League Update - 22/10/2024

By Carl Ormesher
On Tuesday 22 October 2024 12:16

The new format and league has been up and running for a couple of weeks and most teams are up to speed with using the app and for the most part scores are being entered and updated correctly. There are still a few teams not completing this, however, and this needs to be completed at the start of every frame, both teams need to put players and have the result confirmed by the away captain. We are looking for a clean sweep next Monday and teams not completing the above will be contacted and asked why.

Bridge A v Starkies A (Abandoned fixture 14th October 2024)
This has now been dealt with and the game is scheduled to be replayed on or before 30th December 2024.

Football Card / Food
We have had a few reports that teams are not completing football cards to contribute to food. It is the captain’s responsibility for both teams to ensure that this happens. We will ask landlords and landladies to let the league know if this is not happening.

Knockout Draws
All singles and doubles draw are now available on the website and Facebook. Clear instructions on playing these games are given! Please ensure these are followed.