


Winter League & Cup 2024




Team registration is £50.

Registration fee includes singles/doubles and team knockout competition entries.

Registration form must be complete and returned by the date advised, with payment as above.


League Format:


The league will comprise of up to two divisions.

League standings are ordered by most points, then most frame wins. If there is a tie for a medal place, then a play-off will be arranged.

The top 2 places in each division at the end of the season will win trophies, and get promoted if applicable.


KO Cup Format:


The KO cup will comprise of all teams within all divisions, and are randomly drawn into a knockout tournament via the website.

Teams that are knocked out of the first proper stage (stage with no byes) will drop down into the plate competition which is the same format as above.

Matches cannot be drawn, if a match ends 5-5, then a captain must select their own player from their team to play a final play off leg, which decides the match.


Match Format:


Matches are 8 singles frames and 2 doubles frames.

International Rules.

3 Points for a win, 1 point for a draw.


Start Time and Food:


Matches are played on Tuesday nights as per the relevant fixtures list.

The first frame must be started by 8:00pm.

If the opposition does not arrive by 8:15pm, the first frame can be claimed, with the second frame claimed by 8.30pm, and third claimed by 8.45pm.

If the opposition does not arrive by 9:00pm, the match can be claimed 10-0.


If a team is going to be late, it is up to the captain to inform the opposing captain, who then has the option of claiming as above, or arranging to start later.

Providing match food is optional for the venue, and is up to the captain to make arrangements.

Matches cannot be re-arranged and must be played on the night advertised.


The Break:


Players will lag the first frame only to determine which team breaks first, then will alternate each frame after.

The Break will be deemed a 'Legal Break' if the player breaking, obtains a minimum of three cumulative points.
1 point for each object ball potted (eight-ball included, so thus does count).
1 point for each object ball that has passed an imaginary line between the two centre pockets, that is not potted. A ball is deemed as having 'passed' the centre line if the whole ball is over the imaginary line.
4g. Failure to perform a legal break MUST result in a re-rack. The opponent has the option to break or to choose to give the break back to the original breaker.
4h. Groups are not decided on the break. The table remains open after the break. If the player in control of the table does not make a legal pot, the table is still deemed open for the incoming player.
4i. If the eight-ball is potted off the break, it is always re-spotted after all balls have come to rest on the table. To re-spot the eight-ball, the centre point of the eight-ball is placed on the eight-ball spot or if this is not available as near as possible to the spot in a direct line between the spot and the centre of the top cushion.
If there is no space available on this line, place the eight-ball as near as possible to its spot in a direct line between the spot and the bottom cushion.
If the eight-ball is the 'only ball potted on a legal break' then control of the table goes to the incoming player. If it's potted with other groups and the criteria of a legal break has been fulfilled, the breaker continues.
4j. If the cue ball, on a legal break:
(1)    Goes in-off, a loss of turn occurs and the incoming player is awarded one visit with cue ball in hand, to be played from baulk, in any direction.
(2)    Leaves the playing surface, a standard foul will be called against the breaker, with the incoming player receiving one visit, played from anywhere on the playing surface.The break will be deemed a “Fair break” if three points are scored by object balls crossing an imaginary line joining the middle pockets. Alternatively, one ball potted is equal to a point

If no balls are potted and three balls do not cross the line, then this is deemed a "foul break" and the balls must be re-racked. 

It is also a foul if the Cue ball is potted on the break. The retrieved white ball must be played from the Baulk.

If the black ball is potted the table is set up and the same player beaks. On a break shot, no matter the outcome, the table remains ‘open’.

Groups are never decided on the break. There is no nomination of groups with International pool rules.




Teams will referee their own brakes.

Referees should familiarise themselves with the International rules, and any changes each season.

Talking between partners in doubles matches is allowed until the first shot of the visit, apart from the break shot.

There will be a limit of 3 minutes per shot in doubles matches to try and speed the game up.

When the active player(s) are taking an unnecessary amount of time to play a shot (Generally over 5 minutes), the referee can advise the player to play their shot. A foul cannot be called but the referee can try and speed the game up.

If a rest is provided at a venue it may be used.

Once a player has finished their visit to the table, they must stand away from the table to allow for the opponent not to be distracted from their actions.





Landlords/Stewards do not have to “sign on” and can play for any team entered from their premises, but only one side on any night.

Players can be “signed on” up to and including the last LEAGUE match of the season.

A Player cannot be signed on for a team with their first game of a season being a cup knockout semi-final or final match, unless exceptional circumstances are agreed by the committee.

There is no age limit for players to play in the league, but if a player is under 18, permission will be needed from the venue you will be playing at.

There are no restrictions on players “signing on” for leagues other than Loughborough Pool League.

A team must have a minimum of 4 players on the night to play.

A player can play a maximum of two singles and one doubles.

Any registered player having played one game is not allowed to play for any other team in the league for the duration of the season, apart from landlords/stewards as above.


Match scores and Order of Play:


Order of play to be entered onto Rack Em App by teams respective admin, 5 mins prior to first match as follows: Players 1-4 to be named before frame one commences, players 5-8 after frame 4 has been played, Doubles to be entered immediately after frame 8 has been played.

A player can play a maximum of one time during frames 1-4, one time between frames 5-8, and one time between 9-10.

Scores to be updated after each frame keeping the website live.


Withdrawal from the League:


If a team leaves the league before the “Turnaround” all results will be void, after the “Turnaround” results will be void back to the “Turnaround”.




Any team fielding illegal players risk expulsion from the league.

Any team not arriving for two or more matches in a season may not be invited to play the following season.

Team captains will be held responsible for the behaviour of both their players and their supporters.

In the event of late play in matches and the licensee stopping play mid game that game will be void and have to be replayed along with any other outstanding games, at the same venue on any night agreeable to both teams. Captains must notify a member of the committee.

Any complaints should be sent to the Fixture Secretary in writing within seven days of the match in question.

Division and Knockout cup winners and runners up will receive Six trophies. If


more trophies are required teams will be asked to pay the extra cost incurred.


 MVP Knockout:


We will invite the top players with the most wins from each division to enter a knockout competition to become the player of the season.

Singles, Doubles Knockout

Players listed for entry on the registration form will be entered into the draws for singles/doubles.