Barnstaple and District Pool League Competition Draw Sheet
Triples | Semi Finals
View Full Competition Detail
Matches to be played by Monday 22 May 2023

Open to all league Players male or female

Competition scores can be submitted using the App. Search "RackEmApp" in the App Store or Google Play to download the app. If you have an account, login and use the menu for "My Matches". if you don't have an account, press the Access Scoreboard button and enter the match code from the sheet below. Match Codes are CASE SENSITIVE. Click here for more information about the scoreboard
Keep the score up to date as you play. Only one player needs to maintain the score, but please ensure scores are agreed.

Leg 1

By Monday 22 May 2023
No Home RaceTo 0 Away Match Code
Ross Maynard
Braunton Baize
Paul Reed
Braunton Baize
Paul Standen
Braunton Baize
Ian Roberts
Braunton Baize
Conor Billett
The Beastly boys
Dave Miller
The Beastly boys
Kevin Stuckey
The Beastly boys
John Gaydon
The Beastly boys
Brett Williams
Break the Pack
Mark Gilfillan
Break the Pack
Martin Phillpotts
Break the Pack
Magnus Ritzen
Break the Pack
Peter Alexander
Braunton Baize
Dale Kiff
Braunton Baize
Neil Ridd
Braunton Baize
Neil Petherbridge
Braunton Baize

Leg 2

By Monday 01 January 0001

Order for home stays 1,2,3 for all sections. Order for away is 1,2,3 for 1st section, 2,3,1 for 2nd section and 3,1,2 for 3rd section