
Friday 24 May 2024 - 21:30

Care and Repair
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD BD RD Points
1 Niall Kelly 11 10 1 0 131 88 43 2 0 43
2 Ollie Reynolds 11 7 4 0 114 90 24 0 0 37
3 Ryan Devlin 10 6 4 0 102 95 7 1 0 32
4 Christopher Hall 10 5 5 0 102 97 5 2 0 31
5 Kate Cameron 9 2 7 0 65 104 -39 0 0 20
6 Alfie Taylor 6 2 4 0 52 58 -6 0 0 16
7 Kye Butcher 5 1 4 0 47 55 -8 1 1 14
8 Lee Cook 4 1 3 0 28 43 -15 0 0 8
9 CJ Rimes 2 0 2 0 13 24 -11 0 0 4
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin
Lee Cook Niall Kelly
Kye Butcher Ollie Reynolds
Kate Cameron CJ Rimes
Christopher Hall Alfie Taylor
Match 2
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Lee Cook
Niall Kelly Ryan Devlin
CJ Rimes Kye Butcher
Christopher Hall
Alfie Taylor Kate Cameron
Match 3
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Ollie Reynolds
Lee Cook CJ Rimes
Kye Butcher Kate Cameron
Christopher Hall Niall Kelly
Alfie Taylor
Match 4
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Christopher Hall
Niall Kelly
Kate Cameron Lee Cook
CJ Rimes Ryan Devlin
Alfie Taylor Kye Butcher
Match 5
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Kate Cameron
Niall Kelly Alfie Taylor
Lee Cook Kye Butcher
Christopher Hall CJ Rimes
Ollie Reynolds
Match 6
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Niall Kelly
Kye Butcher Ryan Devlin
Kate Cameron Christopher Hall
CJ Rimes
Alfie Taylor Lee Cook
Match 7
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Lee Cook
Ollie Reynolds Alfie Taylor
Niall Kelly CJ Rimes
Christopher Hall Kye Butcher
Kate Cameron
Match 8
Schedule Race To 12
Lee Cook Christopher Hall
Kye Butcher
Kate Cameron Niall Kelly
CJ Rimes Ollie Reynolds
Alfie Taylor Ryan Devlin
Match 9
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Kate Cameron
Niall Kelly Kye Butcher
CJ Rimes Alfie Taylor
Christopher Hall Ryan Devlin
Lee Cook
Match 10
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Kye Butcher
Niall Kelly Lee Cook
CJ Rimes Kate Cameron
Ryan Devlin
Alfie Taylor Christopher Hall
Match 11
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Niall Kelly
Lee Cook Ollie Reynolds
Kye Butcher CJ Rimes
Kate Cameron Alfie Taylor
Christopher Hall
Match 12
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds Ryan Devlin
Niall Kelly Christopher Hall
Kate Cameron Kye Butcher
CJ Rimes Lee Cook
Alfie Taylor
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin CJ Rimes
Lee Cook Kate Cameron
Kye Butcher Alfie Taylor
Christopher Hall Ollie Reynolds
Niall Kelly
Match 14
Schedule Race To 12
Ollie Reynolds
Kye Butcher Lee Cook
Kate Cameron Ryan Devlin
CJ Rimes Christopher Hall
Alfie Taylor Niall Kelly
Match 15
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Kye Butcher
Niall Kelly Ollie Reynolds
Lee Cook Alfie Taylor
Christopher Hall Kate Cameron
CJ Rimes
Match 16
Schedule Race To 12
Lee Cook Ryan Devlin
Kye Butcher Christopher Hall
Kate Cameron
CJ Rimes Niall Kelly
Alfie Taylor Ollie Reynolds
Match 17
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Alfie Taylor
Ollie Reynolds CJ Rimes
Niall Kelly Kate Cameron
Christopher Hall Lee Cook
Kye Butcher
Match 18
Schedule Race To 12
Ryan Devlin Christopher Hall
Lee Cook
Kye Butcher Niall Kelly
Kate Cameron Ollie Reynolds
Alfie Taylor CJ Rimes