Cowes & District Pool League Competition Draw Sheet
Threes | Round 2
View Full Competition Detail
Matches to be played by Sunday 31 December 2023
Competition scores can be submitted using the App. Search "RackEmApp" in the App Store or Google Play to download the app. If you have an account, login and use the menu for "My Matches". if you don't have an account, press the Access Scoreboard button and enter the match code from the sheet below. Match Codes are CASE SENSITIVE. Click here for more information about the scoreboard
Keep the score up to date as you play. Only one player needs to maintain the score, but please ensure scores are agreed.

Leg 1

By Sunday 31 December 2023
No Home RaceTo 10 Away Match Code
Daniel Petersen
East Cowes Lib B
Ryan Hutton
East Cowes Lib B
Louis Arnold
East Cowes Lib B
Trevor Jones
Travellers B
Shaun Johnstone
Travellers B
Tom Rudge
Travellers B
Jack Greenen
Newport Social A
Leigh Sibbick
Newport Social A
Dan Barnett
Newport Social A
Chris Brien
Ronnies Rebels (R)
Dan Bird
Ronnies Rebels (R)
Jay Reynolds
Hogshead Hornets
Matt Gulliver
Ronnies J
Ronnie Keates
Ronnies J
Chris Renouf
Ronnies J
Martin Quick
Newport Social A
David Strickland
Newport Social A
Steve Greenen
Newport Social A
Ash Goldsmith
Newport Social B
Mark Tuckwell
Newport Social B
Tom Roscoe
Newport Social B
Brendan Arnold
Vectis Boomers
Jonny Mayes
Vectis Boomers
Martyn Raggett
Vectis C
James McEnery
Ronnies A
Keith Drummond
Ronnies A
Joe Stevens
Ronnies A
Rocket Ronnies
Table 1
Sun 31 Dec 2023 | 00:00
Kev Mabey
Ronnies J
Mark White
Ronnies J
Dan Norris
Ronnies J
Jack Williams
Ronnies G
Tom Martindale
Ronnies G
Ritchie Mayes
Ronnies G
Rocket Ronnies
Table 5
Sun 31 Dec 2023 | 00:00
Kane Gavin
Camphill B
Brandon Frost-Jones
Camphill B
Ian Knight
Camphill B
James Mackenzie
Vectis C
Todd Barney
Vectis C
Jake Larkins
Vectis C
Southern Vectis Social Club
Table 2
Sun 31 Dec 2023 | 00:00
Steve Brett
Camphill C
Ivor King
Camphill C
Steve Parker
Camphill C
Shane Chessell
Ronnies A
Graham Stevens
Ronnies A
James Bradshaw
Ronnies A
Connor Davison
Ronnies G
Nick Lee
Ronnies G
Danny Williams
Ronnies G

Leg 2

By Monday 01 January 0001