Handicapped Singles League Season 10

Entrants are divided into divisions. Each division has a chat group on messenger and arrange games at a time to suit them. You are required to play each person in your division once before the cut off date.

Each match consists of 15 frames. Every frame is a point. 

Each player has a handicap based on their ability. If the two players have a different handicap, the difference between the handicaps is added to the score of the higher handicap player at the end of the match. For example if an 8 handicap play a 6 handicap the difference is 2. At the end of the match, the person with the 8 handicap gets and extra 2 points added to their score. 

There will be enough time in the season for you to play an average of 1 match per week and still have a couple of weeks break. 

At the end of the season there is a finals day competetition for everyone in the league who has played all of their matches. This can be reviewed if there are unplayed matches due to no fault of the player. 

Entry Criteria

Entry subject to agreement by the organiser. Only enter if you believe you can play all of your games in the timescale provided. 


Played to international rules

No making up scores, if you are caught you'll be banned

No giving frames away so you don't have to play them. If you can't finish a match, continuing it on another day. 

Division 1
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Craig Cattigan 11 10 0 1 109 76 33 109
2 Clive Howe 11 8 3 0 101 80 21 101
3 Sam Dickinson 11 5 3 3 99 86 13 99
4 John Sharp 11 5 6 0 93 92 1 93
5 Thomas Bailllie 11 5 5 1 89 88 1 89
6 Steve Williams 11 7 4 0 88 87 1 88
7 Steven Parish 11 4 7 0 84 96 -12 84
8 Luke Clinton 11 4 5 2 82 93 -11 82
9 Josh Hatton 11 3 8 0 79 97 -18 79
10 David Mills 11 4 7 0 77 84 -7 77
11 Darren Fenner 11 4 6 1 76 86 -10 76
12 Glen Whittemore 11 3 8 0 67 79 -12 67
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 8
Steven Parish Darren Fenner
Sam Dickinson Steve Williams
Luke Clinton David Mills
John Sharp Glen Whittemore
Craig Cattigan
Clive Howe Josh Hatton
Match 2
Schedule Race To 8
Steve Williams Luke Clinton
Josh Hatton Sam Dickinson
Glen Whittemore Steven Parish
David Mills Craig Cattigan
Darren Fenner Clive Howe
Thomas Bailllie
Match 3
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie David Mills
Steven Parish John Sharp
Sam Dickinson Darren Fenner
Luke Clinton Josh Hatton
Craig Cattigan Steve Williams
Clive Howe Glen Whittemore
Match 4
Schedule Race To 8
Steve Williams Thomas Bailllie
Josh Hatton Craig Cattigan
John Sharp Clive Howe
Glen Whittemore Sam Dickinson
David Mills
Darren Fenner Luke Clinton
Match 5
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie Josh Hatton
Sam Dickinson John Sharp
Luke Clinton Glen Whittemore
Craig Cattigan Darren Fenner
Clive Howe Steven Parish
Steve Williams
Match 6
Schedule Race To 8
Steve Williams David Mills
Steven Parish Sam Dickinson
Josh Hatton
John Sharp Luke Clinton
Glen Whittemore Craig Cattigan
Darren Fenner Thomas Bailllie
Match 7
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie Glen Whittemore
Sam Dickinson Clive Howe
Luke Clinton Steven Parish
David Mills Josh Hatton
Craig Cattigan John Sharp
Darren Fenner
Match 8
Schedule Race To 8
Steven Parish Craig Cattigan
Josh Hatton Steve Williams
John Sharp Thomas Bailllie
Glen Whittemore
Darren Fenner David Mills
Clive Howe Luke Clinton
Match 9
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie Steven Parish
Steve Williams Darren Fenner
Luke Clinton Sam Dickinson
David Mills Glen Whittemore
Craig Cattigan Clive Howe
John Sharp
Match 10
Schedule Race To 8
Steven Parish
Sam Dickinson Craig Cattigan
John Sharp David Mills
Glen Whittemore Steve Williams
Darren Fenner Josh Hatton
Clive Howe Thomas Bailllie
Match 11
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie Sam Dickinson
Steve Williams John Sharp
Josh Hatton Glen Whittemore
David Mills Steven Parish
Craig Cattigan Luke Clinton
Clive Howe
Match 12
Schedule Race To 8
Steven Parish Steve Williams
Sam Dickinson
Luke Clinton Thomas Bailllie
John Sharp Josh Hatton
Glen Whittemore Darren Fenner
Clive Howe David Mills
Match 13
Schedule Race To 8
Thomas Bailllie Craig Cattigan
Steve Williams Clive Howe
Josh Hatton Steven Parish
David Mills Sam Dickinson
Darren Fenner John Sharp
Luke Clinton
Division 2
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Lauren Williams 10 5 4 1 92 75 17 92
2 Ray Walters 10 8 1 1 90 65 25 90
3 Wayne Potter 10 6 4 0 86 69 17 86
4 Tommy Bennison 10 5 2 3 85 73 12 85
5 Clint Smith 10 5 5 0 80 75 5 80
6 Dale Culley 10 3 5 2 79 76 3 79
7 Patrick Hendry 10 4 6 0 76 79 -3 76
8 Rhys Holland 10 5 4 1 76 82 -6 76
9 Alan Prowse 10 4 6 0 71 84 -13 71
10 Cheryl Dickinson HSL 10 3 6 1 65 90 -25 65
11 Joe Roberts 10 2 7 1 63 95 -32 63
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison
Rhys Holland
Ray Walters Patrick Hendry
Joe Roberts Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Dale Culley Clint Smith
Alan Prowse Wayne Potter
Match 2
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter Joe Roberts
Patrick Hendry Dale Culley
Clint Smith Alan Prowse
Cheryl Dickinson HSL Tommy Bennison
Lauren Williams
Rhys Holland
Match 3
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison Wayne Potter
Rhys Holland Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Lauren Williams
Joe Roberts Clint Smith
Dale Culley Ray Walters
Alan Prowse Patrick Hendry
Match 4
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter Rhys Holland
Ray Walters Alan Prowse
Patrick Hendry Joe Roberts
Clint Smith Tommy Bennison
Cheryl Dickinson HSL Lauren Williams
Match 5
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison Patrick Hendry
Rhys Holland Clint Smith
Lauren Williams Wayne Potter
Joe Roberts Ray Walters
Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Alan Prowse Dale Culley
Match 6
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter
Ray Walters Tommy Bennison
Patrick Hendry Rhys Holland
Dale Culley Joe Roberts
Clint Smith Lauren Williams
Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Match 7
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison Dale Culley
Rhys Holland Ray Walters
Lauren Williams Patrick Hendry
Joe Roberts Alan Prowse
Clint Smith
Wayne Potter
Match 8
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Ray Walters Lauren Williams
Patrick Hendry
Dale Culley Rhys Holland
Clint Smith
Alan Prowse Tommy Bennison
Match 9
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison Joe Roberts
Rhys Holland Alan Prowse
Lauren Williams Dale Culley
Cheryl Dickinson HSL Clint Smith
Ray Walters
Patrick Hendry
Match 10
Schedule Race To 8
Ray Walters
Patrick Hendry Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Joe Roberts Rhys Holland
Dale Culley
Clint Smith Wayne Potter
Alan Prowse Lauren Williams
Match 11
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter Patrick Hendry
Rhys Holland Tommy Bennison
Lauren Williams Joe Roberts
Cheryl Dickinson HSL Ray Walters
Alan Prowse
Dale Culley
Match 12
Schedule Race To 8
Tommy Bennison Lauren Williams
Ray Walters Wayne Potter
Patrick Hendry Clint Smith
Joe Roberts
Dale Culley Cheryl Dickinson HSL
Alan Prowse
Match 13
Schedule Race To 8
Wayne Potter Dale Culley
Lauren Williams Rhys Holland
Clint Smith Ray Walters
Cheryl Dickinson HSL Alan Prowse
Tommy Bennison
Joe Roberts
Division 3
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Dave Ashton 11 9 1 1 101 73 28 101
2 ian wiggins 11 8 2 1 99 75 24 99
3 Colleen O’Donnell 11 6 3 2 99 75 24 99
4 Mark Clayson 11 6 5 0 99 81 18 99
5 Ronnie Couzens 11 5 5 1 93 81 12 93
6 Jamie Parker 11 4 4 3 91 83 8 91
7 Scott Rose 11 5 6 0 90 84 6 90
8 Sean Britchford 11 5 5 1 87 87 0 87
9 Joe Saunders 11 6 5 0 80 94 -14 80
10 Garry Ellis 11 2 8 1 73 107 -34 73
11 Edd Heenan 11 2 7 2 72 102 -30 72
12 Dave Macintosh 11 1 8 2 69 111 -42 69
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford Garry Ellis
Scott Rose Joe Saunders
Jamie Parker Dave Macintosh
ian wiggins Ronnie Couzens
Colleen O’Donnell Mark Clayson
Edd Heenan
Match 2
Schedule Race To 8
Ronnie Couzens Scott Rose
Mark Clayson Jamie Parker
Joe Saunders Dave Ashton
Garry Ellis ian wiggins
Edd Heenan Colleen O’Donnell
Dave Macintosh Sean Britchford
Match 3
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford Mark Clayson
Scott Rose Garry Ellis
Jamie Parker Edd Heenan
ian wiggins Dave Macintosh
Dave Ashton Ronnie Couzens
Colleen O’Donnell
Match 4
Schedule Race To 8
Ronnie Couzens Joe Saunders
Mark Clayson ian wiggins
Garry Ellis Dave Ashton
Edd Heenan Sean Britchford
Dave Macintosh Scott Rose
Jamie Parker
Match 5
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford
Scott Rose Mark Clayson
Joe Saunders Garry Ellis
Jamie Parker Colleen O’Donnell
ian wiggins Edd Heenan
Dave Ashton Dave Macintosh
Match 6
Schedule Race To 8
Mark Clayson Dave Ashton
Garry Ellis Ronnie Couzens
Edd Heenan Scott Rose
Dave Macintosh Joe Saunders
Colleen O’Donnell Sean Britchford
ian wiggins
Match 7
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford Jamie Parker
Scott Rose
Ronnie Couzens Dave Macintosh
Joe Saunders Mark Clayson
ian wiggins Colleen O’Donnell
Dave Ashton Edd Heenan
Match 8
Schedule Race To 8
Mark Clayson Ronnie Couzens
Jamie Parker ian wiggins
Edd Heenan Joe Saunders
Dave Macintosh Garry Ellis
Colleen O’Donnell Scott Rose
Dave Ashton
Match 9
Schedule Race To 8
Scott Rose Jamie Parker
Ronnie Couzens Edd Heenan
Joe Saunders
ian wiggins Sean Britchford
Garry Ellis Mark Clayson
Dave Ashton Colleen O’Donnell
Match 10
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford Scott Rose
Mark Clayson Dave Macintosh
Jamie Parker Dave Ashton
Edd Heenan Garry Ellis
Colleen O’Donnell Joe Saunders
Ronnie Couzens
Match 11
Schedule Race To 8
Scott Rose ian wiggins
Ronnie Couzens Colleen O’Donnell
Joe Saunders Jamie Parker
Garry Ellis
Dave Macintosh Edd Heenan
Dave Ashton Sean Britchford
Match 12
Schedule Race To 8
Sean Britchford Joe Saunders
Jamie Parker Ronnie Couzens
ian wiggins Dave Ashton
Edd Heenan Mark Clayson
Colleen O’Donnell Garry Ellis
Dave Macintosh
Match 13
Schedule Race To 8
Ronnie Couzens Sean Britchford
Mark Clayson
Joe Saunders ian wiggins
Garry Ellis Jamie Parker
Dave Macintosh Colleen O’Donnell
Dave Ashton Scott Rose
Division 4
Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Letetia Wells 10 8 1 1 104 63 41 104
2 Liam Sharp 10 6 3 1 96 70 26 96
3 Beres Edmonds 10 6 3 1 93 73 20 93
4 Daniel Harvey 10 6 3 1 92 74 18 92
5 Ollie Embra 10 5 5 0 90 73 17 90
6 Hedley Brown 10 5 4 1 87 79 8 87
7 Charlotte Stacey-Batten 10 5 3 2 83 80 3 83
8 Michala Murray 10 4 5 1 83 81 2 83
9 Katie Reynolds 10 2 7 1 75 92 -17 75
10 Tamara Leitch 10 3 6 1 72 95 -23 72
11 Steph Hostler 10 0 10 0 36 131 -95 36
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Match 1
Schedule Race To 8
Ollie Embra Tamara Leitch
Michala Murray Letetia Wells
Liam Sharp
Daniel Harvey Hedley Brown
Charlotte Stacey-Batten Katie Reynolds
Beres Edmonds Steph Hostler
Match 2
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch Beres Edmonds
Steph Hostler Daniel Harvey
Letetia Wells Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Katie Reynolds Ollie Embra
Hedley Brown Liam Sharp
Michala Murray
Match 3
Schedule Race To 8
Ollie Embra Letetia Wells
Liam Sharp Steph Hostler
Hedley Brown
Daniel Harvey Tamara Leitch
Charlotte Stacey-Batten Michala Murray
Beres Edmonds Katie Reynolds
Match 4
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch Liam Sharp
Steph Hostler Hedley Brown
Michala Murray Ollie Embra
Letetia Wells Beres Edmonds
Katie Reynolds Daniel Harvey
Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Match 5
Schedule Race To 8
Steph Hostler
Ollie Embra Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Liam Sharp Katie Reynolds
Hedley Brown Tamara Leitch
Daniel Harvey Letetia Wells
Beres Edmonds Michala Murray
Match 6
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch Steph Hostler
Michala Murray Daniel Harvey
Letetia Wells Liam Sharp
Katie Reynolds Hedley Brown
Charlotte Stacey-Batten Beres Edmonds
Ollie Embra
Match 7
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch
Steph Hostler Katie Reynolds
Liam Sharp Michala Murray
Hedley Brown Letetia Wells
Daniel Harvey Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Beres Edmonds Ollie Embra
Match 8
Schedule Race To 8
Ollie Embra Daniel Harvey
Michala Murray Hedley Brown
Letetia Wells Steph Hostler
Katie Reynolds Tamara Leitch
Charlotte Stacey-Batten Liam Sharp
Beres Edmonds
Match 9
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch Letetia Wells
Steph Hostler Michala Murray
Liam Sharp Ollie Embra
Katie Reynolds
Hedley Brown Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Daniel Harvey Beres Edmonds
Match 10
Schedule Race To 8
Ollie Embra Hedley Brown
Michala Murray Tamara Leitch
Letetia Wells Katie Reynolds
Charlotte Stacey-Batten Steph Hostler
Daniel Harvey
Beres Edmonds Liam Sharp
Match 11
Schedule Race To 8
Tamara Leitch Charlotte Stacey-Batten
Steph Hostler Ollie Embra
Liam Sharp Daniel Harvey
Letetia Wells
Katie Reynolds Michala Murray
Hedley Brown Beres Edmonds