
By Grimsby, Cleethorpes & District Pool League
On Monday 23 October 2023 12:56


There have been several issues so far this season when it comes to filling in scorecards and so we would like to remind teams of the following information.

Both teams are to fill in the scorecard in full at the start of each half before play commences, with the away team filling in their side of the scorecard first. Scorecards are not to be filled in on a frame by frame basis. Any team found to be doing so will be docked the frames in question.

You can only make changes to the scorecard if there is a legitimate reason why the player originally selected to play a frame is unable to do so. You may not make changes for tactical reasons. Any team deemed to have made a change for tactical reasons will be docked the frame in question. You must also inform the captain of the opposing team should you need to make a change. If required, the opposing team captain will be allowed to make a change of their own in response to this. Any team failing to inform the opposing team captain will be docked the frame in question.

We would also like to remind teams that both team captains need to approve and submit the result at the end of the match. There are several teams who are failing to do this on a regular basis.