Straight knockout
All matches are played at MKSBL.
All rounds until quarters is race to 4
Quarters onwards is race to 5
No | Home | RaceTo 5 | Away | Match Code |
1 |
Jamie De Ste Croix
Grid City Alpha Cue
Gemma Osbourne
Sportmans Rest
LN3JWa |
2 |
Phil Start
Grid City Alpha Cue
Brad Dean
3 |
Dave Williams
MK Machines
Jimmy Wharton
mXNFZe |
4 |
Kieran Brennan
Grid City Alpha Cue
Micah Jackson
Grid City Alpha Cue
akVGfY |
5 |
Terry Taylor
Countryman Bullets
Dominic Tilley
Pav Allstars
aSkd67 |
6 |
Craig Atkins
Absolutely pavaletic
Paul Smith
Countryman Bullets
4YEQ4f |
7 |
George Millar
Countryman Bullets
Ryan Vincent
Pav Allstars
V27MfS |
8 |
Dan Morgan
Gary Darker
4VNcc9 |
9 |
Jason Fergusson
Sportmans Rest
Andre Bird
Absolutely pavaletic
ddP4fS |
10 |
Mani Defraitus
Sportmans Rest
Drew Evans
MK Machines
L6eEjY |
11 |
Ash Patni
Colin Gross
Countryman Bullets
N2e9m8 |
12 |
Chris Wells
Countryman Bullets
John Baker
Blacksmith Crew
4fbf95 |
13 |
Roger Buckingham
Sportmans Rest
Alex Dyson
Pav Allstars
56YUAg |
14 |
Sean Gourley
Stuart Douglas
Countryman Bullets
mD5GCX |
15 |
Lisa Reynolds
James OCarrol
Blacksmith Crew
kd7FTJ |
16 |
Maria Lewis
Joe Taylor
MK Machines
HbWY3c |
Played to BlackBall Rules
No match can be postponed, if you have a date clash then it must be played in advance