Basingstoke And District Clubs Pool League


The name of the league, hereinafter called “The League”, shall be The Basingstoke and District Clubs Pool League. The term “Member” used in these rules shall denote a club duly elected to the membership of The League.

The promotion of pool amongst the Members of The League.

i. The Officers of The League shall be the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Fixtures Secretary, all being elected at the Annual General Meeting, hereinafter called “AGM”.
ii. The League shall be governed by a Management Committee, hereinafter called “The Committee”, consisting of the Officers of The League and up to eight Committee members, duly elected by the AGM, after having indicated to the AGM their willingness to serve.
iii. The Committee will meet each month, normally in the first week, and will be responsible for the government of The League, within the framework of the League Constitution, and will act with The League’s authority in any matter not provided for in the Constitution. Minutes of meetings will be distributed in a timely manner.
iv. The Committee may appoint sub-committees as it deems necessary and has the power to co-opt and fill vacancies occurring on the Committee between AGMs.
v. The Committee may submit proposals to the AGM of The League, after due notice has been given to the Members.
vi. No Business shall be conducted by the Committee without a quorum of at least 5 Committee members, including at least one Officer, being present.
vii. All Committee members, including Officers, are entitled to one vote, with the Chairman only having the casting vote if required.

i. All bona-fide Registered and Works Social Clubs in Basingstoke and surrounding area will be eligible for membership of The League. Clubs who cannot play home matches on their own premises will not be eligible for membership of The League.
ii. Admission to The League shall be tendered in writing and considered by the Committee at its first meeting after receipt of the application. The decision of the Committee shall be final and not subject to appeal.
iii. The Committee shall have the power to expel any Member from The League; the motion for expulsion must be supported by two-thirds of the Committee members present at the Committee meeting.

A Member may resign at any time, by giving notice in writing to the League Secretary. Any resignation or withdrawals during the playing season (as defined in RULES of PLAY No.2), before the Members’ fixtures for that season have been completed, will incur the loss of that Member’s Team Holding fee per team withdrawn. If any resignations or withdrawals occur after the season has ended, and are received correctly as above, then those Members may request the return of their Team Holding fee per team withdrawn.

The AGM of The League shall be held in July of each year at a place and time decided by the Committee. Not more than fourteen months shall elapse without an AGM. 
The Annual Report and Financial Report together with the Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet will be circulated at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
All business for the Agenda shall be received by the Secretary not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting. Business, other than that placed on the Agenda, will not be taken, except by permission of the Chairman.

The business shall include:
• The League Secretary’s Annual report.
• The League Financial Report together with the Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheets as at 30th June each year.
• Proposals to change, delete from, or add to the Constitution or Rules of Play. These shall not be carried unless they receive at least two-thirds of the votes cast.

i. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the discretion of the Committee or on the receipt by The League Secretary of a request signed by a least six Members.
ii. Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting and its Agenda shall be circulated to all Members at least fourteen days before the date of the Meeting.
iii. Proposals shall not be carried unless they receive two-thirds of the votes cast.

i. No business shall be conducted without a quorum of two-thirds of the Members being represented in person, in which case the meeting will be adjourned. 
ii. In the case of an adjournment resulting from of the absence of a quorum, the business may be conducted at the rearranged meeting by the Members present.
iii. Each Member may have two representatives per team present at the General Meeting, and must have one. Failure to attend will result in a penalty.
iv. There shall be one vote per team.
v. Voting will be taken by a show of hands, but if the voting is challenged, or at the discretion of the Chairman, a ballot shall be taken.
vi. Minutes of meetings will be distributed in a timely manner.

i. An Account shall be kept at a financial institution approved by the Committee, into which all monies received on behalf of The League, shall be deposited by the Treasurer or other appointed Officers. Accounts for payment will be authorised by the Committee. Payments will be issued by the Treasurer.
ii. The Accounts of The League shall be kept by the Treasurer and such Accounts shall be audited by the auditors appointed by the Committee. For the purpose of such audit, the Accounts shall be closed on the 30th June in each year. After the Accounts have been received at the AGM, the committee may, at their discretion, pay any honoraria to the Secretary and Treasurer.

Team fees and Player Registration fees shall be decided by the Committee. Team Registration Forms and Team fees shall be in the hands of the Treasurer at the AGM or pre-season meeting, along with any Team Holding fees payable by new teams entering The League. Player Registration fees shall be in the hands of the Treasurer at the pre-season meeting.

Any player or team wishing to lodge a complaint regarding the playing of a fixture by another player of team must do so in writing to the League Secretary within 5 days of the event. The Committee will consider the matter at its meeting after receipt of the complaint.

In the event of The League being wound up, a final statement of accounts will be prepared and audited. If these accounts show a deficiency, every Member at the date of winding up shall contribute equally to clear such deficiency. If a surplus is shown, it will be shared equally amongst the Members at the date of winding up.

The Committee shall have the power to decide any matter not provided for in the Constitution or Rules of Play.