20.  Any player who withdraws or is removed from the league will receive no prize money, and any money paid by such a player will be paid out to the remaining players at the end of the league.

21. In the event of any dispute the sub-committee's decision will be final and they have the right to amend, add or delete any rules.

22. The sub-committee will comprise of three members, Paul Balston,  and two others.

23. If any players owe money at the end of the season it will be taken from their prize money, along with any fines incurred.

24. The prize money will only be paid out when the league has been completed.