AGM took place on Friday 9th August 2024 @8:30pm - Fairgreen Bar, Drogheda.


Proposals approved:

1: Prize money to be given for beating semi Finals in Singles & Doubles 

Proposed by Derek Smyth.             Second - John O’Connor


 2: Cup Final to be played on a separate date to the League Finals 

Proposed by Alan Pentony.            Second - Fergal Cotter 


3: League Finals to be played on 1 table instead of 2 tables 

Proposed by Alan Pentony.            Second - Fergal Cotter

Counter proposal: Darren Johnson = 1st session to be played over 2 tables, with 2nd & 3rd over 1 table 


4: Play out all 12 frames in a League games 

Prosposed by Darren Johnson.         Second - John O'Connor


5: A team signing new players to be limited to 3 A standard players. Amendment to the old rule (*Criteria being work to)

(*If player has ever been a professional or semi-pro in any cue sports or has represented an A team for any county, they may be considered to be A standard by Committee).

Proposed by Darren Johnson.          Second - Mickey Reilly