Super League 1

Friday 24 May 2024 - 19:36

Group A
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD BD RD Points
1 Luke Gilbert 7 7 0 0 84 44 40 25 8 28
2 Dom Cooney 6 3 3 0 64 53 11 1 6 21
3 John Cairns 6 2 4 0 61 67 -6 10 7 19
4 Glen Whittemore 7 3 4 0 55 72 -17 7 8 17
5 Adam Burns 7 2 5 0 53 79 -26 10 4 16
6 Callum Singleton 4 3 1 0 44 26 18 11 8 14
7 Colin Cooper 4 2 2 0 39 43 -4 6 5 12
8 Jamie McGauley 4 0 4 0 30 48 -18 5 3 9
9 Wayne Gardner 1 1 0 0 12 10 2 0 1 4
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 12
Jamie McGauley Luke Gilbert
Dom Cooney Wayne Gardner
Colin Cooper Glen Whittemore
Callum Singleton Adam Burns
John Cairns
Match 2
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Jamie McGauley
Luke Gilbert Callum Singleton
John Cairns Colin Cooper
Glen Whittemore Dom Cooney
Adam Burns
Match 3
Schedule Race To 12
John Cairns Glen Whittemore
Jamie McGauley Dom Cooney
Colin Cooper Adam Burns
Callum Singleton Wayne Gardner
Luke Gilbert
Match 4
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner
Luke Gilbert Colin Cooper
Glen Whittemore Jamie McGauley
Dom Cooney Callum Singleton
Adam Burns John Cairns
Match 5
Schedule Race To 12
John Cairns Luke Gilbert
Colin Cooper Wayne Gardner
Callum Singleton Jamie McGauley
Dom Cooney
Adam Burns Glen Whittemore
Match 6
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner John Cairns
Luke Gilbert Adam Burns
Jamie McGauley
Glen Whittemore Callum Singleton
Dom Cooney Colin Cooper
Match 7
Schedule Race To 12
Luke Gilbert Glen Whittemore
John Cairns Dom Cooney
Colin Cooper Jamie McGauley
Callum Singleton
Adam Burns Wayne Gardner
Match 8
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Luke Gilbert
Jamie McGauley John Cairns
Glen Whittemore
Dom Cooney Adam Burns
Callum Singleton Colin Cooper
Match 9
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Glen Whittemore
Luke Gilbert Dom Cooney
John Cairns Callum Singleton
Colin Cooper
Adam Burns Jamie McGauley
Match 10
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Dom Cooney
Luke Gilbert Jamie McGauley
John Cairns
Glen Whittemore Colin Cooper
Adam Burns Callum Singleton
Match 11
Schedule Race To 12
Jamie McGauley Wayne Gardner
Dom Cooney Glen Whittemore
Colin Cooper John Cairns
Callum Singleton Luke Gilbert
Adam Burns
Match 12
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Callum Singleton
Luke Gilbert
Glen Whittemore John Cairns
Dom Cooney Jamie McGauley
Adam Burns Colin Cooper
Match 13
Schedule Race To 12
John Cairns Adam Burns
Jamie McGauley Glen Whittemore
Colin Cooper Luke Gilbert
Callum Singleton Dom Cooney
Wayne Gardner
Match 14
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Colin Cooper
Luke Gilbert John Cairns
Jamie McGauley Callum Singleton
Glen Whittemore Adam Burns
Dom Cooney
Match 15
Schedule Race To 12
John Cairns Wayne Gardner
Colin Cooper Dom Cooney
Callum Singleton Glen Whittemore
Jamie McGauley
Adam Burns Luke Gilbert
Match 16
Schedule Race To 12
Wayne Gardner Adam Burns
Jamie McGauley Colin Cooper
Glen Whittemore Luke Gilbert
Dom Cooney John Cairns
Callum Singleton
Match 17
Schedule Race To 12
Luke Gilbert Wayne Gardner
John Cairns Jamie McGauley
Colin Cooper Callum Singleton
Glen Whittemore
Adam Burns Dom Cooney
Match 18
Schedule Race To 12
Jamie McGauley Adam Burns
Glen Whittemore Wayne Gardner
Dom Cooney Luke Gilbert
Callum Singleton John Cairns
Colin Cooper